SA and college


Active member
has anyone here not gone to college because of SA? everyone i have known or talked to that goes to college has to do presentations/talk in front of the class. i am completely unable to do that and even though my marks are good enough to go to university, i don't even know if i can. :S i'm really scared my life is just going to turn into nothing after high school. the idea of graduation seriously scares the **** out of me as it is and then after that... i just have no idea whats going to happen. i want to get a degree in psychology and i want to live my life but i feel like those opportunities have been taken from me with SA. i also think my friends and family are going to be so disappointed and judge me for "wasting my life." im just so scared! :/
Yes, I dropped out of college partly because I felt unable to do a presentation; it stopped me attending English classes. Even though it is terrifying to think of talking in front of the class, I would encourage you to enlist some help and give it a go. This is a very common issue with students. Maybe see a psychologist or similar to coach you through it? It is possible for that terror to fade with practice. :)


Well-known member
I tried college but being in those social situations was so hard and I ended up truanting all the time.
In the end I was kicked out for it which was hard because I was starting to see some changes in me (very small ones but they were big for me, like being able to say hi back to people).
When I had my meeting to be kicked out, the head of the college called me a loser. Like he actually said, 'You are a loser'. Hence I never even tried to go back to college.
i just made it.. it took me a long time. my school was big and you could blend in without talking to anyone, if you wanted. Sometimes, I would have friends in class but not very often. no one else did either for the most part.

i made some seriously emberssing presentations but... i made it.

I mean, sometimes, it was just me rambling. had it all planned out but yeah.. nothing.. just blah

they teachers know who is nervous, and will not be too harsh normally. i wont say it was easy at all and that it wont be dang hard. espcialy on the first day of classes but you can do it.. i took as many online and ITV classes as i could at the community college, then worked my way up..

i force myself through things, never went to see the teacher and had serious trouble taking tests or getting papers back. when people talked to me, it freaked me out..

but it got better. my GPA suffered because i was so disconnected but i did it..

youll never know if you dont try.. oh and EVERYONE is lost at first..


I ****ing hate college so much, the only thing I like about college is the learning. I want to get my degree though so dropping out is not an option. Online classes is an option however, it takes all that **** away I have to deal with being on campus and around annoying people, I learn better when I am studying on my own anyway.