Spaceboy's Ramblings


Well-known member
Sometimes it feels like such a waste to keep a journal without getting any feedback on it. But then blogging is like, writing stuff FOR the ratings and comments. I want to go in between those two things...

vj288 inspired me to do this, and I'm gonna copy him in the format because I liked his, so here goes:


It's 1:20 in the morning. I really wish I had a job, because my roommates are gone all day long doing their jobs (they each have two). I've never had a job in all of college because mechanical engineering would've been too hard for me to handle with one. Anyway, them being gone kinda made me feel like a loser.

They each have passions too. I want a passion! I used to have plenty enough to spare, but I threw them all out the window due to moral reasons. For instance, I didn't want to be really buff anymore as I used to be because I felt that it was a crutch for my self-esteem to lean on. Youth ministry-- when I got SA in my senior year of high school, I couldn't be the "big powerful leader" I used to be anymore-- and besides, SA actually helped me to realize that I only did it to be liked, respected, looked up to, and admired. Drawing's not fun anymore; feels more like a chore. I only like to read books immediately following having a substantial amount of social interaction, because only then do I feel secure enough to read without feeling like I should be doing something else.

In fact, that seems to be a predominant force in all my hobbies: I don't like playing computer games, watching movies, reading books or playing instruments or anything unless I feel like I've had a complete amount of social interaction that day. Otherwise I'll feel like a loser in doing them-- somehow, some way.

My friends every now and then will point out that I don't have a job, that I don't have any friends outside of them (because they're all one group of people that hangs out with each other anyway, but every one of them has their own individual circles of friends as well), and stuff like that. I know they don't know my problems, nor would I want them to know, because once I tell someone about it, everything changes and they begin to treat me differently (my parents are the only ones I've told; my twin knows but doesn't mind because he has issues as well, so he doesn't judge me). I'd rather be perceived as weird than afflicted.

My roomie came back tonight from a date with a reportedly gorgeous blonde, which he said went perfectly. I listened and struggled to not feel sorry for myself, which I think I pulled off pretty well. Still kinda anxious listening to and being in the same room as him... Voice was a little unsteady, and I couldn't smile very much outside of the quick, forced grins. I'm still better than I was at Christmastime, so I feel good about that and look forward to getting even better. Anyway, he went on about all these people he's been talking to and whose lives have affected him and whose he has affected-- and went on about stories about him and his millions of friends-- he knows everybody in Lubbock from being a coffee shop worker, and gets three girls' phone numbers a week. My other roomie is a coach and Bible study leader.

What a challenge, not comparing yourself to the successes that live under the same roof as you! But I can do this, and do you know why?

Because I, who they sometimes consider to be a loser, or someone who is just a lowlife lazy bum, or a socially reclusive nerd, am not any of those things at all. What they're sometimes ribbing at and laughing at and looking down upon isn't me as a person, whether they know it or not; it's my anxiety. That's right; I am invincible underneath the shell of my disorder. My personality will never change, I will always be a people person, and I will always be good and graceful with people and social situations, whether my anxiety allows me to be or not. (Sometimes I'll be walking behind somebody on a sidewalk and will have something perfect to say to them-- I'm just too anxious to say it.) Doesn't matter what my anxiety may do to me. I'll always be there. I'll always be a guy that has a lot to offer to that special someone whom I hope to meet soon, whether my anxiety allows me to or not. I'll always be funny and goofy and happy, whether my SA allows me to feel humorous or not. Finally, I'll always be creative as well, whether my SA allows me to focus or not. It doesn't change who you are, no matter how much it feels like it does.

Therefore, what I would otherwise have considered to be an inevitable fate of perpetual inferiority to those who rock at grabbing life by the horns, is merely an illusion.
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Seriously you need to know your personality type mine is ISFP so basically I'm more introverted then the majority of ppl and when ppl tell me or ask me why I don't have many friends I now tell them I'm an introvert which means being around ppl for too long drains me unless it's a bf I also take no interest in ppl who talk about the weather or basically everything they r thinking it bores me I like convvetsations in depth.

Also you must stop comparing yourself to others and if u r an introvert which I suspect you would be I'm sure ur very creative with drawing or music or even dancing?

Although I have gotten through my s.a I am now learning about my personality and I am still going to be somewhat reserved because that's just who I am I will never be an extrovert and so whAt I find pure extroverts to be fkn annoying haha

If they are ur true friends at all u should tell them of ur s.a ... Introverts find it hard to be assertive and tend to dislike confrontation so u need to work on that!


Well-known member
Missjesss, I REALLY appreciate you. Just so you know.

And I appreciate everybody who has helped me get as far as I've gotten! I'm still learning!


Well-known member
My roomie and I went out to the rec center tonight to shoot some hoops. I made him promise me beforehand we would NOT get into any games, because I suck beyond belief (8th grade b-ball camp scarred me for life). Well, what do you know? We got into a game. Whoopee. Aside from hearing aid battery dying, dropping some passes, passing straight to another guy's feet, and shooting entirely over the goal, I made one shot. And I think that's all that really matters.

I don't really let it bother me-- when I missed passes and stuff I was just like "OHHH MANNN sorry guys sorry!" and was very embarrassed then, but I just kept on playing. Couldn't really talk to anybody since my left hearing aid battery was dead. It was overall a good night though, glad my roomie and I got out of the house and got physically active, even though I worked out already this morning.

It was a good day today. I was happy. Missjesss helped me realize that I can be awesome by myself too. She's right, I'm VERY creative... and with these beyond-cool songs forming in my head, I couldn't keep from smiling and being bright-eyed while grocery-shopping at Wal-Mart. Others seeing me couldn't help but grin too. Just kinda felt like a sunbeam lighting people's days...

Sure wish a few people would freakin sign on here... Maybe I need to get to know some more of you guys, because I've been chatting only with a few of you-- but awesome conversations, nonetheless. I like making people laugh on here... If you're in the mood to laugh, please talk to me. And if you need some advice or even merely a listening ear, I'm right here alongside you in the same place... That is all. Have a good night!


Well-known member
1/28/11 (well... gonna be 1/29/11 in two minutes lol)

I've been doing a lot better ever since I stopped visiting this site so much. For one, the negative and pessimistic views that dominate these forums pollute my mind, and I have to fight not to join in on thinking them myself. So when I was away from SPW for about a week or more, I was able to get my mind off my anxiety more and live life.

One good thing I've figured out is that my anxiety is almost entirely generated through eye contact. Tonight I was with some buddies to watch one of those crappy action movies made in the early 90s, and afterwards we talked for a while. I was feeling anxious and uptight so I pretended to be sleepy and close my eyes; when I closed my eyes, I was able to laugh and joke with people a lot more! But when I opened them, I became overly conscious of whether or not I was looking/staring at them too hard when they spoke to me (especially when they told a story that went on for 10 minutes). Sometimes I get the impression that my eye contact doesn't faze people in the least, but I'm still wary of causing them the least bit discomfort by it; other times it seems like anybody I look at swallows really hard and starts choking on their words and wiping their eyes. So it's a battle both between not thinking about eye contact too much (which might be a major part of the problem) and making it properly. *shrug*

Anyhow, GOOD NEWS!

I got a job at Wal-Mart today as a cashier! I believe this will help me with my confidence quite a bit, and I'm not too nervous about it.

The interviewing process was divided up into three different parts: first was me in an office with four people standing around me, each asking me one question after the other. For this I experienced very little anxiety since my focus was on answering well.

Second interview was me being subsequently sent to another office with two other (different) people asking the same questions, as if it were some kind of cross examination. Yeah, anxiety makes it a little hard to smile, but I did manage to crack a joke that made them both laugh really hard (which is part of my real self's charming nature leaking through the growing cracks of my anxiety-ridden (impostor) self.) But that's not a big deal to me, because if I take victories too seriously, I begin to dread not attaining them.

"Part three" of the interviewing process will be taking the drug test tomorrow. That won't be a problem with me, of course.

As far as I'm concerned, despite some of the feelings I had once again of causing those managers discomfort by looking at them (but this was not entirely prevalent during the interviews), everything's going to be just fine-- and more than fine! BECAUSE I'm getting out there, being exposed to new people I'll get to meet-- new acquaintances and friendships-- and not sitting around on my bean-bag chair doing almost nothing anymore!

I'll finally start driving in the wedge severing my and my parents' financial connections. I'll be free at last, no longer owing them anything for my well-being (besides what's already been done).

I'll be able to buy a new (cheap) keyboard or piano to replace the one that got destroyed by the collapsing ceiling this past summer (lol!), and then soon hopefully get a PC so that I can learn how to make video games through C++ programming language, which I'm beginning to feel is not possible to do on my Mac even with the XCode program I have that mimics it. (When I had boot camp installed it just made my computer overheat a lot.) And I'll soon start my fiddle lessons and... geez... the world is suddenly flooded with opportunities, you know?
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Well-known member
intense ear infection, so I'm staying away from the friends today since I'll be half-deaf and fairly grumpy all day long. The pain sucks.

Job as cashier at Wal-Mart starts this coming week. I'm overjoyed by the prospect of making my own money. My parents have given me a monthly allowance of $300 every month up until this point while I've been in college. Now they've stopped, but I'll make $900-$1200 a month now.

I think what I'm going to do is save it, not blow it on restaurants and stuff like my Lubbock friends like to do with theirs.

The major impact this is going to have on my life outside of money is time. My time management skills are going to have to grow, because I've never had a job while I've been in college (even though this is my final semester and I'm only taking 8 hours). All thing things I've been wanting to learn and do are going to be gone at with more passion and energy now, because now there's less time to do them:

Things want to learn and do:
1) Sign Language
2) Guitar
3) Fiddle
4) Biology of the human body
5) How to make video games with C++
6) All of the Bible like the back of my hand
7) Hebrew
8) Aramaic
9) Greek
10) Every working part of a car
11) Electric circuits
12) How to fight with a sword (cooler than guns in my opinion)
13) Dancing to fast music
14) How to make websites using HTML Code
15) Read War & Peace (I got 200 pages in a couple of months ago, but Tolstoy has a knack at boring me. I only read him because I know that somewhere in his million-page books he always has something golden to say; for instance, from Anna Karenina which I finished last summer, "Respect was invented to cover the empty place where love should be." This quote changed my life forever.)
16) Minimize philosophizing (not always a productive way to spend my overactive brain's energy) and live continually in other constructive things. I'll keep my nightly 2-mile walks in... But that's all I should need.
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Well-known member
Unless you're looking to make 3D games (for which I would recommend you look at Irrlicht), you'd probably save yourself much time by either using or embedding Python.

Oh?? I think I'll give it a look! Thanks Anomaly! You seem like a very smart person, 'specially if even your cat wears reading classes! :D


Well-known member
Oh?? I think I'll give it a look! Thanks Anomaly! You seem like a very smart person, 'specially if even your cat wears reading classes! :D


Python has a very C-like syntax (engineers typically do some programming in C/C++), but it is slightly cleaner and makes several things a lot easier. If you've never made a text adventure or a 2D game before, Python would definitely be a good place to start. With regards to Python 2D, check out SFML. There certainly are other graphical libraries out there with Python bindings (SDL, Allegro, and other popular ones), but to my knowledge, they weren't updated for the latest versions of Python yet. C++ would pretty much be required for 3D games due to the processing requirements (Python isn't the fastest language out there, but this matters only in a special case such as this), but you could still make your life easier by using Python for scripting. I can't recommend it enough!


Well-known member
Congratulations on the job! :)

And yeah, saving money is a great strategy!

The major impact this is going to have on my life outside of money is time. My time management skills are going to have to grow, because I've never had a job while I've been in college (even though this is my final semester and I'm only taking 8 hours). All thing things I've been wanting to learn and do are going to be gone at with more passion and energy now, because now there's less time to do them:

Things want to learn and do:
1) Sign Language
2) Guitar
3) Fiddle
4) Biology of the human body
5) How to make video games with C++
6) All of the Bible like the back of my hand
7) Hebrew
8) Aramaic
9) Greek
10) Every working part of a car
11) Electric circuits
12) How to fight with a sword (cooler than guns in my opinion)
13) Dancing to fast music
14) How to make websites using HTML Code
15) Read War & Peace (I got 200 pages in a couple of months ago, but Tolstoy has a knack at boring me. I only read him because I know that somewhere in his million-page books he always has something golden to say; for instance, from Anna Karenina which I finished last summer, "Respect was invented to cover the empty place where love should be." This quote changed my life forever.)
16) Minimize philosophizing (not always a productive way to spend my overactive brain's energy) and live continually in other constructive things. I'll keep my nightly 2-mile walks in... But that's all I should need.

Oh, you are definitely a 'scanner' - have you read any Barbara Sher's books? What you need is probably some kind of a 6-year plan, to somehow give yourself space for all those cool'n'interesting things!

Also, make sure to still work on getting relevant work experience in what you're studying!
(Where I live 900-1200$ a month is good money, check living costs and such in your area tho, can you get a better position when you finish education, any relevant internships, even if part-time?)

You can divide the interests into 'moneymaking centers' 'perhaps moneymaking in the long run' and 'for fun' and then work with this..


Well-known member
[quote = Feathers] Oh, you are definitely a 'scanner' - have you read any Barbara Sher's books? What you need is probably some kind of a 6-year plan, to somehow give yourself space for all those cool'n'interesting things![/quote]

lol nope, I read everything in depth. That's why it took me so long to take in that whole book.

and besides, with this program that helps handicapped people like myself get jobs more easily, i'm pretty set for the future. There's also a job fair this coming week; I'm gonna see what I can do...


Well-known member
P.S. I just met the most dazzlingly beautiful girl I've ever seen on Considering what to do, since her Facebook makes her appear pretty popular. She's lightyears out of my league-- not that I haven't gotten beautiful girls before, but with SA it'll be a challenge if she wanted me to meet all her other popular, rowdy, happy-go-lucky friends.

I'm gonna chat with her soon online... This lady is something else.