Terrific 20's!! :)


Well-known member
A thread for people in their 20's! It can be an exciting age - with specific challenges too...

This is an age most sung about in Hollywood, songs, movies, TV series...
But it can feel a bit frightening and scary too... Especially if it's not happening exactly as Hollywood portrayed it to be!! Or even if it is! - Hollywood doesn't know everything, you know!! :)!! It's good to be UNIQUE sometimes too!!

And many of you may not really realize how truly awesome you are - or the age you're at!
(I remember feeling TERRIBLY old at 25... lol!)

So, to learn to appreciate your age and all that comes with it... and exchange frustrations, challenges and ideas...

Older or younger people can post here too, sharing their views or thoughts on this specific age, or helping others with ideas, advice or suggestions..

I think we're now covered with all age-related topics, if anyone still feels underappreciated, feel free to start your own thread!! :)
100+ & ROCKIN' IT!! or something like that...?


Well-known member
hehe Coyote if you put up a disclaimer or have your real age stated in your profile :)

We all know you're wild at heart, yeah!! :)

see the paragraph before last for details
they'll boot you out if you don't behave I guess?? :)
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Well-known member
I'm 20 and my life has absolutely nothing to do with what Hollywood shows us :D

Anyway I never feel my age. Sometimes it's like I'm 15 and the next day I'm more like 50...


Well-known member
10 months left.
I am scared. The expectations at that age...
Scared? No! Nothing will change unless you want it. If you're happy with what you have, you'll still be happy. If you're not, sadly nothing will change (like what happened to me).
But don't worry for what what you see people 20 something do. Most of the times it's not even real :D
Just be yourself and you'll find everything's ok


Well-known member
Scared? No! Nothing will change unless you want it. If you're happy with what you have, you'll still be happy. If you're not, sadly nothing will change (like what happened to me).
But don't worry for what what you see people 20 something do. Most of the times it's not even real :D
Just be yourself and you'll find everything's ok
Thanks :)


Well-known member
I played some of those Hollywood type 20-something year olds when I was 18.
Now I'm 23 and my life is very much the opposite of the role I once played.
And yet... I don't really care. The other way seems to have too much drama XD
I guess that's one of the good things about never leaving your room-- you don't have to deal with people's drama!

Maybe by the time I'm 25, I'll have had more experience as an adult and I could say something positive about being in my 20's. For now though... I've got nothing. haha


Well-known member
this thread shall be glorious.

am drawing the blueprints of the conquering the 30+ topic as we speak.

but by the time i'm finished i might be 30. so we'd be effectively conquering ourselves. mission aborted.


Well-known member
it always looks like it will be disaster to grow year older. and yet when i get there i still feel the same as a year before. i wish i could look younger though :\
Yeah, in the end nothing important happens....

But, hey! You look great, you don't have to worry about this ::p:


Well-known member
yeah i'm 23 and everybody is telling me i have grey hair (my hair is really dark), a part of that its being kinda normal, like my teen but without school :p


Well-known member
As said elsewhere before, some guys with no hair can be extremely great-looking! :)
(Or even super-famous!!)


(I also knew a guy with no hair who had a different woman every week or so.. Not that I really recommend that.. Another guy I know has a gorgeous French girlfriend!!) There was a thread about this too...

Stress & vitamins/minerals can be a factor, yup...
As for lines/wrinkles, skin elasticy is vitamin/mineral/nutrition-related too... Smoking can be a factor.. Too much coffee or soda pop or sugar is not really good either, or at least make sure to replenish vitamins/minerals/nutrients then..

I also like this quote:

And it's better to have smile lines from laughter and smiling anyway!! Shows you have a sense of humor and a good heart!! :)


Well-known member
And it's better to have smile lines from laughter and smiling anyway!! Shows you have a sense of humor and a good heart!! :)

Well said!! I always thought that some kind of wrinkles can be very sexy, especially smile lines ::p:


Well-known member
@MrJones, paahi

thank u both :D

yet, i'm starting to have smile line and it feels like i'm too young to have any wrinkles ._.
i hope i'll be rich by the time i'll really have more serious skin issues :9

It's all that coffee :eek: No - I agree with Feathers - smile line is the kind of line you want! Besides aside from diet/exercise - stress/anxiety/relaxation imo is as important/more - literally all that stress on the immune system weighs physically - mental and physical = one. But it's not forever, we all can look "younger" if we relax more.

BUT you have nothing to worry about with your looks, trust me, and if you think you do, you always have the cup to hold in front :D


Well-known member
I shouldn't be posting in this thread, but underneath my fringe, my hairline has been receding since age 12. ::(:. Bad genes dammit

GET OUTTA THIS THREAD, TEEN! :mad: We don't serve their kind, here!

No JK, all welcome of course - you may have that but also a mature hairline my best friend had that, but his hair is still thick and full but "receded" early, but that doesn't mean balding.