

I have these amazingly annoying rituals I need to do.

Every time I think something I deem unsutible I have to breath it and out or give myself the ever loved slap.

So I was wondering if anyone else has or has had similar things and if so could anyone tell me how I could rid myself of them.


New member
One of my rituals is when i go to eat lunch in the cafeteria at my school, I cant sit at the left edge, because the ritual is I have to switch the chair or the seat im sitting at with the one to the left me, regardless of anything. Its really bad when someone is sitting to the left and wont relenquish their seat because they think the reason why I want to trade is because mine is defective.


I feel the need to do compulsions all the time, I get obsessions whenever something weird or uncommon happens I always relate it to the thing I was thinking of at the time in a negative way, I usually have to repeat thoughts to myself when it happens, this happens pretty much when I do anything but its harder to get over when its weird things.

One of my most frequent compulsion is when I think or say a word that makes me anxious, I gotta use a certain phrase as many times until i feel calm.

For me, I feel over protective about everything in my life, if I don't do the compulsion I fear something bad happening or tainting something, I always get the "things don't feel right" sorta feeling.
If I remind myself that the obsessions are not the truth not phrasing it as a compulsion, just feeling it, and not caring about worrying over it, I always know theres hope, and I feel better.

The obsessions are just obsessions, don't give into it no matter how hard it is, stay positive and move on.


Okay I'm just discovering all this stuff about me
but it's been going on for about 2 years really bad.
Some of my rituals are things I have to say in my head a certain number of times, and in a certain order.
Certain breathing patterns that I have to complete, and when I accidentally brush up against something with one part of my body I have to do it with the other part (like other arm for example) or I don't feel equal.
I also often think something that I feel uncomfortable about and have to balance or neautralize it with the opposite thought many times till I feel okay.
I also imagine a good and bad scenario for almost everything and mentally put a green check mark on the good and a red X on the bad. Then I mentally destroy the bad.
It's horrible because I feel like if I don't do it the bad will come true, or it will somehow jinx it. If i don't do my rituals when I get he impulse to do them I can't stop thinking about them, and I feel extremely uncomfortable, unstable, scared and unsafe.
Hope this helps someone
I's so hard going through this stuff, just know that no matter how horrible your thoughts are or how crazy you think people will think you are, your not alone.
It's all just part of the OCD.
god I hate that lable
good luck!