St. John's Wort?

I took 900mg of St. John's Wort extract (a supposed herbal antidepressant) and noticed a mild improvement of my anxiety symptoms. It was much easier for me to ask people simple things that I usually avoid asking.

Granted, I did take 3mg of alprazolam last night that may have still had some residual effect on me. Or maybe it was some other factor other than the St. John's Wort.

This study found that St. John's Wort has no effect on social anxiety, but studies aren't infallible. I'll try this stuff a few more times and see how it goes.

Has anyone else tried using St. John's Wort to relieve social anxiety? What were the results?[/url]


Well-known member
I took SJW for months and saw no improvement in anxiety/depression. My moods fluctuate quite a bit anyway though so it was pretty hard to tell if it was working at all.

ps. I took the tincture, I don't know if the standardized extract is any better (I hear the Kira one is the best)


The alprazolam shouldn't have had any effect the following day, so I'd attribute the effects to the St. John's Wort. I ate this little known powdered extract of a plant called kratom the other day and I noticed a decrease in my anxiety, but it only lasted a few hours. Gave me a very mild opiate buzz too, but very subtle. The most pronounced resemblance being a slight feeling of that warm itch that comes with an opiate buzz. (I haven't touched anything but pot in a long time.)



Well-known member
I took SJW for several week and noticed absolutely no improvement. However even though it didn't seem to have any affects on me, when I stopped using it I went through some mild withdrawal.