voice conscious


Well-known member
For as long as I can remember I have been very conscious about my voice. This is most of the reason I do not speak in social situtations. If i focus I have no problem following along and have very excellent points to add to the conversation, but never speak up. Sometimes when I do, I'll just blurt it out, say it too fast and too loud, or too quiet, and they never understand what I said. It's like I get so nervous about speaking, when the time comes I mumble. Or I can't control / tell how loud my voice is. Does anybody else have problems with this or have a solution for me?


New member
I do have the same problem I am very voice conscious probably because I do have a slight speech impediment. This means sometimes I avoid the word if starts with a letter I cannot pronounce perfectly. I also tend to speak very fast at all times so some people cant understand what I am saying which makes me think that I am not speaking properly. Additionally I do sometimes speak very loud and sometimes I mumble for no real reason which has led to problems in the past


Well-known member
yeah i speak quite quietly but usually only in class or to a shopkeeper etc i ty to speak up when asked a question but i think ive just spoken so queitly i cant reach higher volume in situations like that! there are courses u can g to that teach u how to project ur voice but im wayyy too scared for that .good luck tho just practice with ur friends and family talking louder in general/ perhaps that will help


I get the same thing. I dont even like listening to my voice on a recorder but to tell you the truth, maybe hearing yourself speak could help you get used to your voice :?


your voice?

please tell me what is wrong with your voice. i take it you can speawith love and all best wishes,