Selling R.A. Fischer MD-1a


Hey Guys,

I'm selling an R.A. Fischer MD-1a. I do not need it anymore, and it is in perfect working order. If you go onto Fischer's website, the MD-1a is listed at $675.00. Because I have used this unit, I will be happy to sell it for $500.00 ($175.00 less). I prefer to use paypal. Respond to this thread or email me at [email protected]. Thanks!

P.S. Here is the R.A. Fischer website so you can see the current price.


New member

Can I ask why you don't need it anymore? I'm looking to buy one, but wanted to know more about it. Did it work for you? Did your hands/feet sweat a lot?


i have always had sweaty hands and feet, but only the hands bothered me. the fischer unit virtually dried up my hands (i only need to use it about once a week) and they don't sweat when i'm nervous or when i think about my hands sweating. the main reason i'm selling it is because i really need the money right now, but the other reason is because i'm currently taking robinul. although my hands are sweating more without treatment, i sweat less overall (less underarm/facial/feet sweating) with robinul. hope this helps.