Uncomfortable at work...


Well-known member
so i have a part time job and it makes me feel really uncomfortable and worthless when my supervisors tell me things like "you're so quiet", "you're shy", and "you need to come out of your shell". which they tell me all the time, yet they dont know about my SA and that it's very hard to control and i dont know how they'd react if i told them but i don't even have the guts (or the voice) to mention my "disability". i also have minor 'selective mutism' so in certain situations even when i do want to speak and have something to say my voice physically wont come out if i try to speak.

anyways, i always do a great job talking with cusomters. I'll approach them, ask if they need help, explain to them about products, and even have fairly long conversations about similar interests. many customers seem extremely satisfied with me and have given me compliments and told my supervisors or coworkers how helpful and nice i was. i have also made a lot of good sales. i can also talk to coworkers especially when they are in the same age range; a few times when the store was pretty empty and nothing to do I and a coworker have held a conversation for over an hour with both of us equally contributing.

but when it comes to my managers i don't know what to say. they'd say "hows it going" or "whats up" and i'd just be like "i'm good." or "hi." and then they'd just kinda stand there staring at me like they're expecting me to say something more and to break the awkward silence i'll just say something stupid like stating the obvious "ya I'm just doing this right now." and it makes me feel so depressed because i dont know what to say; I'll only say what needs to be said like if i have an important question or need them to help me with something, or responding to their questions or orders.
what should i do?


Well-known member
I know exactly what you mean. When someone says "what's going on?" I think well i'm here um yeah. I just say "hi" like you. If it's nice out or something you could say "I just took a walk and it was really nice out" I just feel weird standing around just chatting because it feels like someone is gonna get mad at me for waisting time but people get mad at me for not waisting enough time sometimes. At least you can talk with customers. I'm more friendly with them too but other times they annoy me too lol. Btw youre not worthless [Hug]


Well-known member
I know exactly what you mean!!!! Whenever I do customer service jobs I'm really pretty friendly and open with the customers, but around my coworkers I act like a real stick in the mud. It is just so hard to get any words out, even if I do think of something to say. I would suggest thinking up some basic small talk lines (like, "boy, we're busy today!" or "It's so nice outside!") and just blurt it out the first chance you get next time you go in to work. This is what I do at my current job. Even if it doesn't lead to any deeper conversations, it at least lets people know that I'm not intentionally avoiding talking to them.


Well-known member
im like this at work too im afraid. I focus on my work and try to keep my head down. Theres a small handful who know me more than others. But many have said i have all the personality of a stone.

Makes me glad only certain people see the real me :).