Take your mind of your SA for a moment...

Does your country take better care of their livestock?

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Well-known member
If you have 12 minutes of your life to waste, and want something to think about other then embarisment and fear, have a look at the video of this site :


Its about how meat and other dairy products are created in some nations, and if you can sit through the whole thing without feeling atleast a little bit of anger you are tougher then i am.

Warning : Very Graphic.

And no, im not trying to make people veggies.


Well-known member
Don't know. Don't care. Refuse to watch that stuff. I enjoy meat, and don't want nasty pictures in my head.


i actually managed to watch the entire thing 8O
dont think ill go vegetarian though, meat just tastes way to good. and im not sure how animals are treated around here btw


Well-known member
i agree with carstuar. I love animals and i wanted them to be treated well.
as well as they can be treated before they get killed so we can eat them :(

But watching videos like that doesnt help. i will probably always be a meat eater. but ya, im not watching that


Well-known member
I can eat a couple pounds of meat in a day. People were meant to be meat eaters and it makes you grow up big and strong. Eskimos eat nothing but meat and they're happy and healthy as anyone

I love animals, but wheres the beef? :lol:


Well-known member
I'm disgusted with some farming methods. Something I have already thought about a lot. I'm not veggie but I do buy my meat from a known source and I rear my own chickens for eggs and meat.


Well-known member
Im a meat eater myself and think il never stop eating meat, im not for the veggie thing but i think if more people knew how conditions were at the farms, things would be different, i believe the reasons things are like they are, is becouse few people know or care.
I've lived on a farm most of my life and we never took care of chickens or our cattle in that manner, except for the "cattle prod" which I took to school once and snapped people in the halfway with it just to watch them jump, its quite funny.

Most of the chicken and turkey footage is from asian countries, thats why they have something called bird flu, because the owners work and are surrounded by chicken shit and whatever else 24/7.

If you believe every farm is like this, your an idiot.

Our chickens and cattle were kept in heat controlled holding rooms and were always feed and watered, also we didnt use antibiotics or hormones, we were called an "organic" farm because all the meat was natural, trust me if you know what your doing you can grow the same animals and have better meat in the end if you have patience.

And yes, I have castrated and branded a few cows before, except we did it with a pair of razor charp strings that you pull together and pop they come off. ;o)

Maybe I'm a little too cold hearted but if veggie's think that with them stopping eating meat its gonna change the world, they need to wake up. More and more people everyday are eating more meat so there not making a bit of difference.

There's many things in meat that are good for you and hey, who doesnt like a juicy tender steak right off the grill ;o)


Well-known member
Artificial insemination in itself is disgusting, imo. Animals were not meant to exist and procreate just to serve humans.

Really animals should just be organically farmed...It's better for the animals, it's better for us and it's better for the World. If people can't afford it, eat less meat. Need more protein? Eat fish. Eat other meats that are less intensive, or different cuts. White meat does not have to mean intensively-farmed chicken breasts.

We need to eat less meat. Meat is being eaten more and more all over the World...and pretty soon there will just not be enough grain on the planet to sustain it. In developed societies now we do not see meat as the luxury that it is. Hunter-gatherers lived on <10% meat. There is plenty of reasons to change our eating habits, imo, and one does not need to become vegetarian.


I couldn´t see the video, but can imagine its horrible. Animals shouldn´t be killed at all!! I was in India, there was no meat, no milk, and people are still alive. I was as well. I can eat meat, but don´t have to. It is not worth causing pain to animals just for our bloody tastes.

Edit: just came across chicken slaughtering on the market here in Peru yesterday... I couldn't believe it, they were pulling, twistin and breaking their necks.. and it's going on every day, should record it on video... I also saw killing fish... Altogether these markets are like hell, dirt and blood and animals rests lying all over.
And it's not only chicken and fish it's goats and cows etc.. I often wonder what I have in common with these witch primitive people, they have no feelings at all.


Well-known member
I became a vegetarian when I was 3 or 4 yrs old. I was vegan for 2 or 3 years in college but now that I'm married to a carnivore and we have a child it's harder to go back to that. I do make a point to buy organic dairy/eggs whenever possible though.

Our little one is mostly vegetarian but we do give him fish. If he chooses to eat meat when he's older that will be his choice, it simply isn't something I choose to feed him, and my DH is okay with that.

For me it's largely an emotional issue... I have always felt very connected to animals and I tend to take on their pain...


What is also absurd is, that people tend to feel sorry only for some animals, for those cute ones. Not for fish or poultry and other domestic animals. Maybe also because killing them is so widespread and customary, that it seems somehow normal. But it doesn´t take away the fact, that it are horrible murders on innocent beings. Besides domestic animals are not even stupid, they are sensitive and intelligent (more than people sometimes).
And taking fish out of water, they suffer the same way like if you drown a kitten!! Today, the fishers don´t kill them straight away, they just don´t care and leave them die on the air. I think fish communicate in ultrasound so they cannot be heard crying.


Well-known member
I remember an old teacher had a go at me in class for about 10 mins. in front of everyone for being being the son of a farmer who uses pesticides, fertilizers, fungicides and so on and so forth. It was funny when I said back err...sir actually were organic. :)

Ive seen a fair bit of death around the farm, ranging from taking cattle to the abattoir, seeing a few very ill cattle being put down over the years, having to move still born calves.

Does it bother me? Yes it did the first few times, but now not so much, its to be expected now and again on a dairy farm.

I eat meat pretty regulary its healthy and tastes good, if no one ate beef or dairy products etc. would cattle, sheep or other domesticated animals even exist? I think in many ways that selective breeding of these animals has gone too far for example the Holestein, Friesian breeds of cattle (sterotypical black and white cow) is pretty much just bred for quantity of milk. Meaning that these animals health can suffer as a result as well as having a much shorter lifespan. I dont think you can blame the farmers, more often than not if they didnt use these breeds they wouldnt even break even as a business.

I cant even comprehend the consequences of the farm having an outbreak of foot and mouth, this farm had it in 1969. But Ive had an easy childhood compared to my father when he was told by his father when he just 12 years old to help with the cull of over 100 seemingly healthy cattle.


Some say it is impossible not to kill animals, because they would soon take over us, but today the animals are bred in mass, most of them even never go out. This is unnatural. If we didn´t eat meat/milk, these animals just would not exist. Only those who could be allowed to live naturally like farm animals. In India they do keep animals, but very little and use them mostly for eggs (milk, but that´s almost nonexistent there).
I do not blame people for eating meat however, I know its hard not to when we have the chance. I myself like milk and dairy and when there is the opportunity, I buy it. But if it wasn´t, I could do without. It´s all about habits.


Well-known member
The problem its to many people in this world,I tried to be a vegan for a while,but its not for me....


Well-known member
i don't know.but we produce meat as well.i don't want to watch that video either.i'll feel disgusted and terrible but i'm still eating them.


I saw this video first time today and it´s pure horror. What a ****ing planet is this??!! What life do the milliards of poor animals have? They suffer whole life only to be tortured and brutally killed in the end. How can someone say they don´t care is beyond me. Can you imagine to be one of those chicken, cows or whatever? I don´t need any responses, just something to think about. We keep complaining about our phobias, but what phobias must they have...
I try to cut back on meat because I empathize with animals way too much. Economics just dictates that their living conditions will be as shitty as possible (up to what the law allows, which isn't saying much). And as an SA sufferer I know what it's like getting stir crazy from sitting inside your apartment for two weeks without going out. Imagine being stuck in a pen where you could barely move, for you whole life.

I'm looking forward to artificial meat, which will kill most of the market for real meat, cause it'll be so much cheaper, and probably better anyway.

Plus, free range eggs and organic milk taste way better than the regular stuff.