So its close to Christmas


Well-known member
So..its close to Christmas..are you guys allready in the spirit yet? Doing anything special? attending parties or visiting relatives and friends?.. buying gifts? personally I am not in the spirit yet, this year feels like so empty. I dont have any one to buy gifts for and nobody is going to buy me gifts. I am not going to attend parties or visit relatives. Just going to hang out by my self and watch Its just another quiet year for me.


Well-known member
I'm really looking forward to a break from work. I have a few running races on to look forward to. More time to be able to train. I'm not really focused on the gift giving side of it.


Pirate from the North Pole
Well here's my plans... I'm going to panic over my upcoming work christmas party until it arrives, then I'm going to die, and unfortunately resuscitate, then I'm going to panic about the upcoming gossipping about the christmas party, then I'm going to spend the last days at work thinking that everyone is talking in my back, and finally I'm going to leave on holidays thinking that I'm going to get a call saying that I'm not coming back after christmas because I SUCK. Then I'm going to try to enjoy the family dinner and couple of parties that should be less pressure for me than anything work related. No I'm not really in the spirit yet o_O


Well-known member
I love Christmas but I am finding it hard to be my normal self lately, feel so down that it's hard to be even though I am still a little excited it's nothing like I was last year and I feel so alone it's horrible but I am hoping when I stop work and spend time with friends and relax that might change a bit.


Active member
Christmas is my favourite time of the year. But the last 2 haven't been so great so i'm really gonna make this one a good one.

It's the same thing every year. But i do love watching the Christmas specials of all my favourite shows.

Remember you can always buy a present for yourself. I know some of you might think that's stupid. But if i'm ordering CDs or DVDs this close to Christmas when they arrive i like to wrap them up and put them from my Cat :)

And if you are alone for Christmas decorate your place. Even if it's just a few bits of tinsel or a little tree. And do things that bring a smile to your face. :)

I hope you all have a happy one this year.

D. x


Well-known member
I like to wrap them up and put them from my Cat :)

Ahahaha! Awesome, that made me giggle a bit. I kinda do that sometimes, when I bought a PS3 a few years ago near Christmas my parents didn't spend that much on me so I paid the rest of it then give them it to give to me for Christmas, I'm a big daft kid when it comes to wrapping presents and opening them lol.

Happy Christmas to you too and everyone else!


Well-known member
I'm definitely not in the spirit yet. Was a little bit last weekend when I went to my aunt's to wrap her presents for her and then went to a holiday festival that night with my mom. I was hoping after last weekend the feeling would've stayed, but my whole brain and mood has been bogged down from studying for finals and getting over being sick. I give myself until Wednesday or Thursday. The minute I'm out of here, I'm sure I'll be in the holiday spirit.
I'm not getting in the Christmas spirit, I'm getting in the ''a-buck-load-off-days-from-work''-spirit. :D <3

The holidays are merely a perk for me! ::p:


Well-known member
Kind of. I want it to come and pass. Then I like the spirit of giving gifts. So I have been trying to sell my books, baby sit an extraday. I only make enough money to pay for my phone so this month it went off. It is a hate love relationship with Christmas. I do love the romantic view of all of the lights though.


Well-known member
Remember you can always buy a present for yourself. I know some of you might think that's stupid. But if i'm ordering CDs or DVDs this close to Christmas when they arrive i like to wrap them up and put them from my Cat :)

Hehe! I do the same thing but make them from "The Universe". Thinking "the universe wants me to have this" has some interesting spiritual ramifications, if you're in to that sort of thing. :)


Well-known member
Last year's Christmas was really awful for me. This year, I don't even have to leave home except to go in to work for a few hours. That will be sooooo lovely.


I am not going to attend parties or visit relatives. Just going to hang out by my self and watch Its just another quiet year for me.

Please visit your relatives! I know how it is not wanting to make the effort, but with things like Christmas I think you'll be much better off if you see those people, it's a family holiday after all!

As for me, I always try to get as much Christmas spirit into that one month as possible. I'm in college and I bought a fake Christmas tree and poinsettias. Every time the TV's left on as background music I make sure it's on a channel that's airing a Christmas music (keep up with the program, ABC Family, Harry Potter is NOT a Christmas movie.)
As for presents, I found some cute clothes at Urban Outfitters... and then a week later I found out the CEO of Urban Outfitters funded Anti-Gay Legislature and decided to never buy anything from them again. Sad story, I know.


Well-known member
No parties.
Some visiting of family members. There've been quite a few deaths in either side of the family that I feel it's my obligation to see everyone incase more drop dead.
Y'know... stuff.
I'll be making alot of fancy dinners... free labor in the place of gifts because I have zero income and everyone expects 'things' for this... holiday thing.

I might see a friend. Probably won't though... so it'll be myself and lots of old people for the holidays - just the way I like it.


New member
I hate this part of the year...the Christams tree...decorations....well,decorations on other people houses's,I know I'll hate that...
I didn't let my family get a tree last year and I will do everything in my power no to allow one this year either.
I think I'll blow my brains if I hear one more time Wham's ''Last Christams''.......


Hie yer hence from me heath!
I'm not really that bothered about Christmas this year. To be honest, I hate it! Every year my mum saysthe same thing, that she not going to bother the following year. But inevitably ends up doing so, because of the rest of the family. And socializing with family is always awkward and forced, on my part. Mostly because we have little in common, aside from being related.

The next 2 weeks are gonna be hell for me.

I think I'll just hang out by myself, and watch those DVD boxsets of The Simpsons - Seasons 1-9 I bought myself earlier this year.
I love x-mas! I'm already in the spirit, kinda. I will celebrite it with family and can't wait. It's always something special to me. I'm at my parents house now and they just bought a real x-mas tree, the smell is SO good<3. I'm looking forward to watch LOTS of movies, looking at decorated houses and my parents livingroom, eat tasty food and to buy some decoration for my own room::p:::p:


Well-known member
Bought the presents earlier. It's the same every year really. Buy a dvd and something random for dad. A cd and something random for brother. A dvd and something elephant related for mum. And that's it.

I can't even be bothered to ask for anything this year, i told my parents to just donate whatever money they were going to spend, but they insist on still spending some of it on me so I have to find about £30 worth of stuff that I don't really want.