SP, Depression, and RELIGION...


Well-known member
jauggy said:
iamantisocial - Christian or not, you've got some serious issues. The stuff you said almost sounds made up because its so unbelievable.

which ones.

Fine. Believe me or not... but I speak the truth. I almost hit a muslim and a jew... and Ive been all over the internet flaming atheists and agnostics all over the place.

And in the school I used to go to... which was an opus-dei school... there were people there who would frequently go to mass in the morning... but at the same time be fuckin assholes in the later time of the day.


Well-known member
Quixote said:
If I can allow myself to give some advice, though, I think the next step should be trying to get rid of all this anger that you seem to hold inside. Don't fool yourself into thinking that "you will need to be tough" or similar ideas. Being tough is useful indeed, but in a modern society it is best done by keeping calm and rationally pursuing your interests. Violence will get you nowhere. As for social relations, it is probably not possible for a human being to be content without a minimum of them, so in my opinion you should just give up the idea of desensitizing to them.

Good luck with it

I'm tryin my best to rid the anger. Who likes to be angry in the first place? Anger and Hatred are strong emotions that can crush you if you got too much of it. You will end up kil_ling yourself if youre not strong enough. And my way of getting rid of it is by doin MMA. I feel a sense of satisfaction and fullfillment every single time I hit someone or get hit.

But its really a challenge. Theres so many things I'm angry about. And just like some people here, I feel its unfair and I feel cheated and I feel Ive been missing out on life. I share the same feelings and when I read those posts that talk about the same feelings, I feel uneasy and it brings back painful memories or somethin...

What am I gonna be happy about? I dont have shit to turn to. Parents are shit... I cannot fuckin talk to them without ending up in a screaming match within 10 minutes or less... Brothers have their own life... I'm happy for em... but theyre just too busy with their little MMORPG and their girlfriend... And I dont have friends. As far as I'm concerned, all I got is acquaintances in the gym... people I trade punches with and thats it. None of that stuff that friends do like parties and night outs...

I only got the fuckin internet to turn to.

I tried tellin myself... um at least I got a job... At least I'm not like those people in 3rd world countries... poor... blablabla... But its not just about fuckin poverty or somethin. I used to know people in my home country who wore shirts that are faded or have holes... and cant seem to find enough food for themselves... Ive seen em eat rice mixed up with water and sugar... or a crappy mixture of soup and chicken that doesnt have that much meat... Its not good food...

But these people are fuckin happier than me. They have friends among themselves... They still party... even if its shitty food, the point is that theyre together enjoying themselves and theyre happier. They live in houses that you'd probably call a "cardboard box"... pieces of scavenged wood nailed together to form a little box... with old tires and some stones on the roof so the roof wont fall off... a shitbox house but they're happier.

So its not all about fuckin poverty... Even if I lived like them... as long as I got people to turn to, I'd be fine.



Well-known member
iamantisocial said:
jauggy said:
iamantisocial - Christian or not, you've got some serious issues. The stuff you said almost sounds made up because its so unbelievable.

which ones.

Fine. Believe me or not... but I speak the truth. I almost hit a muslim and a jew... and Ive been all over the internet flaming atheists and agnostics all over the place.

And in the school I used to go to... which was an opus-dei school... there were people there who would frequently go to mass in the morning... but at the same time be fuckin assholes in the later time of the day.

Being a Christian is supposed to mean being a follower of Jesus Christ..and the bible has Jesus as saying this: " I did not come into the world to condemn the world but to save it.." and also, "If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn the other cheek.." but most of all it is very important to note that Jesus himself was a jew... :wink: The "jews" did not crucify Jesus..Jesus died by choice for ALL of us, both Jews and muslims and all the rest. He said, "no one takes my life fr. me, but freely I lay it down..I alone have the power to lay it down and take it back up." HE LOVES US ALL THE SAME!!! Anyone who wants to follow Jesus, then follow Him..follow His teachings and do as he says to do. Anyone who says they are christians or believer's but then does not even attempt to follow Jesus and acts however they want..is not a follower of Christ.
Jesus never said, "persecute others in my name." 8O It's not about having "fervor" in persecuting people but its all about having "Fervor" in loving them, fervor in praying for them. God is not going to be impressed by how many people you cut down but in how many people you build up, you help and pray for..The Jesus I know, died for me and for you. If he had wanted to destroy certain people he would have done so..but he wanted to save the world..NOT condemn it.
Give your life over to God. Give him all your pain and problems..He LOVES YOU! JUST AS YOU ARE. He doesn't want to leave you that way, but he LOVES you, right now, He loves you!


Well-known member
iamantisocial said:
Quixote said:
If I can allow myself to give some advice, though, I think the next step should be trying to get rid of all this anger that you seem to hold inside. Don't fool yourself into thinking that "you will need to be tough" or similar ideas. Being tough is useful indeed, but in a modern society it is best done by keeping calm and rationally pursuing your interests. Violence will get you nowhere. As for social relations, it is probably not possible for a human being to be content without a minimum of them, so in my opinion you should just give up the idea of desensitizing to them.

Good luck with it

I'm tryin my best to rid the anger. Who likes to be angry in the first place? Anger and Hatred are strong emotions that can crush you if you got too much of it. You will end up kil_ling yourself if youre not strong enough. And my way of getting rid of it is by doin MMA. I feel a sense of satisfaction and fullfillment every single time I hit someone or get hit.

But its really a challenge. Theres so many things I'm angry about. And just like some people here, I feel its unfair and I feel cheated and I feel Ive been missing out on life. I share the same feelings and when I read those posts that talk about the same feelings, I feel uneasy and it brings back painful memories or somethin...

What am I gonna be happy about? I dont have shit to turn to. Parents are shit... I cannot fuckin talk to them without ending up in a screaming match within 10 minutes or less... Brothers have their own life... I'm happy for em... but theyre just too busy with their little MMORPG and their girlfriend... And I dont have friends. As far as I'm concerned, all I got is acquaintances in the gym... people I trade punches with and thats it. None of that stuff that friends do like parties and night outs...

I only got the fuckin internet to turn to.

I tried tellin myself... um at least I got a job... At least I'm not like those people in 3rd world countries... poor... blablabla... But its not just about fuckin poverty or somethin. I used to know people in my home country who wore shirts that are faded or have holes... and cant seem to find enough food for themselves... Ive seen em eat rice mixed up with water and sugar... or a crappy mixture of soup and chicken that doesnt have that much meat... Its not good food...

But these people are fuckin happier than me. They have friends among themselves... They still party... even if its shitty food, the point is that theyre together enjoying themselves and theyre happier. They live in houses that you'd probably call a "cardboard box"... pieces of scavenged wood nailed together to form a little box... with old tires and some stones on the roof so the roof wont fall off... a shitbox house but they're happier.

So its not all about fuckin poverty... Even if I lived like them... as long as I got people to turn to, I'd be fine. (quote)

I am sorry you are having so many problems. I think a lot of us on here can relate to what you are going through. For me I have said many times allready but its still true, God helped.. He removed my hatred of my dad, He brought me a good man that I love, He blessed me w/a baby (coming soon) He healed my mom of cancer, and so much more..He completely turned my life around. I would have died literally if not for God. But again, Its not about religion..its about knowing Him, truly knowing Him. He will do for you or anyone the same as He has for me. He loves you w/an everlasting love and wants to heal you fr. your anger and give you His love instead..


Well-known member
iamantisocial said:
Quixote said:
If I can allow myself to give some advice, though, I think the next step should be trying to get rid of all this anger that you seem to hold inside. Don't fool yourself into thinking that "you will need to be tough" or similar ideas. Being tough is useful indeed, but in a modern society it is best done by keeping calm and rationally pursuing your interests. Violence will get you nowhere. As for social relations, it is probably not possible for a human being to be content without a minimum of them, so in my opinion you should just give up the idea of desensitizing to them.

Good luck with it

I'm tryin my best to rid the anger. Who likes to be angry in the first place? Anger and Hatred are strong emotions that can crush you if you got too much of it. You will end up kil_ling yourself if youre not strong enough. And my way of getting rid of it is by doin MMA. I feel a sense of satisfaction and fullfillment every single time I hit someone or get hit.

But its really a challenge. Theres so many things I'm angry about. And just like some people here, I feel its unfair and I feel cheated and I feel Ive been missing out on life. I share the same feelings and when I read those posts that talk about the same feelings, I feel uneasy and it brings back painful memories or somethin...

What am I gonna be happy about? I dont have shit to turn to. Parents are shit... I cannot fuckin talk to them without ending up in a screaming match within 10 minutes or less... Brothers have their own life... I'm happy for em... but theyre just too busy with their little MMORPG and their girlfriend... And I dont have friends. As far as I'm concerned, all I got is acquaintances in the gym... people I trade punches with and thats it. None of that stuff that friends do like parties and night outs...

I only got the fuckin internet to turn to.

I tried tellin myself... um at least I got a job... At least I'm not like those people in 3rd world countries... poor... blablabla... But its not just about fuckin poverty or somethin. I used to know people in my home country who wore shirts that are faded or have holes... and cant seem to find enough food for themselves... Ive seen em eat rice mixed up with water and sugar... or a crappy mixture of soup and chicken that doesnt have that much meat... Its not good food...

But these people are fuckin happier than me. They have friends among themselves... They still party... even if its shitty food, the point is that theyre together enjoying themselves and theyre happier. They live in houses that you'd probably call a "cardboard box"... pieces of scavenged wood nailed together to form a little box... with old tires and some stones on the roof so the roof wont fall off... a shitbox house but they're happier.

So its not all about fuckin poverty... Even if I lived like them... as long as I got people to turn to, I'd be fine.


So do you think if you can have friends that can party with you all night, you can be happy? How about those who party all night but still feel lonely and empty inside. Have you ever seen such person? How about those actors who have lots of friends, possessions, success, and admired by many people but end up in suicide? Good that you see that happiness can be found in relationship and friendship,not money or possession. But What we want is a true friendship, a true love, but where that can be found on earth? I feel there is no true security in human love, they can change at all time. Of course, there are those old married couple who stay together till the end of their lives, and I don't say that you should distrust all men, but I mean we should not put all our heart and hope in people, possessions, or anything earthly. These are all perishable, these are only lent to us by God, we need to make good use of it if God allows us to have it, and let it go when God wants to take it back. But what should be our consolation is God Himself, cause He alone that will never change, and it is His Will that He wants us to have Him forever. So my advise is to start to build a true friendship with God for Himself sake, not for the sake of any of things earthly. Of course it does not mean that we can't ask God of anything earthly, we can always tell God what we want since we are a mortal being with passion and desires, in fact He knows all our heart. But if God gives these to us, praise Him, if He does not give, may we be able to say "Your will be done". I just believe that everything that we want on earth is just a disguise of what we TRULY want, which is Love, and if Love is what we want, it is He Himself, since God is Love. So ask God of this and He will never deny you.