The Great SA Bank Robbery!!


Well-known member
Since joining this site I've got some good advice and chatted to some great people and interesting characters. Its a great little community.

So, heres what I'm gonna do.

The Cunning Plan:

1. Go to the newsagents tommorrow and buy a lotto ticket.
2. Win
3. Buy tickets for us all to go on holiday to some crazy place somewhere.

It's foolproof.

Any preferences for where?


Well-known member
Count me out. I think the reason I like this forum is the knowledge that I will most likely never meet any of you. No offense, it's just the way i am. :)


Well-known member
Unfortunately, in reviwing my last plan I've uncovered a fatal flaw.

The newsagent closes early tommorrow and I wanna sleep in.
Need cash.

So here's my next cunning plan. Very covert.

1. Go to a bank.

2. Atari, Chrisfishes and LilMissTragic, dressed as Bavarian milking maid types, confuse the guard with questions about a lost goat.

3. Send the secret signal to Despise and Horatio who will be hiding in the pot plants dressed as tree pixies.

4. Horatio, charms the tellers with his wit, rugged good looks and Horatio Nelson Sailors Uniform.

5. Meanwhile, Scottish player strolls round the teller booths to the vault where he explains to a friendly staff member that he left his keys in there and could he please go and get them.

6. While scottish player stuffs his pockets with gold bullion, an undercover Cassie and Worrydoll divert police traffic by putting all the cats they can find, in trees. (oh bugger that only works for firemen)

7. Once the firemen are taken care of, that leaves everyone free to escape out the back where Masterpeice2 is waiting with the getaway moped.

(no cats will be harmed)

That should work.


Well-known member
They will be very distracted and confused by the fruit on our heads, sounds like big fun! :lol:


Well-known member
An amazing plan, don't know why I myself didn't think of it...if it all goes wrong, we can at least plead insanity and all have a nice little holiday at the local psych ward.


Well-known member
Well I got an email the other day saying I won the Nigerian lottery!! So boo sucks to you losers hahaha! I've sent them my bank details so it's only a matter of time before I'm living the life of let the good times roll! 8)


Well-known member
haha me driving :lol: :lol:
id get so worked up and my co-ordination is awful.
i know, ill have a cow drawn milk cart to use as a get away vehicle. :D


Well-known member
worrydoll said:
lol congratulations yossarian, lend me a fiver mate. x

Of course you can babe. Mind you my bank account seems to be empty for some reason....sure I had cash..oh well. Maybe it was a mix up. My bank wanted my account details for something so I emailed it to them.

If that doesn't work I'm up for robbing a bank. Maybe we could take some market researchers as hostages....