Should we take revenge?

The best revenge is living well. Karma will get to the people who knowingly cause others to suffer. It's best to forgive everyone including ourselves.


Well-known member
I'm all for revenge. I don't believe in "karma" or any crap like that.....the only way people will get what they deserve is if you make sure that they do.
And I dont see how some people can be so forgiving...people for the most part, are heartless bastards who don't care about anyone but themselves. How can you forgive somebody who can't even say they're sorry? How can you forgive somebody who doesnt even care about you? I can't. And I wont.


Well-known member
The time for revenge has passed and it would only make you look like a vindictive person anyway. What you need to do is just tell yourself that you will match her at her own game if she tries that shit again.


Well-known member
I know what you mean. I think the dilemma of "doing and not doing" is what really damages bully victims. Should I hit them or let them go like Jesus Christ? I don't think that there is an easy answer. The ideal situation would have been to have hit them then, when they did those things. But maybe you weren't confident enough or strong enough. Maybe there was a whole group attacking you. So you didn't do anything.

All I can say is whatever you do, don't take out all your frustration on innocent people. That would just be terrible.