Underarm HH - FINALLY DRY! Try this!!!


Ok, Since a teenager I have had problems with sweating from my underarms. I remember the first time I noticed, I was on a date and when I looked down at my blue button up there was 6" round wet spots under my arms. Embarassing to say the least.
After I graduated I worked in a Factory where I sported cut-offs and the sweating was not a problem. Thats work. My personal life was another thing. Any time I was in a position that I had ANY nerveousness or I was concentrating, there was a puddle of sweat dripping from my underarms, literally. Now I work in an office and I honestly couldn't bring enough shirts to keep the one I'm wearing dry. I resorted to rolling up Toilet Paper and sticking it under my arms for about an hour before I had to change it. Bad thing it would get so wet, it fell apart and if I wasn't watching.. you could track my steps.. but I would usually pick anything up if it fell out.. lol god.. rediculous. Completely embarrassing and it changed every aspect of my life, until just the other day.
I tried EVERYTHING and the ONLY thing that helped me until recently has been those damn underarm pads, which after a few hours are completely soaked and uncomfortable. I went to the doctor several times with no success and scheduled a appt for ETS to only find out my Insurance thought it was "Cosmetic" and wouldn't cover the $15,000 procedure. In my 'journey', after trying EVERYTHING known for HH, i thought possibly I was out of shape... which I really wasn't.. I'd say about average, about 5'8" - 160 with 18% BF- 23yrs old. I started hitting the gym, not only to possibly cure my HH but to also give me some other form of confidence because honestly, I had NONE with HH being constantly on my mind. I am in great shape now, completely changed my body and my outlook. I am 5'8", 157 lbs, 6% BF and muscular 23 yrs old. Working out and getting in shape DID NOT help my HH at ALL!! It did help build my confidence back up and honestly sweating in the Gym was pretty normal so it is one place I feel VERY comfortable, even though I am sweating before I start working out!
Recently and after the news of my insurance turning my procedure down- I took matters into my own hands. I thought to myself well **** it.. I have an idea to stop my pores from releasing sweat.. My idea was to burn my armpits. Yes, burn them with a flame or get a spoon real hot and push it on my skin until I couldn't possibly take it any more. I tried the flame first, I didn't melt my skin but I definatley heated it up, my plan was to heat it up every day to a point that I couldn't tolerate and keep doing it every day in hopes it would scar it over and block the pores. After about 3 days of doing this, I came across a website talking about Drichlor or somthing like that.. which I was perscribed beore but it felt like it was eating my armpit out.. burned incredibly bad- worse than the direct flame to my skin. To cut that short- I couldnt tolerate it... and I have a high tolerance for pain. On this same website they talked about another Topical Treatment called Anhydrol-Forte. I searched it up and found it on a website "Superliving.co.uk" where I purchased this Anhydrol-Forte for under $5. It is shipped from another country, not the US. I received this Roll on topical treatment 4 days later. Yes, 4 days later from out of the Country- passed through customs fine. Being VERY sceptical I applied it before going to bed like the directions said. Blew on it until it dried (turned a chalky white) and waited for the burn. 5 Minutes later I felt NO BURN and my pits felt dry/chalky.. which to me was a wonderful feeling. The next morning I woke up and showered, cleaned the shit off my underarms.. and reapplied after drying my pits off. The direction only recommend at night but I have a SEVERE case and was willing to put up with the irritation if it ment not stuffing TP under my arms. The day after, which is today.. is the FIRST DAY in YEARS i have not had to hide my underarms. I get to work around 7 and by 8:30 I have 5"-6" sweat spots IF i didn't stuff TP under my arms... and the only activity I was doing was Drawing on the computer... NOTHING physical- everyday is like that. Today I wore a very tight undershirt that hugged my armpits tight under my hoodie. I went into the bathroom around 9, took my hoodie off and to my amazement- my left pit was completely dry, my right one had a dime size wet spot. Around noon, I was back in the bathroom with my hoodie off to inspect and walla same thing. Left completely dry and right w/a small dime size spot. I just got out of the bathroom again around 2 and both arms are dry with no visible wet spots. Mind you with a shirt this tight, I normally cant wear it for 20 minutes without a few inch wet spot showing up.
This is the first day I have tested this stuff but again this is the first day in YEARS I have been dry as well.. which is a HUGE thing for me. I lost all hope for everything, I thought my case was the worste there was and no treatment but surgery or something stupid and drastic was going to resolve my problem. I havn't applied this to my hands or feet but it can be used there as well.. My hands are still sweating today and I'm sure my feet are but I am COMPLETELY amazed and extremely happy that this seems to be working for my pits. It seems abnormal to be dry and not going to the bathroom to change Toilet paper from under my arm every hour... I typed this whole thing out because I wanted people to hear this. If your situation sounds familiar to this one I highly recommend trying Anhydrol-Forte Roll On (60ml). It is VERY cheap and has given me hope that something out there will work. I don't want to get my hopes to high yet but you have no idea how much releif this ONE day has given me.. I really think this is going to be the answer for me and I hope you all give this a shot and it works for you as well. I know how shitty life can be constantly having to deal with this.

P.S. I joined and waited 2 days to approve my account so I could tell you all about this... I really hope this works for you.. I am on my second day with this now.. Today is better than the first. I haven't had ANY wet spots and I have been doing physical activity as well as just sitting here concentrating on my computer. No irritation either.. I am still in shock this is actually working. Feels good to wear a normal fitting shirt!! Come on summer!!!


Well-known member
Yeah I got it prescribed by my doctor about a year ago, I can confirm that it really does work.


Well-known member
good to hear it's worked for u

if Im not mistake it's another product similar to driclor, maxim etc
all of which don't work for me anymore unfortunately (not that they ever worked that well anyway)


Well-known member
no offence btw but i don't think the long life story was necessary lol (if this isn't just an ad for that site u mentioned)


I have tried Maxim which did not help at all and Driclor burned the hell out of my skin for some reason.

btw I dont give a damn where you order the product from.. not a ad..

When you sweat as bad as I do and you read that something actually worked for someone... its worth trying, especially since it is under $5.

I typed the long story so people WOULDN'T think it was an ad. I wrote it to project the severity this product actually seems to be fixing. I was hoping they would read it, see that I am not full of shit and trying to push some product. This is actually working for me and as you can read from above, it is no minor case of HH. I am honestly just trying to hopefully help someone that lives with HH like mine. If yours was/is as bad as mine, you would have already made the $5 purchase.

PS.. why the hell would I try to spam a product thats targeted towards 2.8% of the population... wouldn't be very smart or a very big money maker. Just try the damn product and thank me later.
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Well-known member
Remember when I said there where a couple of antiperspirants I'd tried but couldn't remember the name of? Thats one of them.

Anhydrol-Forte is exactly the same as every other antiperspirant, the only difference is it has (if I remember correctly) a cotton roll-on application. It's no more or less effective than all the other types. If any of you have tried the other anti-perspirants before, trust me and don't bother wasting your time.

I don't think the guy is writing an ad, there definitely seems to be a lot of people out there who seem to have a lot of success with particular products - whilst the rest of us just seem to get the same result across the board... as I said to Georgina, certain antiperspirants work very well for some people.
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Well-known member
I have tried Maxim which did not help at all and Driclor burned the hell out of my skin for some reason.

btw I dont give a damn where you order the product from.. not a ad..

When you sweat as bad as I do and you read that something actually worked for someone... its worth trying, especially since it is under $5.

I typed the long story so people WOULDN'T think it was an ad. I wrote it to project the severity this product actually seems to be fixing. I was hoping they would read it, see that I am not full of shit and trying to push some product. This is actually working for me and as you can read from above, it is no minor case of HH. I am honestly just trying to hopefully help someone that lives with HH like mine. If yours was/is as bad as mine, you would have already made the $5 purchase.

PS.. why the hell would I try to spam a product thats targeted towards 2.8% of the population... wouldn't be very smart or a very big money maker. Just try the damn product and thank me later.

yeh sorry dude I guess just with it being your 1st post made me wonder

hope it keeps on working for you though as I found when I first tried these products about 4 years ago they did work for a while and then just stopped working really once body used to it


Remember when I said there where a couple of antiperspirants I'd tried but couldn't remember the name of? Thats one of them.

Anhydrol-Forte is exactly the same as every other antiperspirant, the only difference is it has (if I remember correctly) a cotton roll-on application. It's no more or less effective than all the other types. If any of you have tried the other anti-perspirants before, trust me and don't bother wasting your time.

I don't think the guy is writing an ad, there definitely seems to be a lot of people out there who seem to have a lot of success with particular products - whilst the rest of us just seem to get the same result across the board... as I said to Georgina, certain antiperspirants work very well for some people.

Everyone is different. Anhydrol-Forte is not a cotton roll-on.. its just like the Driclor roll-on with a plastic like ball. For some reason Anhydrol is working though so something must be different.

I don't mean to dis-respect you at all but it bothers me to see someone telling other people NOT to try something that has worked for someone else with severe HH. You have NO idea if it is going to work for other people and I'm sorry IF you tried it and it didn't work. I too have literally tried EVERY other thing out there. I also thought none of these topical roll-on things would ever work. Thought they were the same as well but I am EXTREMELY glad I stopped hating on everything because I tried a couple of highly marketed products and it didn't work. Before the other day I NEVER heard of this stuff and I have been researching almost everyday to find out what is causing my HH.

I am just like you.. If I would have read this post I would be like "yea whatever, I tried it all and nothings gonna work for me.. just like Driclor" ... thats what HH does... you don't think there is going to be a cure because it seems no 1 has success. you get into a rut because there seems to be no treatment. you almost kind of lose hope and give up trying. I don't know why someone wouldn't just spend $5 bucks to TRY it out. It seems to good to be true and honestly I am still thinking that as well but I am dry and thats all that matters to me. Even if you've tried every other thing under the sun.. I am telling you this IS working for me.

To add to everything I did NOT put it on last night before I went to bed because my pits are very dry. They are not chafing but close. The directions say to put it on 2 nights, then 2 nights off... I put it on at night and in the morning for 2 days... My pits need a break but honestly.. they are dry. Either way, I would rather have irritated underarms than an embarrassing wet mark every where I went. I'm not a bad looking guy but try dating when you are constantly sweating for no reason. I am just as fed up with wasting my money on CRAP that doesn't work as you are. Maybe there are others that don't have such a negative attitude as yours that haven't spent tons of money and are seriously looking for an answer, or at least a band aid as it will come back if you stop using it.

To the other guy who said this stuff wears off. I cannot contest this argument yet however if I start sweating again while I am still using this.. You bet I well post again in here telling you guys. EVEN if it did eventually start to wear off- A few days of relief may get me to go out on a date-at least break the ice without a puddle of sweat. May get me to have a normal day at work. May get me go hang out someone with some friends... So far, it hasn't wore off AT ALL. I'm not trying to play this to be something its not. Everyone is different so it may not work for you but with my case of HH and reading a lot of other people case's... this stuff should stop theirs as well... even the ones with it as bad as mine.

I don't want to argue my point but people need to realize that when someone posts a negative remark like "trust me, this stuff doesnt work" it pisses me off. People are really looking for help and a comment like that is just detouring them from a product that is not known very well. This may or may not be the answer for EVERYONE but at least let the people try it out for themselves. I can tell your not going to try it but from the cotton roll-on applicator thing I doubt this is the stuff you tried.. If it is, again sorry it didn't work but I don't understand why.. its stopping the Hoover dam from bursting through my pores.


Well-known member
Quite frankly I'm too rozzled right now to right a full reply, but if you'd reread my post I didn't say this doesn't work...

What i did say was "If any of you have tried the other anti-perspirants before, trust me and don't bother wasting your time.", which basically means if you're like me, and have tried almost every antiperspirant on the market, then don't expect antihydrol-forte to be any different. And I'm sorry I was wrong abouyt the cotton thing, I've tried at least 9 different types (maxim, drichlor, drysol, maxim sensitive, odaban, sweat stop forte, this, perspiguard, and two others which I still cant remember the name of) yet here I am, in the same situation.

People should try this if they want to try this, but just because it worked for you you shouldn't be expecting it to perform miracles for everybody else.

At the end of the day they all do the same thing, with a couple of different ingrediants, and I don't think its fair to get people excited over something that is almost entirely the same as all the other products on the market.


Well-known member
yes king flab i agree i have anhydrol forte here what my doctor prescribed and its exactly the same as driclor and the rest of them and it still burns under my arms like the rest of the other products out there.


If I would come by this thread now- I would have never found relief. I would have taken your word for it and not wasted my money on this product. I too have tried most of the crap you listed with ABSOLUTELY no results.

Alright, I made the post. I did what I told myself I would do if I found something that helped me. I don't really care after this point.


Well-known member
Happy you posted, I haven't bothered with trying to stop underarm sweating with deodorants as I didn't think they could I just used them for odor control but I may well give it a shot. Not much else to loose in the grand scheme of things


Well-known member
does this work with palmar hydrosis? i somewhat cured my armpit sweat with drysol every 2 nights, but its my hands that's pissing me off, i can't do exams properly cuz i would jsut sweat so much the exam paper would get wet


does this work with palmar hydrosis? i somewhat cured my armpit sweat with drysol every 2 nights, but its my hands that's pissing me off, i can't do exams properly cuz i would jsut sweat so much the exam paper would get wet

I haven't tried it for my hands or feet yet but on the box it says its for Underarms, Feet, and Hands. Glad drysol is working for you- never did for me. I would test it on my palms for you but it will be during the day at work. My palms don't sweat that bad when I'm not at work... My palmar HH isn't nearly severe as my underarms so I'm not sure if I will be the best tester but I will let you know how it works for me this week.

My underarms however are still completely dry. I went on a date the other night and wore a tight t-shirt.. Not 1 drop of sweat under my arms the entire night. Usually a date triggers it instantly because of my nerves.


Happy you posted, I haven't bothered with trying to stop underarm sweating with deodorants as I didn't think they could I just used them for odor control but I may well give it a shot. Not much else to loose in the grand scheme of things

Exactly what I did, Anti-Perspirants and Deodorants did nothing to help my sweating.. sometimes I thought they initiated it. The AF stuff I am talking about says you don't need to use deodorant because it kills the bacteria that is suppose to cause odor but I still use the deodorant just for a pleasant smell.. kind of habit.

I hope it works for you and I think it will. Its only $5 bucks- if it doesn't work, like you said not much to loose.


Well-known member
Sorry for the poorly typed post last night, wine is to blame for that. You've got to understand that I'm not trying to put people off the product, I'm trying to point out that it's not a miracle cure. Posts like yours are all over the place, and for different anti-perspirants each time (see Georgina's post about Perspiguard) - then desperate people on here read the post, they think they've finally found a miracle cure guaranteed to work, they spend £10 buying the product, and a couple of days later their hopes are dashed.

It's happened to too many of us too many times now, quite frankly I refuse to encourage anybody to get excited. I realise it worked very well for you, and thanks for letting us know, but this antiperspirant is absolutely no exception over all the others and should not be treated as such.


Well-known member
Yeah, the problem I imagine isn't so much that the anti-perspirants aren't affective, it's that the pain they cause in an application is too severe to continue applying it. If you find an antiperspirant that is less irritating than the others then you're going to be able to keep applying it until you see results.

I'll admit, I'm getting a bit of use out of perspi-guard now as its becomming less painful to apply, although I'm going to see how long it continues to be effective.


Well-known member
to be honest i would rather have underarm hyperhidrosis over palmar hyperhidrosis any day