SP kicked in again!


Well-known member
I have always known I won't be totally over my SP but for about 6 months it has calmed down a lot. But...and theres always a but...it seems to have kicked in yet again. I don't know why, i didn't do anything different. I was just getting good with going out and about and talking a little when BAM!, its kicked in with a vengeance...Anyone esle had this???

Maybe because soon I will be moving, the whole life style will be very different as my bf will be joining the army and I will be living in army accomodation. I seem to have become insecure around people, paranoid too, which is odd as I was never that paranoid before. I don't want to take this stupid phobia with me as its going to be pretty socially based. I keep feeling i'm not good enough, that my Bf 's life will be more fulfilled and I will be stuck in my own little world. Geez, I hate this. I feel useless, ugly and I feel like I will probably hold him back.

Sorry to go on, Just needed to get it out of my system. Do you all feel like your making a fuss about nothing when you post on here?...I sure as hell do.


Well-known member
Stess is kind of an accumulative thing. You can allocate a certain number of points for single events (so much for starting a new job, so much for illness, etc) and then total up a score. You have a lot on your plate at the moment and its no wonder that you have had a flare up of SP.

Just try to remember that things will settle down in your life again and when they do so will your condition. The worst thing to do would be to stress out further over the SP and make things worse. You could try meditating or maybe just getting off to the movies if that is what relaxes you.


It can help to expect and be ready for setbacks to happen. Sometimes you feel better, and then something happens that knocks you down a bit. Just try to bounce back.

It's not really surprising that you feel anxious, though - it sounds like a big new challenge, to move into army accomodation. It won't be as bad as you fear, though.


Well-known member
wow i totally know what you mean. you think you've finally gotten somewhere and then you fall back again with one instance.

GettingThere's right about the stress thing. never really thought about it but it's so true.

once you get there, think about it like a new beginning. you can make yourself seem to be outgoing or even just simply not shy to all the new people you're going to be living with and that makes things easier for me.
it's probably no help to hear this but you'll eventually get used to your b/f going off to the military, you'll get through it. adaptation will set it and you'll be ok. good luck to you, try and stay positive, attitude is everything :? :D


Well-known member
Thanks for the adice guys and gals, I think your right, I am getting myself worked up. I don't even know what its going to be like so it could actually be the best thing for me. New place, New people and stuff. I'm going to try to get this SP sorted a bit before i leave. I'll keep ya posted when I move to let ya know how it goes. Keep ya fingers crossed for me :)


Well-known member

things will calm down again soon, im sure lilmiss. I mean, i cant say much of any use that hasnt already been said by the very wise people up there *points*
you just have to try take it in your stride so that when youve got there and settled down somewhat you can be so damned proud of yourself itll just be 'well that showed you suckers'
(its what i do, i make myself do the best so that i can stick my tongue out at everyone who said i couldnt - mostly myself. if that makes sense). i hope things go great for you


Well-known member
Thanks Fred...and everyone. Its nice to know theres always someone to talk to. (((((((((((((Big hug to all you guys/gals)))))))))))))))))


I know what your going though

I have the sme thing, one day I'm social phobia free and then the next day Ill be feeling down and Ill have a phobia of speaking again. I usually dont have social phobia when Im feeling good about myself and go out with my friends alot during the week and weekend. But I wish it all went away, was history. you will get over it though and i will too it just takes time i guess. everyone will be ok. :D
