want to give up


New member
i just want to die but i cant and wont because it would hurt my family
too much. and of course the thought of a panic attack at the damn golden gates. its saturday and once again im sitting alone in my room depressed listening to uplifting music trying to cheer up but all for nothing.
i guess i have to continue this groundhog day that other people call life.


Well-known member
Aaww, sweets! First of all, it looks like this is your first post, so welcome to the forum! You're not alone. I'm pretty much doing the same. :? :roll: At least you're listening to uplifting music and not depressing stuff! No point in adding fuel to the fire. I know the feeling, though. Every day the same...
I'm really sorry you're feeling so down. Can you try to just sit back, scroll around, read some posts and cooool your jets?


Well-known member
I feel the same. It's only my thoughts of how something like that would affect my parents that stops me from doing something stupid.


Well-known member
I understand that "groundhog day" experience all too well. Have you seen a doctor about how you are feeling? It sounds asthough you are having to put up with an unacceptable level of depression.

I hope today is brighter for you.

Fairy xxx


Well-known member
I'm sorry to hear you are suffering so much. To be perfectly honest, I'm suffering so much that I wouldn't mind hurting my parents by committing suicide. In my case it's only my religion which prevents me from committing suicide, and not the thought of how it would affect my parents.


Well-known member
I feel the same too. Countless time I've felt like ending it all, but the only thing that really keeps me going is my partner and beloved dog, Max. Sometimes I really don't know how I've managed to survive through my depression but somehow I have and am still here. It would make it much easier to deal with if there wasn't an invisible pressure put on you by society to seem perfect and completely well. Good luck.


i fucking i agree wit you man but i think my parents would happy to see me go, they probaby wouldn't im just pissed off right now


Well-known member
I know exactly how you feel. All that has managed to bring me back from the threshold of ending it all has been the thought of my family in the aftermath. But even that is hardly enough to keep my mind from wandering into grim territory at times, especially as of late.

I've just been reading, and listening to music like you as I daydream about a better future, or at least having an actual life worth talking about. Sometimes these things get me through another night when I wasn't sure how or if I would.


Active member
Have strength to carry on, the only person that can help you most is your self. Do not be afraid to admit your mistakes but learn from them. Do not take depression into a road of forever thus open doors to a new chapter of life called, happiness and 'moving on.'
alli said:
i just want to die but i cant and wont because it would hurt my family
too much. and of course the thought of a panic attack at the damn golden gates. its saturday and once again im sitting alone in my room depressed listening to uplifting music trying to cheer up but all for nothing.
i guess i have to continue this groundhog day that other people call life.

I feel just like you feel. I have made a lot of post about that too, i understand your pain and agony. If you need someone to talk to, i am here.