Struggling with the existing with God? I had been searching for the answer for this q


Well-known member
I had been searching for the answer for this question does God exist? I been wondering that if God existed why wouldn’t he help us?

I came to the realization that we can never prove that God exist all we can have is faith. While I was contemplation the meaning of faith it came to me that I don’t really have to know God exist. The purpose of faith is to believe that even though that the futute seem blick and that things will never get better somehow unexpectedly things will get better. This seem farther from the truth I had SA for 16 years how can I suddenly get better? I don’t know the only thing I know is that faith give me the power to continue when cirumstances seem to be impossible.

I personally am not involve in any religion don’t consider might self belonging to any religion group. I believe there is a God and I believe God is within us he is all around us. Having faith no matter what the situation is can give us the courage and the strength to fight the good fight. Remember “Faith... makes us certain of realities we do not see

You block your dream when you allow your fear to grow bigger than your faith.
Mary Manin Morrissey quotes


Well-known member
I believe God exsists, yes :) I also believe God allows me to stutter, and have all the other problems that come along with that, for a very specific purpose. I know it has made me a more understanding and humble person. I can empathize when people go through hard times because I go through a hard time almost every day trying to speak to people. I can lend a kind word or a shoulder to cry on because I've been there. I also believe it is something I am supposed to overcome and accept :)

Silvox Black

Well-known member
I caution you to not simply walk into having blind faith. That path leads to ignorance and a false sense of empowerment. Yes faith is a human creation and it is not necessarily bad, however it is illogical in a sense since it cannot be proven. Having a belief in something that cannot be proven simply defies all logic. If driven too far, faith can be used to move masses to commit horrible crimes in its name. Whether or not God exists, I simply ask you to keep in mind that blind faith is not an answer to life.


Well-known member
I am quite certain God does not exist. But I believe that evolution as it has happened on earth is a monumentally awesome and possibly unique phenomenon in the universe. humans are a trip and we must take our responsibility seriously. SA probably has some evolutionary advantage attached to it like causing some to go out on their own and discover new places. It has such a powerful feeling of avoidance it must have driven major historical acts.
SA probably has some evolutionary advantage attached to it like causing some to go out on their own and discover new places. It has such a powerful feeling of avoidance it must have driven major historical acts.

I don't think there's such thing as an "SA" gene. Most of us can trace it back to a certain period in our lives where where something, or many things, caused it to develop.

And the idea of an "SA" gene doesn't make evolutionary sense either. How is someone with SA gonna spread their genes to the next generation?? :p


Active member
I don't think there's such thing as an "SA" gene. Most of us can trace it back to a certain period in our lives where where something, or many things, caused it to develop.

And the idea of an "SA" gene doesn't make evolutionary sense either. How is someone with SA gonna spread their genes to the next generation?? :p

It might not be a single gene, but a combination of genes. There is actually mounting evidence that having a small portion of a given population susceptible to certain disorders (specifically, schizophrenia was examined) is evolutionary beneficial for both the species and the afflicted individuals. There is also evidence to suggest that these disorders are also at least partially hereditary.

As for God, I am a staunch atheist and always have been. The concept of God is, in my mind, ridiculous and the adherents to such beliefs can be dangerous to society and humanity in general. There might have been an evolutionary advantage once upon a time, but now religion has no place in humanity and may very well undermine our progress as a species.
As for God, I am a staunch atheist and always have been. The concept of God is, in my mind, ridiculous and the adherents to such beliefs can be dangerous to society and humanity in general. There might have been an evolutionary advantage once upon a time, but now religion has no place in humanity and may very well undermine our progress as a species.


It might not be a single gene, but a combination of genes. There is actually mounting evidence that having a small portion of a given population susceptible to certain disorders (specifically, schizophrenia was examined) is evolutionary beneficial for both the species and the afflicted individuals. There is also evidence to suggest that these disorders are also at least partially hereditary.

Well schizophrenia is different. To my knowledge, either you have it or you don't, so it's unlike SA where many people have gotten over it, or grow out of it. I'm curious, how can schizophrenia be beneficial to anyone?


Active member
Mm, not really. I read it a few times, and unless I missed something, it doesn't really answer how it can be seen as "beneficial".

(Sorry to the thread starter for going off topic!)

Simply put, they don't know. They just know that for some reason the genes have remained intact for millions of years over multiple different species, meaning there must be some kind of evolutionary benefit, but the benefit is not really known. The genes wouldn't be so persistent and unmodified if they weren't beneficial in some way, though.
As for having hope and comfort in the future. I do no see what God has to do with this.
If humans can learn to think positive and not worry so much, you know the saying
"things tend to work themselves out", then if you ask me why God in this picture.
I come from a religious family but I cannot call my self a believer.

My thoughts are that the will of humans can achieve great things.
Learn to believe in yourself and love yourself, if God is real or not, that is
what I belive many holy scriptures say. So that is on the right track if you
are a believer or not.


Well-known member
really well said ShyCannuck.

I could see a scenario where SA was beneficial in the case of an epidemic. those who avoided other humans would survive and pass on their genes. Selection is complicated and the genes selected don't have to be helpful generally - just impart a survival advantage under some special condition in order to be passed on.

I guess it really doesn't matter and this is probably not the forum for a debate on the topic but I was just making a point about evolution being my religion.


Well-known member
After reading the replies on this, let me just say that a religion is not the same as a belief system, one is more related to links (whether they be historical or via people or, when prescribing to one, faith) and is thus more subject to subjectivity in terms of obscuring an absolute if there is an absolute, while the other is a paradigm which can be absolutely subjective but does not have to be.

Anyways, let me just say that I believe many people are undeniable hypocrites, both who people refer to as "religious" persons and also those who adhere to a "non-religious" point of view, which is usually the aforementioned paradigm.

My own beliefs of whether there is a God or not are ridiculously twisted and my current beliefs would not be able to help me, either directly or indirectly, cope with my social problems.


Well-known member
Mm, not really. I read it a few times, and unless I missed something, it doesn't really answer how it can be seen as "beneficial".

(Sorry to the thread starter for going off topic!)

I'm also not sure how stuttering can be evolutionarily (did I make that word up...? lol) beneficial. :)


Well-known member
I caution you to not simply walk into having blind faith. That path leads to ignorance and a false sense of empowerment. Yes faith is a human creation and it is not necessarily bad, however it is illogical in a sense since it cannot be proven. Having a belief in something that cannot be proven simply defies all logic. If driven too far, faith can be used to move masses to commit horrible crimes in its name. Whether or not God exists, I simply ask you to keep in mind that blind faith is not an answer to life.

Couldn't agree more. Faith basically tells people it's okay to ignore facts, evidence and reality. It promotes being delusional.

johnny 85

Well-known member
I caution you to not simply walk into having blind faith. That path leads to ignorance and a false sense of empowerment. Yes faith is a human creation and it is not necessarily bad, however it is illogical in a sense since it cannot be proven. Having a belief in something that cannot be proven simply defies all logic. If driven too far, faith can be used to move masses to commit horrible crimes in its name. Whether or not God exists, I simply ask you to keep in mind that blind faith is not an answer to life.

hmm, it seems u have ur mind made up but wheres ur proof that dere is no god :confused: whats ur views on after life ??
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hmm, it seems u have ur mind made up but wheres ur proof that dere is no god :confused: whats ur views on after life ??

Is god an unanswerable question? Why not say the universe is? Where is the proof for Santa Claus, Hades, the Easter Bunny, a Pink Unicorn, Mermaids, Zeus, Thor, Odin, and the Blob from outer-space? If you want to be open to god, you have to be open to these silly little things as well.
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johnny 85

Well-known member
God is an unanswerable question? Why not say the universe is? Where is the proof for Santa Claus, Hades, the Easter Bunny, a Pink Unicorn, Mermaids, Zeus, Thorn, Odin, and Mr Blob from Outer-space? If you want to be open to god, you have to be open to these silly things as well.

whats ur views on after life ??
whats ur views on after life ??

When I die that's it. But just because there's no heaven waiting, doesn't mean it has to be a dull existence. What makes you - YOU - will dissipate and join everything else, we will live on forever, but not our conciousness. If I'm wrong, then I'll go to hell, but living forever in heaven would be hell also, so you can't win. I don't want to live forever. My grandmother says that when she's dead she'll come back and let me know, or wait for me in heaven, I tell her that if it's all true, she'll be waiting a long time. lol
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johnny 85

Well-known member
When I die that's it. But just because there's no heaven waiting, doesn't mean it has to be a dull existence. What makes you - YOU - will dissipate and join everything else, we will live on forever, but not our conciousness. If I'm wrong, then I'll go to hell, but living forever in heaven would be hell also, so you can't win. I don't want to live forever. My grandmother says that when she's dead she'll come back and let me know, or wait for me in heaven, I tell her that if it's all true, she'll be waiting a long time. lol

so you obviously dont believe in spirits (ghosts), demons, possession or anything supernatural ???