This may seem like a trivial problem...


New member
...but I cannot cope with it any longer!

Here goes: I have to pick up my 3 year old son from daycare everyday around lunch time. In order to do this I have to wait in the hallway with about 15 other Moms and a few Dads who I do not know for about 5-10 min. THis has gone on for 3 weeks or so. I am finding with each day that passes I am getting more and more anxious and self-conscious about the fact that I am the ONLY one that is not talking to anyone else :( Everyone else has their dynamic set up with whom they choose to talk with...I guess I just don't fit it. They all find it a breeze to chat, and I find it excruciating!! I find I cannot make any form of small chat without getting very anxious and my heart races. I cannot look people in the eye very much at all. I feel more and more ridiculous standing there each day on my own, I feel more and more alienated and worthless and like I am a person that is not worthy of conversation/friendship. I feel like I almost cannot deal with this anymore, and I feel pathetic about this as this situation seems so trivial to others. I am at the point where I am thinking of just sitting in my car until the last possible second and then getting my son. THat way although I would look anti-social, at least I wouldn't feel anxious. I cannot even just get up the guts to "interrupt" their conversation and try to become part of it by saying something as I think that at this point after all this time that it would look silly and would merely appear as an irritation to them as they show zero interest in me and so if they had wanted to chat with me they would have done it by now. I couldn't do it anyhow as I am too anxious. It doesn't make sense that I should feel like whatever they have to say in conversation is so much more important than what I would have to offer. I also am also very caring, intelligent and I am told I am attractive, so I don't understand why I feel so low compared to others...

THis has happened on all occasions that I am in group situations. I had to drop out of nursing school second year (although I had the top marks out of 120 people) because I couldn't handle being around people. This happened in HS as well, I had to enter nursing as a mature student because I didn't graduate high school (I never showed up half the time-surprise surprise)

THe sad thing is that I desparately want to have some connections with others in my life and I would like to meet new people or at least just be able to "get by" without feeling so awkward in these situations. I am just so tired of feeling so alone, but cannot seem to change things :(

Another thing I do not understand is why these other people who find it so easy to talk/chat in new social situations do not think to go out of their way to make an obviously shy/anxious person feel more comfortable and accepted. Like maybe asking us a few open ended questions or something...Why must it be us SP people who have to devise ways to integrate ourselves into conversation??? I guess in the end I am the one to blame for all my own problems, even though I try to smile whenever I can (about 2-3 times per afternoon when their kids are doing something cute etc) to look at least friendly.

Sorry for how long this is....I just need to vent.

Does anyone else feel like this? Does anyone else have any suggestions?


I know how you feel. It's so hard for me to make small talk. And I hate when I have to go somewhere and I see people making small talk with eachother. And they don't even know one another. And I can't join in. Even if somebody tried to include me I would only say one or two words and that's it. I wouldn't know how to keep the conversation going or I have a fear that I might say something stupid. And if you tried to join the conversation it might seem rude. Everybody is standing around in groups and I'm standing alone in the corner. And I can't make eye contact either. I just feel so low around people. I think the reason people don't want to include shy people in their conversation is because we might come across as snobby. I've been told that I was stuck up and that I thought I was better than everybody else, just because I was so shy. And that's definately not the case. I desperately want to have friends and feel like I belong. I want to go out and have fun and have a life. I'm around my kids all day and night. And I need to be around other adults, but I can't seem to take that first step...........


Well-known member
Wish I could help but I'm useless at making conversation too. Especially when everyone has already grouped off together.

Maybe you can start with a question, say about the daycare or one of the kids which is common ground. Most people do like to help others if they can and maybe you can go from there. When I'm stuck for words I just resort to questions about the other person as most people like to talk about themselves. Although most of the time I think I just end up sounding like I'm interviewing them which is not good.

I know it's not much help (if any) but you sound like an intelligent and articulate person to me so have faith, be strong and the best of luck.


Well-known member
i totally relate to all of that. i usually just do a bit of texting and look generally spaced out. or yawn.


Well-known member
I have problems with small talk too...but sometimes I turn into blabbermouth and cant shut up and then that sorta freaks the other person out a bit.
What you have to remember though is those long awkard silences are not just coing from you, the other person is also feeling the anxiety with it, if they didnt they would fill the silence.
The good thing is that you have something in common with all those people standing there, you are a parent. All parents like to chat about thier child. So no one is going to be lacking in stuff to say. Next time you go, as you pass the others just give them a smile and a hello. Hopefully someone will start to converse with you. At least, i hope they do....good luck!


Well-known member
I can relate totally to this...I think the best thing todo is to just say, 'who the hell cares what they think? they probably dont even know that your uncomfortable.....they dont realize your feeling that way at all and maybe think you are snobby.... they dont pay your bills why should it matter???