very unwantd thoughts!


Well-known member
there are often unwanted thought thart prevent me from having fun, prevent me from acting normal like i would, But does anybody get intrusive thoughts during sex?
i wish they would just go away, i can't concentrate on sex, i lose my erection, my girlfriend asks me whats wrong, I can't handle this shit!



Well-known member
Yes this happens to me a lot! It is such a problem! huge problem.. I always feel so bad!! I used to be a really sexual person, but now I can barely do it, and when I do I have to have a lot of other stuff going on so I don't concentrate on the bad thoughts. I can't have sex in certain places. It really kills the intimacy. A lot of times I lay in bed and my boyfriend is trying to touch me and get me excited and everytime I close my eyes I see dead bodies or someone killing themselves or rape.. It's so awful, How could I want to have sex with those thoughts going through my head. It one of the hardest thing to deal with.. and my boyfriend thinks that he is doing something wrong and I feel so guilty.


Try psychotherapy to deal with your unwanted thoughts, that or anti-psychotics, they seem to quiet a noisy mind.