social phobia = narcissism?


Well-known member
The author said, SA is about blaming yourself, NPD is about blaming others...I don't think there's much common ground although some people with low self-esteem (possibly caused by SA) develop NPD as a coping mechanism.


Well-known member
No way. I'm taking a class called Abnormal Psychology right now and we just discussed the personality disorder narcissism. I don't see similarities at all.

These are descriptions of a narcissist that we discussed in class and I don't' see any relations to SA in them:
- self-love
- Need attention and praise all the time
- believe rules are for others
- capable of love but not empathy
etc etc etc
dottie said:
i believe they overlap

as OP's link explained, the overlap is that people with either disorder will take criticisms personally instead of rationally, which negatively affects their work.

I think that's why most social phobics go into sciences/engineering/IT instead of humanities & arts. Because in humanities & arts you have to listen to people's criticisms to know how well you're doing and it's very hard for us social phobics to handle criticism.

but I think they also overlap because people with either disorder tend to live in their own world / introvert. At least that's how I feel as social phobic. In social situations I spend so much time and energy worrying about how people see me that I have no time & energy to listen to those people & be interested in their lives. & similarly, narcissistic people just aren't interested in other people at all because they're thinking about themselves all the time. Does that make any sense?


Well-known member
I know there's no way I'm narcissistic. I don't love myself nearly enough. In fact, as with most people with social phobia I would assume, I don't think I'm good enough for other people. Such feelings of inadequacy are completely inconsistent with narcissism. Though the notion that the reason we are social phobic is due to our own selfishness is probably a popular one amongst those who don't understand social anxiety disorders.


Well-known member
I'm the opposite of being a narcissist, narcissists love themselves to the extreme whereas i have low self esteem.


Well-known member
From what i understand, people with NPD also have low self-esteem, but unlike us they cover it up with self praise and denying that anything is wrong with them. Like the more superior they can act with others and the more praise they get, the better their flaw is hidden. So they don't really love themselves like most think, they just pretend to and act the point where it's out of control.


Active member
i think it overlaps too. its still the hole thinking other people r greatly effected by you syndrome, SA in terms of if you say something silly everyone will care and NPD in terms of everyone loves you...quite a simplistic apprroach mind you.


Well-known member
Claiming that social anxiety is narcissism is an insult to all people who suffer from this terrible disease. People who have not experienced social anxiety themselves have no right to be so disgustingly judgmental.


Argamemnon said:
Claiming that social anxiety is narcissism is an insult to all people who suffer from this terrible disease. People who have not experienced social anxiety themselves have no right to be so disgustingly judgmental.

I dont think anyone is saying social anxiety is narcissism :) ,all anyones said is theres some similar traits to them both.The main and very very simplified difference being given on the link from the op,peope who suffer from sa will blame themselves and feel its always there fault... people with narcissism will blame other people and its never there fault,but they both stem from self image and esteem issues.


Well-known member
I agree with you Cynic, although our friend Nikki does admit she is simplistic, sorry, I mean being simplistic!