The world isn't black and white


Active member
After going to therapy and realizing my ongoing struggle with finding my identity I've come to realize a few things. The world isn't black and white. What I mean by this is that you can't apply labels to every person and think that it operates in this kind of way. How often have you looked at a "jock" and kind of figured out what he's into and what his friends are like without actually knowing him. The real truth is that we don't know how a person really is inside. We like to put labels on people and pigeon hole them as a certain type of person, that's capable of certain things. But everybody is different, EVERYBODY!!!. I think that's our whole problem. We don't know who we really are so we try to fit into this image of what we "should" be. And if we are to be rejected by these people we lose who we really are and are lost again. I bet most of us who go to this site feel that since we visit this website and have this problem we can't be (insert label here). We think well, you'll never see a "Jock" go to this site, or since I go here I must be a total loser. Things don't work like that, everybody has unique personality traits, and you can't see things as one way or another.
So when we dislike something about ourselves, or get mad at the way we speak or anything like that, we get depressed because we can't live up to this expectation of what we should be, and trying to fit in with an image that is impossible to truly be, and that just doesn't exist. So I think everyone should stop thinking in this black and white fashion, and start to see who you really are and stop labeling others and yourself. I hope I made sense, and this has helped.


Well-known member
yes that made sense and i think you're right. i'm very guilty of being narrowminded in a lot of ways.


Well-known member
Very true, but that still won't stop me from pre-judging people, since it's part of my nature. They've got lots and lots of time to convince me they're not like that if they choose to do so.