That realization that nothing really matters


Well-known member
I'm in such a strange and frustrating place in my life right now. It seems that it doesn't matter if I try, don't try, If I'm nice or selfish, heck, I've even been cutting back food and hitting the gym big time and even my weight stays the same. I feel like that guy in the movie "Groundhog Day" it's just the same thing over and over and even when I do something "radical" to shake things up it quickly goes right back to "normal."
So strange. Like I'm just floating around getting nowhere and I have no control over it.:kickingmyself:


Well-known member
If you're hitting the gym, chances are you're putting on muscle which would compensate for the reduction of calories.

So, it sounds like your problem is that you're stuck in the same place. Things are changing for you even though you're attempting to "shake" things up.

What do you want to change in your life? Write out a list. Follow up question. Is what you're doing now or have done, the best path to the change you want in your life?


Well-known member
As ImNotMyIllness said: what is it that you want to change? You seem to be trying to change some aspects of your life, and that's a good start.


Well-known member
my dad used to say i'm just "treading water," like not doing anything productive or meaningful in my life. i totally get this exact feeling you're talking about... every day is exactly the same (i think there's a NIN song about it too lol.) i just tell myself things could be way worse, like i could be a cocaine-snorting gangbanger with warrants for my arrest or something, but i'm not so yay :applause:!