Social Phobia is not curable but treatable


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Social Phobia

Imagine going through your whole life constantly fearing others opinions of you, saying things just seek the approval of your peers and being scared to go out in public for fear people are scrutinising your every move.

"I thought that was life. It was for me for years, but luckily now I know better," says Sarah who suffers from social phobia.

Do you worry about making a fool of yourself in front of other people, feel anxious before going into any social situation and avoid parties like the plague? If so then you may well be suffering from social phobia.

The World Psychiatric Association estimates as little as three but possibly up to 15% of the population suffers from what’s known as social phobia or social anxiety disorder. Of those who suffer only 25% seek help.

Social phobia is the inability to face social situations due to extreme fear of being watched, scrutinised or judged by others. Both men and women are as equally susceptible and the disorder is not discriminated by culture. The disorder is believed to develop during adolescence with approximately 40% of social phobias occurring before the age of ten and 95% before the age of 20.

Social phobias can be inherited or learned. Clinical psychologist and social phobia specialist, Catherine Madigan says, "Hereditary or genetic influenced can account for 30% of the chance of developing social phobia with environmental factors accounting for the remaining 70%". Environmental factors can include "traumatic experiences of humiliation, upbringing by parents, observing and learning from the social behaviour of parents, class mates, etc", says Catherine.

People who suffer from social phobia encounter difficulties when speaking in public, eating and drinking in public, writing in front of others, meeting new people, being the centre of attention, being watched doing something, using the telephone or even when having to speak to authority figures.

Many of you at this moment can probably empathise with several of these scenarios, however be careful not to confuse social phobia with shyness. To differentiate the two, Catherine says, "People with social phobia experience impairment in their social or occupational functioning. Shyness tends to be generalised whereas social phobia tends to be fears of specific activities such as far of public speaking, talking on the phone or dating".

Social phobias go way beyond a person’s inability to talk in public or ask someone on a date, when someone experiences a threatening situation they may experience physiological symptoms such as a rapid heartbeat, sweating, blushing or a feeling of panic. Sufferers usually realise their fears are irrational, excessive or unreasonable yet are unable to control their feelings.1

Many sufferers are afraid to admit they have the disorder. For fear they’ve failed. If you can identify with any of the above mentioned scenarios then you may well be suffering from social phobia. Further if you are a family member of friend who knows someone with social phobia then you must attempt to help this person.

To identify if someone close to you have a social phobia, Catherine says, " Firstly you need to ask them questions- the person may be depressed and/or have panic disorder rather than social anxiety. You would ask someone whether they feared e.g.: being introduced, dealing with authority figures, speaking on the phone, being watched doing something, eating in front of people, writing in front of others or public speaking.

You would then ask the person if they experienced physical symptoms of anxiety such as blushing, sweating, tense muscles or headaches when exposed to feared social situations." However, note that not al individuals report the above symptoms but might simply feel very self conscious, fearful and apprehensive.

Given people with social phobia fear being negatively judged, if you were to raise the issue with them it is highly probably that they would become distressed. Hence the importance of ensuring the issue is raised in a tactful and empathetic way. Catherine suggests," it may be helpful to disclose some of your own social fears or uncomfortable social experiences, so the sufferer will feel less threatened. If perhaps you think your partner is refusing to go to a party because of social phobia say, " Sometimes I feel like the odd one out at parties. Do you ever feel that that?" This way you are making the person feel comfortable in that they are not alone in how they feel."

Another alternative Catherine suggests is to steer the conversation around to someone famous who has divulged they have social anxiety using celebrities such as Susie O’Neill (swimmer) or Gary Mc Donald( actor) as starting points. The person says to the suspected sufferer have you ever felt like Gary or Susie?" Again this helps the person to identify with someone else and not feel so isolated in their feelings.

If you suspect an individual may be suffering from the disorder but they deny it and refuse to seek help Catherine says, "You can still help them by providing them with literature, books and newspaper articles. You can give them to the person directly or be more subtle by leaving them on the coffee table’."

Social phobia is treatable but not curable and there are various methods by which social phobia can be managed. Once the disorder is under control, if the learned practices are not continually implemented the problem can resurface with just as much vengeance.

The most common and readily accepted method of treating social phobia is via psychological treatment (One of )the methods psychologists use is called cognitive behaviour therapy(CBT). This therapy is not solely use for people suffering from social phobia but can also be used to treat many other conditions. Administration of CBT encompasses both relaxation training and exposure therapy.

"In CBT the psychologist asks the sufferer questions to determine which social situations are feared and how the sufferer acts and thinks in these social situations. The psychologist helps the sufferer identify the problematic behaviours and thoughts and helps them develop more effective coping strategies," says Catherine. CBT can be performed in a group or individual setting. It has been shown with effective implementation of CBT people have been able to remarkably improve the severity of the condition in as little as 12 sessions.

Exercise also has a place in treating social phobia because it is an effective means of releasing tension, stress and anxiety. Exercise also triggers feelings of calmness and happiness. Further, regular exercise boosts physical fitness and helps control weight, which in turn positively effects self esteem.2

Using natural products and methods such as those used by naturopaths is an alternative method to controlling social phobia. Natural methods include administering mixtures of aromatic herbs and flower essences to help calm down the body’s nervous system. The most popular remedy at present is called Bach Flower Rescue Remedy. This particular remedy involves combining cherry, plum, clematis, impatiens, rock rose and Star of Bethlehem. This remedy has been used to alleviate the physiological symptoms of social phobia, by alleviating the anxiety experienced by sufferers. The Bach flower rescue remedy, can help deal with any emergency or stressful event, such as taking a driving test, exam nerves or speaking in public.

Medication can also be prescribed by doctors and psychiatrists to deal with the disorder, but again tend to deal only with alleviating the physiological aspects of the problem rather than eliminating the cause. Medications such as beta blockers which aim to lower the heart rate may be administered. Anti-depressants can help to stop the anxiety and panics, although they take a few weeks to kick in and can have some undesirable side effects. Tranquillisers such as Valium were used in the past to treat all sorts of anxiety but are addictive and not as effective in the long run3.

If social phobia is left untreated Catherine says," The sufferer may end up single, less educated, financially dependent or less well off. They may also go on to develop additional psychiatric disorders such as alcoholism, drug abuse and be socially isolated. The very worst case scenario is they may commit suicide".

The good news though is help is readily available. If you suspect you re suffering or someone close to you is suffering from social phobia, do yourself and/or them a favour and seek help. There are a number of psychologists, psychiatrists ,general practitioners, support groups, workshops, courses and community groups who are available to help so there is no need to feel segregated and alone.

Catherine Madigan is a psychologist who specialises in the treatment of social anxiety disorder. She offers both individual and group therapy.


I would go further and say that for certain people social phobia is not even treatable. I can't help but think that I have some malfunction or deficiency in my brain. No "positive thinking" will help in that case.


Well-known member
Argamemnon2 said:
I would go further and say that for certain people social phobia is not even treatable. I can't help but think that I have some malfunction or deficiency in my brain. No "positive thinking" will help in that case.

I don't believe this. True, anxiety can be caused by seretonin deficiency, so medicine might help. But I think it's treatable. Not curable. I've never believed it's curable.
I ask you: if you think this way about treating the problem, how can it get better? Positive thinking isn't just about the situations but about belief in improvement, isn't it?


Well-known member
your hormones are a way to your emotions and thoughts , deficience on serotonin could have a wide range of effects, your hormones dont choose what you think and feel, don't blame them!

so it's not curable? what's the line between normal shyness an social phobia? it's hard even to researchers to say... anyway lets say thats true, then you still need to treat it? lets say you believe in the worst possibility: there's no way to get out, what good is for you to chase the problem like this then? why you're here ? if you came all the way down here is to get help, its because in some point you felt like getting over this...

but what got my attention on the article was the treatment, i'm really afraid of needing to get trought this CBT thing =( i cant imagine myself talking to a therapist, maybe i should just shut down my counciousness and do whatever bullshit comes to mind...


Helyna said:
I ask you: if you think this way about treating the problem, how can it get better? Positive thinking isn't just about the situations but about belief in improvement, isn't it?
I lack the strength at the moment, but I'm starting with medication today, my psychiatrist has prescribed flevarin..


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toothpastekisses said:
I can accept the fact that I'm probably never going to be an outgoing, chatty kind of's just not the way I'm meant to be!

thats exactly what i'm trying to say!

there's a huge diference between being afraid of being rejected and being afraid of being rejected, spitted on, shouted, beated and trampled... the first is a shy person the second is a SA.

Does low selfsteem have a cure? no. it's has up and downs - its low because its always down and its wrong!
Whats the real diference in SA? - you just need to fix it, live with ups and downs...


Argamemnon said:
treatable but not curable

if i had a nickel for every time i heard this. do you think they'd tell people if it were curable? the psych industry/big pharma makes far more money TREATING conditions over a lifetime than by administering a one-time cure. not just for SA. depression, cancer, AIDS, etc.


Well-known member
That's paranoia psipop =D Although I do agree actually - but with mental disorders like this a one-time cure is a myth. There are plenty of things out there that rave and promise "cures" in a "one-time" easy way. Weightloss, etc. Market in everything.

Is an alcoholic ever "cured" of his addiction? No he is treated and lives with it. It's the same thing with SA. But imo cure is a term overused and misunderstood. With SA there could be many things chemically and psychologically everyone has different variations and degrees. I believe however ANYONE can be treated if they really want to be. Or try. The "treatment" for each individual will vary. Just because you hear you can't CURE this but can TREAT it - don't let that hijack your attempts to "cure" SA as most of us want it "cured". You can live with it - be treated - be happy? I know of people who have - if that's just being treated and not cured - that's just semantics then imo.


Well-known member
If social phobia is left untreated Catherine says," The sufferer may end up single, less educated, financially dependent or less well off. They may also go on to develop additional psychiatric disorders such as alcoholism, drug abuse and be socially isolated. The very worst case scenario is they may commit suicide".

That's the part that struck me the most from the original article, maybe because I can relate to those psychiatric disorders...I am single, social anxiety has a direct effect on my studies, I've cut down the hours at work because I can't deal with being with people there 40 hours a week, so financially it's more difficult....I've been drinking more and more and been smoking pot for years. I don't feel socially isolated yet, as I do have friends I hang out with....but I guess I need to get out of this self destructive cycle before it's too late.[/b]