Tips on handling presentations...


Active member
I know a few but as I've been reading posts here, I see that some people in here have managed to control their SA symptoms better than I can. I was hoping these people could share their 'secrets'. What works and what doesnt work.

I have presentations every day at work and they are not getting easier. I think they are actually getting worse. I dont have work until Tuesday thanks to memorial day and free weekends. So, I'd like to work on something before I get to work on Tuesday.

[email protected]


Well-known member
hey there browneyes. i hated presentations the most of anything in high school and would avoid them at all costs. i would irrationally worry about them when they were no where near in sight (as in a certain class may not have any but i'd worry anyway just in case i guess). now if i feel comfortable enough in the class (i kind of have to psych myself up from day one) i have no problem if i have enough time in advance to mentally prepare.

all i can tell you is imagine the folks you're presenting yourself to just like yourself. not as a treat waiting to pounce on its prey. i'm sure they don't like doing it either. they won't remember your presentation next week. take deep breaths and know you aren't going to stick out and they won't be able to tell you're nervous if you keep calm. good luck :D


Well-known member
if you have quite a serious conditon of SA, i dont think anything will help in lessening that nervous, fear effect, sorry, but thats the fact.

maybe betablockers might help.

a tip that may be helpful:

try you best to be calm, even though you cannot, you may feel like exploding.

constantly repeat positive words in teh mind throughout the presentation.

after lots of experimentations, i found out that having the body relaxed is the best way.


I would say the only thing so far which has helped in presentations is medication. I had to do one in front of a ton of people at a wedding just a couple weeks ago, and that was the best presentation I ever gave. Before then, when I had to give a speech, I would always blush, shake, stutter and pretty much want to cry out. If you experience those I would go for some medicine. But if yours is at a lower level, then I guess maybe experience and comfort to the situation would help?