The greeting dilemma


Well-known member
I have this problem when it comes to saying hello to people. I meet someone I should/could say hello to and I find myself waiting to see if they will say hello first. Sometimes they do, but sometimes not. Of course, they may be waiting for me to say hi, and when I fail to do so they might think I don't want to. And I'm suspecting them of the same thing! :? This happens a lot at the gym.

It may seem silly, but it's just so embarrassing when you say hi to someone and they ignore you... :roll:

Yes, it is silly, because when I do say hi, most people will respond.

Don't know if anyone can relate...


Active member
Yes, of course . . . but I noticed that in my case I’m ignored sometimes when saying hi to some people, just because of the fact that I talk so low (like I was afraid of something) that other people can’t hear me properly.

I used to wonder why other people seemed not to understand what I was saying and I came to this conclusion: I was talking so low and in an unarticulated manner . . . .


Well-known member
Yes I have this problem, especially when I arrive for work in the morning. I work in a large open plan office and my desk is in the middle of the room, so I'm not really sure who to say hello to. :roll:

I guess it doesn't do any harm to say hello first- you're just being sociable and friendly. The trouble that even saying hello is an effort for me, and I used to beat myself up if they didn't reply back.


Well-known member
yeah, i hate this as well. generally my rule is that if i've been around then with mutual friends, i'll at least make eye contact and smile, and let them know that at least i'm not trying to be rude and ignoring them (no offense to those that do ignore! there are certain people that when i walk by, all of a sudden i become preoccupied with my shoes or a tree... in the other direction ;))

if i've had at least one conversation with them i smile and say hi, or wave. or do a head nod.

do they do that in britain? in the south it's usually a head nod once down to be polite and if you're on good terms it's a head nod up


Well-known member
Saying hello is one of my worst nightmares. I try to be social,but only if it's necessary. But when they don't notice,I just avoid them and pass quickly.


Well-known member
I'm very uncomfortable saying a simple "hello". It takes every bit of willpower I have for me to say it. It's very rare for me to speak to someone I don't know, so that helps. For people I know, I always wonder how my greetings sounded. Another thing, I try to avoid people who I know will make a hello into an invite for a long conversation.


Well-known member
yeah, i got the same problem, we think too much i guess about how we seem to others. You know once i was in my car with 3 work-mates, one of them is really social. Well, he started to sing this stupid corny song, and he knew it was corny, and all of us couldnt take it, but he kept on going :)

I was so amazed at how he kept it on, even though we were all pissed of at him. Sometimes i feel that u just have to follow through, pretend noone is there :) Thats the way we should go.