Ugh great experience yesterday, help please?

Sorry if this is long ::eek::

Usually when something happens with others i try to please them so they dont get mad and i dont know, hate me i guess. Yesterday a good friend of mine who is extremely disorganized, asks me if she can spend the night at my house saturday (tonight). I already have plans with another friend of mine and i would feel really bad cancelling. I worried about this for a few hours while i was in a movie. I went home and told my mom about it and she told me not to cancel plans with my friend tonight and just tell my other friend that i couldnt let her. I spent half an hour trying to find a solution and was stressed out.

I feel really bad still, also since this friend asked at the last possible minute and knew i had plans before she asked.

Any advice?

Mr. S

You've gotta learn to say no sometimes. Having plans is a perfectly good reason not to invite her over, so don't worry about her "hating you" because she won't.