The illusion of seperateness


Well-known member
According to Eckhart Tolle (whose teachings encompass many universal ancient teachings from Buddhism, hinduism and christianity) everything goes back to one universal essence, the source of all life, the God-essence.

This is an underlying presence that is in all beings, forms and nature. Even though the fleeting world of form changes continuously and reincarnates all the time, this one-ness and aliveness is always present underneath all the noise. But the world of form is very seductive and we are constantly taken by it, through the mind and ego. Our minds constantly tell stories about the "truth", but in reality these stories are but interpretations and perceptions. The idea of a "me" vs the world, the idea of seperation. This is ultimately an illusion that creates a lot of suffering, because there's always the idea that we are not complete, the constant need for more and especially in the case of Social Anxiety the need for comparison with others.

The teaching that we are all in essence one, has given me a lot of compassion for the world and humans, no matter how big of an ego they have or how much "better" my mind sometimes tells me they are than me. I can watch these thoughts, and be mindful and concious of it, and it has given me a lot of peace. The "feeling" of being rooted in the "one life" gives me great joy and allows me to break the cycles of suffering and find a curiosity and compassion in life. When you see another human, you can appreciate them for what they really are beyond the world of form, which is the same as you essentially. It's really quite a beautiful realisation.

Though, of course, it can't always be accomplished because often when surrounded by other humans we get pulled in/seducted again by unconciousness. But even then it's possible to tap into presence, if you allow it.

Sorry if this seems like psychobabble, and I understand if you're not feeling it, just thought it would be nice to share.
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Well-known member
Great post. :bigsmile:

I really agree and don't think Tolle is psychobabble either- I am happy I have found something I can relate to and live by, or try. Every time I am angry now I realise it's my ego and I try to control it as the stupid evil thing that it is and when I see this in others I see it for what it is too. That is freeing so much and just one of the many great things I have learned from listening and reading his words. I heard about the "Illusion of separation" from Deepak Chopra on a great audio cd called "The Book of Secrets" that was mind opening stuff! I recommend it to you too.


Well-known member
I wonder why the world of forms is created because it creates a lot of division in this world. What purpose does form serve? This is a rhetorical question but feel free to answer if you like.


Well-known member
I wonder why the world of forms is created because it creates a lot of division in this world. What purpose does form serve? This is a rhetorical question but feel free to answer if you like.

:kickingmyself: banging my head...

cool question and I wish I knew even remotely how to go about figuring that one out!!! Where's Terence McKenna when we need him. :(

maybe it's the only way to reproduce the species/forms etc...create a division or force? ex. men and women.


Well-known member
I wonder why the world of forms is created because it creates a lot of division in this world. What purpose does form serve? This is a rhetorical question but feel free to answer if you like.

I guess that's one of the big mysteries. Fact of the matter is, there is form, there is life. It orginated somewhere around the "Big Bang" and it has escalated to the point where it is now (I guess escalated sounds negative, it's not ment that way) But there is also a lot of suffering going created by the human mind and humans upon others. I love that there is a way to transcend it and feel the aliveness underneath it all, even for brief moments, to wake up from the illusions of the mind. Just taking a moment to breathe, or to watch the space you're in. Creating space. It's essential! The mind is a great tool, of course, but it can often completely drag us into suffering. But suffering will always be there to an extend. For example, a person starving will not so easily find peace. Maybe the same goes for brain illnesses.
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Well-known member
Great post man I love it and it's great to be reminded of that! Have you ever heard of "A course in miracles"?


Well-known member
But the world of form is very seductive and we are constantly taken by it, through the mind and ego. Our minds constantly tell stories about the "truth", but in reality these stories are but interpretations and perceptions. The idea of a "me" vs the world, the idea of seperation. This is ultimately an illusion that creates a lot of suffering, because there's always the idea that we are not complete, the constant need for more and especially in the case of Social Anxiety the need for comparison with others.

This is something I've been thinking about lately because I think that most of our emotional and relationship problems revolve around the fact that people now have such huge egos and are becoming more and more narcissistic. Where does it end? When will society realize that the "bigger" you make yourself the more removed you are from things like joy and love?


Well-known member
its not psychobabble. people who have experienced NDE's or ME's will say exactly the same thing. how does one approach this letting go of the ego, when SA or depression creeps in and makes the form seem much more important than it really is? is this where meditation and yoga come in?


Well-known member
I enjoyed reading this thread and in particular reminded me of two quotes:

You are a part of the universe, no less than the stars and the trees, and you have a right to be here. And whether it is clear to you or not, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

~ Desiderata

A human being is a part of the whole, called by us, "Universe," a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest -- a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. Nobody is able to achieve this completely, but the striving for such achievement is in itself a part of the liberation and a foundation for inner security.

-- Albert Einstein


Well-known member
its not psychobabble. people who have experienced NDE's or ME's will say exactly the same thing. how does one approach this letting go of the ego, when SA or depression creeps in and makes the form seem much more important than it really is? is this where meditation and yoga come in?

I have read/tried several "gateways" into "presence" or conciousness.

Meditation is a widely used method, but there is also:
- Sense perception (simple observation of the space you are in, an object or plant/flower, try to observe without labelling anything. The texture, the form, etc.)
- Inner body awareness: Try to feel the inner body. For example, close your eyes and feel the energy in your hands. This immediately can take you out of the realm of mind and thought and create some spaciousness.
- Mindfulness. If you experience strong emotions and thoughts, impulses, cravings, try to be aware of them without judgement. We just watch. Let the phenomena arise, let it pass. Berating or shaming oneself for what arises is counterproductive. Don't take every thought too seriously. Identification with mind is the primary delusion and the cause of the forgetfulness of being.

Not sure if this is a technique, but "Surrender". Be fully accepting of this moment as it is. Many people feel a lot of resistance to "what is", but positive action can be taken from a "yielding to" other then "opposing" the flow of life. Also be aware that this moment is all there is, always, and a lot of thought and worrying concerning past and future is dysfunctional.

I could recommend watching some of Tolle's video's on youtube and other things suggested in this thread if you're interested in spirituality.
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Theories, theories. If I was 20 maybe it would grab me, but I just need real things now. Which probably is a mistake and my fall to the spiritual abyss :(.


Well-known member
Theories, theories. If I was 20 maybe it would grab me, but I just need real things now. Which probably is a mistake and my fall to the spiritual abyss :(.

that's the whole point...

what you think is "real" isn't the way things really are


Well-known member
Theories, theories. If I was 20 maybe it would grab me, but I just need real things now. Which probably is a mistake and my fall to the spiritual abyss :(.

It's not really about theories, which is more mindstuff. It's about a shift in conciousness, to get in touch with the level beyond thought.

I understand your position though, as this was exactly how I felt about spiritual stuff before I took interest in it.


Well-known member
Theories, theories. If I was 20 maybe it would grab me, but I just need real things now. Which probably is a mistake and my fall to the spiritual abyss :(.

I'm sort of in the same boat. But this past year life itself has been doing so much to squash my ego that I can't help but to see things differently. I'm not doing meditation or anything like that but more so noticing how materialistic and self involved the world around me has become.


Well-known member
That´s not difficult to see :bigsmile:.

You got that right! But, like many Americans, I too believed that materialism and big egos were something to strive for. Then this past year, life has knocked me down so many pegs and with that it knocked down my ego as well and now I'm seeing just how empty the typical American mindset really is. But now I still have to live amongst it and I'm sort of struggling with that internally because I don't know how I will ever "fit into" society ever again.


It's not really about theories, which is more mindstuff. It's about a shift in conciousness, to get in touch with the level beyond thought.

I understand your position though, as this was exactly how I felt about spiritual stuff before I took interest in it.

I am not denying that there can be someting about it. But if you´re in a position, where your basic life needs are not being met, for example you´re very cold or hungry etc... you only have energy to think about your survival. So let´s say when you are dying for a piece of bread or a glass of water, you don´t give crap about theories like that. So this theory is good for people whose basic life needs have been met and they have the luxury to think about someting more. I mean it is easy to philosophize for people who are safe and warm, or at least on a reasonable level. But if you lost all that and found yourself having to fight for life, would your theory still be helping or even interesting you? I think your primitive urges would take over and where have nice philosophies gone. Or maybe some people are strong enough to put mind over matter. Which I am afraid I can´t do. Sometimes when I am very cold and can´t stand it anymore, I try to imagine I am warm, but it doesn´t work :(. So much about the power of my imagination :bigsmile:.