Social Anxiety, Now what?



I've been following these forums for quite awhile but have never told my story...

I'm 24 years old, I used to be super sociable and confident before I hit 20. Then things changed, I started to think deeply on what people thought of me and worry if I offended anybody. I find it really hard to sit in-front of people or talk face-to-face with somebody I don't know or haven't seen for awhile. It's affected my relationship with my girlfriend quite a bit, I find excuses to not go to restaurants or meet up with her friends for drinks/party etc.

I also suffer from anxiety related facial-hyperhidrosis, when I feel nervous or restless my heart starts to pound and I start to sweat badly which just makes me panic even more and find ways to run away from the situation.

I'm really stuck on what to do. My doctor suggests I try audio-books, my girlfriend/family don't understand, I want to find a new job because I hate my current job but I'm too scared to. I just want to start living the way I want my life to be. ONLY time i'm super confident is at the gym, I go 5 days a week, I still get nervous when I talk to people there so I start to sweat but because I'm in a gym and I should be sweating, I forget about it and become super confident :).

If anyone could point me to the right direction. I would highly appreciate it.


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Well-known member
Welcome to SPW !;)

Too bad we can't decide what life brings us, everyone on this forum wants to live the real life, no one decides to have SA..
If you feel confident in the gym, then you should keep going to the gym. If u stop going to the gym you have the risk it will only get worse. Well, you should use every chance of 'curing' your SA, so I'd do what your doctor says, maybe it helps something ?;)