something possitive!


Well-known member
I went for a Job interview today and got hired its not a fantastic job...but its a job and i never thought i would ever be able to even pick up a phone and ring about a job let alone go for an interview and get it!

My life has been getting so much better and i want you to know as a little hope for those of you that are stuck inside barley able to leave the house , there is hope!
I was there a few months back and now I have managed to make friends(another thing i thought id never do, as i couldnt even look at people without my face twitching!)
I thought a while ago that if i was at rock bottom why not just try and improve what can make it worse! People already had thier oppinions so why not try and prove them wrong..(it really does feel good if you can do it just once!)
Small steps the odd smile at someone passing even if it goes wrong a couple of times ,when it goes right it feels really good. Communicate with people!! even if you tell them that you are a nervy person (i did that and that person is now a really good friend) People just want to understand you, thats what scares them if you show interest in people they will to you.
Once you start it is a knock on effect. you have to keep trying , dont give up!!!
Read self help books there are loads out there. Councelling really helped me (reluctantly i thought it was a pile of shit at first!)
Im sorry this is so legnthy i just want people to know it can get better you have to keep working on it everyday .why not try and change it it carnt get any worse!
I still have lip tremmors but i know its getting better and if it can get better it can go! I just carry on, dont let it drag me down. :)
Remember peoples opinions of you can change, and there will always be nob heads, just carry on you know you arnt who they think you are so who cares what they think!


Well-known member
well done! your positivity really inspires me! im stuck in a crappy job because if my HH and reading what youve done really makes me think 'just go for it!!' :D