Rock Bottom, help me climb my way out.


So recently I've had many problems going on, I'm Worried about
my future, I was arrested a few months ago and for punishment I was put on probation, I am to complete 80 hrs of community service pay my $5 ,000 fine, and stay in school. But lately I clearly noticed its going to be toughest sturggle ill have to live through.

1. school- I'm so anxious I cant do hw longer thn 20 min,
I fail to complete my work I havent done any hw for about 2 months.
I don't know how im still in school (guess my teacher is just being nice)
beacuse im supose to turn in 2 pakect of work a week to stay enrolled.
I've only truned in 1 this month (should have 4 by now).
I'm on the edge of getting kicked form that school, If I do get kicked out,
it will count as a probation violation, which will give the state the right to take the very few rights that I have left and put me behind bars
I'm about to turn 18 so its not juvi ill be headed to.

2.Community Service- I was doing this at the local chruch
(only got 18 hrs done) before i was told that they couldnt give me any other work, I think its because I mentioned I wasn't religious and I was always nervous, at times they thought I was up to something and would watch me closely which maid me explode inside my head. Nowi cant complete my service for free it cost $75 to do it with the city.
And those $75 lead to my next problem.

3.Money- I was told i was to start paying my fine 2 months ago,
they wanted at least $100 per month ( I haven't even held $20 in the past 4 months! ) Its impossible for me to get a job. My parents dont have that type of money. In fact they are planning on moving back to Mexico cause we cant make it here. I have no resources for cash. What am I to do?

I feel like its SAD, its my curse, I fail to live a normal life cause of this, I cant even pay for my mistakes cause of it.

i recently went to my doctor and he prescribed lexapro and diazepan to help me but that doesn't solve my problems really.

All this shit just makes me wanna commit more crimes and rob banks n things of such. I have a feeling I'm not gonna be able to complete any of it within 2 months which is my deadline.
and if I get arrested what am i to do from there?
I'm afraid if i go in i wont come out either alive or for a very long time.

I'm ready to leave this planet, fuck this Earth send me to another,
I hate it here goddammit!! :twisted: