Shy in Cali


Well-known member
I was a bit hesitant bout posting here, but I thought it would help a bit to express myself. Well anyways, I've always been shy even as a little child. I've tried to shake it off my whole life. It doesn't matter what I have. Good looks, a beautiful gf, a nice job, a cool car... That doesn't matter If Im in a social phobic prison the whole time. I think its maybe genetic, i dont know.

Im a college student in my sophomore year, but can't seem to get past that. College terrifies me more than anything. Just thinking about sitting in class gets me worked up. I just sit there in class all sweaty, thinking about what the others think. And this makes the sweating continue... :evil:
The whole thing is like a vicious cycle.

The only time I can be calm in class is if I'm buzzing on alcohol. I don't like the way thats headed...

I know there is a great person inside of me, and I cant wait to be free to roam the world.

Now, Im seeking professional help. Going to go to a shrink and get some meds. So any help on the medication would help. I was on zoloft a while back, but that was bullshit. Didn't do anything.

Thank for listening.


Well-known member

I have had a little social anxiety my whole life, but it really got bad my first year of college. It was so bad I dropped out. I somewhat regret it. I got some Xanax XR and now I'm back in college and it really calms me down and I can function fine all day. See a psychiatrist and ask for some Xanax or Klonopin. It pretty much works on the same chemicals in your brain that alcohol does and has the same effect except you don't get drunk. It may slow your thinking a little and make your somewhat tired, but it really helps anxiety. Getting off benzos can be really tough though. Your body gets physically addicted to them, but some people need them to function. For the long-term, consider psychotherapy. This may help eventually, but it takes awhile. Benzos are pretty much instant relief, but they just mask the problem.


Well-known member
Thanks for the reply.
Well I don't want to mask my problems.
Im just looking for a tool to ease my pain, until I can overcome it.


Well-known member
Well, the doc gave me Provagil (for narcalepsy?wtf?), Paxil and Xanax. Well, I used the Provagil first with the paxil, which I was told woud kick in in about a week. Provagil is a strange drug. Its quite new and it helps you concentrate. Its good for daily routine stuff, but not as good as Xanax. And it is ridiculously expensive. Each pill is like $12.

Anyways, I went to class last night on Xanax. I was the center of attention the whole day! Cracking everyone up, including the Professor. Man I was on fire! Couldve even got up and taught the class at this point haha.

but... the last 10 minutes of class we were supposed to do introductions, and at this point I felt the medication wearing off. So I think it was a little embarrassing, my voice wasnt steady plus my legs were shaking.

Wow all that work for nothing huh? Well atleast Im taking it step by step.

Thanks for recommending that Xanax. How much of it can I take daily? The doc said the withdrawal is not so bad. Plus i can just blaze to get that over with :D


Well-known member
PhantomSSR said:
Well, the doc gave me Provagil (for narcalepsy?wtf?), Paxil and Xanax. Well, I used the Provagil first with the paxil, which I was told woud kick in in about a week. Provagil is a strange drug. Its quite new and it helps you concentrate. Its good for daily routine stuff, but not as good as Xanax. And it is ridiculously expensive. Each pill is like $12.

Anyways, I went to class last night on Xanax. I was the center of attention the whole day! Cracking everyone up, including the Professor. Man I was on fire! Couldve even got up and taught the class at this point haha.

but... the last 10 minutes of class we were supposed to do introductions, and at this point I felt the medication wearing off. So I think it was a little embarrassing, my voice wasnt steady plus my legs were shaking.

Wow all that work for nothing huh? Well atleast Im taking it step by step.

Thanks for recommending that Xanax. How much of it can I take daily? The doc said the withdrawal is not so bad. Plus i can just blaze to get that over with :D

Good to hear that Xanax helped you. Try to get the XR version, which is gradually released throughout the day. It works all day! That is what "really" helped me. Xanax and Klonopin etc will wear off too fast. Only thing is, it will knock you out somewhat all day too, but this might wear off eventually. It did for me. They have a generic version of it now called Alprozolam XR. I only pay $10 with insurance for a month's supply, 30 pills.


Well-known member
PhantomSSR said:
Do you know if I can take another Xanax after those 4 hours? Would I OD or anything?


Yeah you can, but I would get the Xanax XR if you want all day or long term relief for a constant level of the medicine in your system, hassle free. What dose are you taking now? How many milligrams? You can also take a larger dose at once, like 2 pills or 1 and a half or something. Work your way up gradually till you find the smallest amount that works for you. You should probably talk to your doctor about it, but you should be fine. Before I got Xanax XR, I used as much Klonopin as I thought the situation would need. I really increased the dose when I went to the dentist and stuff. It worked fairly well, but not well enough for long term relief in social situations like school.

Anxiety Disorders and Transient Symptoms of Anxiety

Treatment for patients with anxiety should be initiated with a dose of 0.25 to 0.5 mg given 3 times daily. The dose may be increased to achieve a maximum therapeutic effect, at intervals of 3 to 4 days, to a maximum daily dose of 4 mg, given in divided doses. The lowest possible effective dose should be employed and the need for continued treatment reassessed frequently. The risk of dependence may increase with dose and duration of treatment.

In elderly patients, in patients with advanced liver disease or in patients with debilitating disease, the usual starting dose is 0.25 mg, given 2 or 3 times daily. This may be gradually increased if needed and tolerated. The elderly may be especially sensitive to the effects of benzodiazepines.

If side effects occur at the recommended starting dose, the dose may be lowered.

In all patients, dosage should be reduced gradually when discontinuing therapy or when decreasing the daily dosage. Although there are no systematically collected data to support a specific discontinuation schedule, it is suggested that the daily dosage be decreased by no more than 0.5 mg every 3 days. Some patients may require an even slower dosage reduction.


Well-known member
I take .5. Would taking two make it last longer? Or can I have one a couple hours after I have the first one?

I'm going to get this XR one it sounds good, but i got 60 of these damn regular ones to use first.

Thanks man, I really appreciate your help on this.