the family and social phobia


Well-known member
I have said to my family the problem that I have ,but after four months their attitude is negative;they don't give any support.What is the most advisable?
The only support is from the persons that I have Known in the forum.


Well-known member
elparanoic said:
I have said to my family the problem that I have ,but after four months their attitude is negative;they don't give any support.What is the most advisable?
The only support is from the persons that I have Known in the forum.

yes, being normal people, and i emphasize normal, they would care unless they see you holding your chest, your face turns red as the fire, you fall to the ground, gasping for air...

only then they will see that you have a problem with SA, and be more concerned..

this also applies to all so called "normal" people..

i told my friends about it, and they were like "Oo..ok?"


Well-known member
I have only ever told one of my work mates who was very understanding as he was/is like me but not as bad and has mainly gotten over SP.

It was good working with him because he done all the talking to people stuff and i just had to do the work (iam an electrcian).

As for telling my familay i realy dont think i could do that,they just think iam shy and quiet.If i was to tell them i would just think that they would be watching me more to see what i was on about cause i dont think they would understand.


Well-known member
my family wouldn't understand, plus then they would look for all of the weird quirks and notice them even more, that would totally freak me out 8O But, they must wonder what's wrong, goes way past being shy and quiet, but it would be so hard for me to say it to them.


Well-known member
my mum n dad oly know about my depression but still they give me no surport what so ever, all they ever did was get in touch with a therapist for me - much love :D

plus my dads the kind of guy who jokes about things like that so me telling them is never goin to happen.


Well-known member
My parents have always known me to be very shy and anti-social but thats it, I don't think they realise I am SP to a certain extent to what extent I haven't really found out yet, but I'm working on

It really annoys me when they say things like "You should get out more, your only young once".....or "Its really not healthy to stay in doors for weeks at a time"



i told my dad who is also a social phobic (which is probably why i have the damn thing) and he told me i wasnt as bad as he was when he was in school!
my mum is the total opposite of me - she never shuts up!
but noone understands me!
i can never explain my symptoms because for some reason i feel like crying when i talk about it!
does n e 1 else get that?


Well-known member
It's so bizarre, how my parents haven't ever asked me what is the problem. Of anyone, they know how I am :? They have seen my problem and weird quirks, avoidance of social stuff, and yet they have never said anything. To be honest, if I ever had the guts (and the words) to tell them, I'm not sure they would take me seriously, or understand at all, and just tell me to smarten the fuck up :evil: O.K. maybe not exactly in those words. :wink:


Does anyone else have a family that blames the computer? My family says that the only reason I don't leave the house is because I'm addicted to the computer, but they don't understand that it has nothing to do with how I spend my time. I told them that I could just as easily read books, watch TV, play video games or card games. Whenever I'm not on the computer, those are the things I do anyways. The computer isn't the problem. They are just looking for quick fix solutions. In fact, if it wasn't for the computer, I'd never talk to anyone at all.


Well-known member
Some days, they would be supportive - and that's so rare :( -

another days, they'de say stuff like "Come on, be a man for once and talk to that girl over there."
other times, they would say: "Really? Is that another desease they just found, god when is this madness gonna stop? son, go sleep for tonight.. tomorrow is gonna be better." :?

and all of that is not helping a bit, so i've learnt a lesson:


SPECTACULAR ur absolutely right!
dont tell anyone that you have sp!
my mum walked past when i was on this site and said ' you better not be on a site about that stupid phobia you think you have'
noone understands except fellow sufferers! thats a fact!