Routine being disturbed..


Well-known member
I had my day planned at work. I got tasked to do a job which disrupted my plans hence I rushed the task, made a few errors which won't cause problems but I'm not good at adapting to changes.. I get annoyed for being asked to do them (bizarre I know) then I rush and make errors. Can't seem to react in any other way..
I'm "change-averse". I absolutely HATE changes in general. It sends my anxiety sky-rocketing. At times i can get angry at others, esp if the change is sudden/unexpected. Usually i need to the grog hard after changes, to handle it.


Well-known member
I think it's an autistic trait to not be well adaptable to routine and social changes.

I have it too. Whenever my day doesn't go as planned I get massive anxiety, make mistakes, become very rigid etc. For example when I unexpectedly have to train new colleagues at work. Also meeting new people. New group dynamics.

It makes me notice how rigid and stagnant my thinking can become. I think it's good and therapeuthic though to step outside one's comfort zone. I definately notice some improvements each time in how well I can react to changes in routine.