Something you really like but really suck at?


Well-known member
Singing. I love singing and even if I wasn't a super amazing singer, I wish that I at least had a decent voice. My singing voice is pretty awful though.


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Fighting games. I can never get into them because I'm too lazy to learn the combos.

Keyboard. (piano). I got one for Christmas in 2009 because I had a keyboarding class in grade 10 but I haven't used it in over 3 months because I forget even the easiest songs. I also remember getting a low mark in that class...


Well-known member
I suck at living, at relationships... well, that kind of stuff :/

Other than that, I love music and I love to write, and I love to write how I feel in the form of a poem or sometimes a song. I suck at it, but I still do it. I can think of the music for the songs and sometimes I can start playing it on guitar (which I also suck at) but since I don't even know how to write music I always end up forgetting it.


Well-known member
I don't know it's a hard question because is rather hard to love something that you really suck at.
I would probably like to dance but I suck at it and I would also like to be more talkative,another think that I suck at it.


Well-known member
lol to communicate, i suck at it, i lost my ability to make conversations, I'm like a retarded person. i lost it it.


Well-known member
i love singing but after recording myself i realized how terrible i am. i still like singing when no one's around or im in my car.


I used to love singing but lost the confidence for it years ago. I feared that people were only saying I was good at it to be nice. My mom keeps on saying I'm a beautiful singer, but she's my mom... and I feel like such a shut in loser when I have my mom trying to build my confidence. I love her for it but ug I suck at life.

The same goes for writing. I majored in English Literature and I am always afraid that I picked the wrong major. I should be a literary and writing master by now. It's been a year since I graduated and I haven't gone anywhere with it.


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I don't totally suck at shooting pool, but am way out of practice. I do enjoy it though, even when I lose. I'm strong on long shots with a lot of green, but am terrible at banking shots... My english on the ball isn't bad though.


Well-known member
Piano... trying to learn to play, but I get frustrated so quickly. I'm not musically inept, I was basically permanent 1st chair tuba in high school band! I just need a teacher, I can't teach myself anything.

Also drawing, I love to draw, but I suck so bad at it.


Well-known member
do you guys also have anything that you really HATE but you're so GOOD at??

...licking envelopes?

I try not to bother doing things I hate, so I'd have to really think about it for awhile to figure out if I'm good at any of those things, since I don't do them often.