Social Anxiety makes me feel Worthless

Bustn Justin

Well-known member
I have been suffering from SA and depression for many years and now that I am 30 I look at how it has held me back.

When I was younger I would try different things like drama, radio, and even put in effort into sports in gym class but have been made fun of it for it so I just gave up on extra curricular activities.

I developed the mentality that why should I try out a new hobby or go to an event since I just be made fun of. In grade 12 and in university I would just go to class, work, and the rest of the time just chill out by myself on the computer or listen to music with my headphones on.
After that point I never expressed myslf through any means.

Now that I have finished my education, I find myself more isolated since I just have work and just go home and veg out. Just recently I have ran into some tatlented people who are around my age and think that they don't have anywhere close to the amount of anxiety of expressing myself in front of other people.

I just want to get my anxiety to a level where to at least try new things. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.