Redefining what is 'COOL'


This is for those that are able to get out and talk to people albeit not as 'cool', calm and collected as you would like due to SA ...

Doesn't anybody ever think that society's definition of 'COOL' just doesn't work for most of us? I mean think about it. If you were really accepted and liked by these people you are so desperately wanting to be liked by, do you really think you'd want to hang?

I mean, sure it looks totally fun from the outside 'watching' people laugh, hug, be close (at least on the outside it looks like they are close)... but if you were in that group, the group mentality takes over and you are now not yourself anymore, but at the mercy of the group. Does this make you truly happy?

I personally think that those of us wishing to 'be normal' are just not realizing that they deep down don't really want to be normal after all. Maybe SA is a deep down way of telling us that we really hate 'normal'.

I for one need strength in my uniquness here. Let's redefine what is cool..


Well-known member
i dont think normal=cool.actually i dont think there is anyone normal anywere.everyone has something...different!even when u see someone happy and smiling all day and pretend that have no problems..well i think thats fake.i've seen a lot of 'cool' and happy ppl ending up drink addicts or taking drugs or commeting suicides.this means that something is wrong
I don't know what cool is. Like I was uncool before uncool was cool. It always changes. I also think people think of it differently. And man I don't wanna be 'normal', I'm not normal, I just don't wanna be a brick.