the only place ı am happy in is my house


Well-known member
Hear hear

Same here its like my safe zone a place where not nervous stressed or self conscious a place where can be yourself without worry best place on earth no one judging you


Well-known member
I wouldn't say i'm truly happy at home, but certainly it's the place i'm most comfortable in. i suppose that's why i almost never leave.


Well-known member
Bedroom, yes. I'm hoping to move out this year and have a wider space to be hermetic in.

Maybe happy is the wrong word though, safest? Contented? Because in all honesty I'd far rather have a social life that took me out of my home more often.


Well-known member
If you are happy there, what´s the problem?

Most people can't stay there 24/7 :)

I'm most comfortable at home, but I have had panic attacks there which makes me feel no where is safe, but its a lot safer than going out.

I'm finding I'm not really happy in my room now, I sort of want more from life but know I can't have that.


Well-known member
I would say I'm happiest AT my home, not necessarily IN it. Can't beat lying on the grass outside in the summer sun. Then again, no one can see our "garden" as I live on an old farm in the country.


Well-known member
i'd much rather be out in the woods, on a mountainside, or along a deserted coastline somewhere


Well-known member
yeah me too i feel better at home , and maybe camping in the woods. But i go out everyday because the weather is very nice and I dont want to be alone and it helps my SA.


Well-known member
It's the only place where I'm completely at ease. Unfortunately this fact does nothing to motivate me to get out and become a more rounded person.
The only place I like is the shower, toilet, because there I can be totally isolated xD Nah, I do like to be around people though. I like the living room to spent with my parents, but a lot of time I avoid those impressions, Really, should do that less


Well-known member
Actually no. When I am at home I want to be somewhere else. Sometimes I am somewhere else and I want to go home. Sigh!