robinul and headaches


New member
i just started taking robinul for my facial sweating. It's worked wonders. I've noticed results the first day i took them. I started with 2mg in the morning. But i had a throbbing headache all day and extreme dry mouth and I felt my nose was dry too. The next day i cut the pill in half and took 1mg. it lasted all day. But I still had the headache. Any suggestions to relieve my headaches? I'm also drinkin a lot of water throughout the day.


Well-known member
I had headaches when using similar medications as well. I used it for hand and feet sweating so I was on 4-6mg/day. Perhaps you will only experience this side-effect initially since you are on a low dosage. Don't think drinking a lot of water will help.

I stopped using the medication cause of the side-effects (mainly tiredness, but also headaches). I was on it for 4 years though, and it offered great relief during that time.