SP...or what?


Well-known member
Ok, I been on this site for quite a while now and am getting more and more confused...lol. Ok, my SP...I dont like being around people, it makes me feel suffocated for some weird reason. I dont really care what people think of me and I know people aren't looking at me every time I step outside my front door. I do however have a poor self image but thats not an issue in my SP as once i'm out and about my image is totally forgotten. So, what do i have..SP to me is what it says, a phobia about social situations...not about me thinking people are thinking negative things about me. Maybe its just one version of SP, who knows. The more I type about it the more confused I get so I'm gonna stop now..lmao.


Well-known member
It aint agrophobia. I can go out, be around people. i just dont like them near me, like in shop ques and stuff...I'm people phobic..lmao.


Well-known member
Agoraphobia comes in many forms. Being scared around groups of people.

One thing that is common in agoraphobia is the physical anxiety symptoms and panic attacks. Do you get very anxious in shops with people around?

I used to know this guy who was agoraphobic. He was able to get out of the house and function pretty normal, except he used to avoid people in shops and public.

I haven't yet heard of a social phobia that doesn't have the fear of what people think of you. Perhaps someone with more experience can help you out. Try to keep an open mind though. That's what I'm doing. Not sure what's wrong with me but I haven't ruled stuff out as being a complete *No* yet.


Well-known member
I just feel sorta trapped. Its like an arachnophobe being stuck in a room with a spider in some sense. I can however do the whole 'small talk' thing when having a good day but on a bad day I avoid places where theres to many people. I really could say that I just feel like I don't belong.


Well-known member
Yeah. I'm not too keen on the mini messenger either, but it's better than nothing at the moment. Ah well :D


Well-known member
ok i'm coming in really late on this one! but ok, hm, that is tricky, have you improved at all? maybe you were correctly diagnosed as SP but now you've grow out of it? that or what Madcat said, sounds like agoraphobia, but not so extreme.


this doesn't sound like sp to me, more like anxiety and feelings of claustrophobia when having your personal space invaded, not the torment of feeling like an outcast and not being able to interract with people without feeling sick.
but then it's hard to tell from one post... :wink:


Well-known member
I've been wondering this too. As much as I'd love to label myself 'SP', I fear responsibility, being out of control and my own stomach more than people. I'm certainly hesitant and apprehensive around new people but this is fading with more exposure. For me it's all about achieving a sense of comfort, and avoiding situations in which I find it hard to do so.


Well-known member
the mental health system is stupid

they love to give everything a label and a category, makes them feel like they know what they are talking about which in turn gives them the confidence to charge rediculas fees

I dont even think its correct to give these man-made labels to our differing mental problems. To aknowledge one has an illness is one thing, but to try to categorize it and put it in a box with lots of other people is another.

we are all different, all display different systems and thats all that I think should matter. Socialphobia, Social Anxiety, Depression, Bipolar, Agoraphobia, Shyness, makeitupaphobia, they are all just labels, labels through which the line seems so blurred... and blurred in so many different ways from person to person

I dont think ANY of our conditions are identical, we all share some symptons and not others, we all have our differing strengths and weaknesses

so LilMiss, wether or not you feel you can squeeze into one of the invisible man made boxes that "determines" what group that psycologists would like to put you in, that is all irrelevant, you belong on this site anyway!


Well-known member
Thats one of the most sensible things I have heard in ages, horatio. Its true, I think we get so used to catorgorising that we do it to everything. Everyones SP is different and that can be seen all through this forum. Thats all i'm gonna say on that because you pretty much put ya finger on it :)