What are you like when people talk to you?


Well-known member
LovelyMissMadi said:
I think I tend to appear calm (minus the slight shakiness of my hands), but I talk really quiet and am often asked to repeat myself. It sort of sucks... but I get through it.
I found that "exposing" myself helps to calm me down for the next social situation. And practicing diaphragmatic breathing. And convincing myself that the danger isn't real.
Anyway, I appear the complete opposite of what I'm feeling, which is totally freaked out and nervous. There's some points in time when I can't even get my mouth open to say anything at all. I just smile.
you just described me!!..funny that about appearing calm..when i'm completely freaking out on the inside!..and the not being able to open your mouth to say anything at all..yup..same :wink:


Well-known member
Tryin said:
nesh said:
What are you like when you need to talk. When someone else talks to you, someone you know or a stranger, do you panic and say the first thing that comes into your head or do you just stay quiet or what?

I always panic which means I am never myself and end up rejecting the other person by giving such a quick and short answer, I don't give anything for them to work with. If someone asks me how I am? I'll say fine, or OK, or not bad without even thinking. Which isn't true, I'm just panicking. Or worst case, mostly when I'm with people for a long period of time I get so panicky that I need to fill in all the silences, I end up looking really stupid and when I get home it feels like a really bad hang over, why did I say all that shit?

Sounds quite like me these days. I'm just so frustrated, so tired of it. I am such a good person, I am so intiligent, so funny, so loving, so potentialy USEFUL. Yet I can't, CAN'T show it to anyone.

I'd panick and then continue panicking more and more and more and MORE, because the thought of me panicking gets me... well, panicking.

I feel like people are laghing at me. I feel like people are pitying me.

(I laugh at myself. I pity myself. I abhor myself.)

This suck. And this is my life.

Please let me pour my heart out. This is my current reality: I know someone might find it negative or destructive. But it's how I feel right now.

That's how I feel. You're a good writer. I have trouble with describing things. I think into things too much and even right now, thinking about it makes me correct it, then correct it again.

The point being, what a waste of great human beings....ones who can't speak aloud or be ourselves. Maybe that's what makes us special, maybe we wouldn't be good without SP. Maybe I'm just a nut who wants to believe that!


Well-known member
I talk really quickly saying the first thing that comes to mind and try to appear relaxed. I laugh nervously and then have nothing to say. Generally my mind goes blank and i feel bored/panicky like i have nothing interesting to say back. Then i beat myself up afterwards.

So then i thought f*ck it i am who i am, not gonna beat myself up anymore. I have SA, i muck up, i don't care! I love my SA!! lol. And now it's starting to go away :)


Well-known member
flake__ said:
I talk really quickly saying the first thing that comes to mind and try to appear relaxed. I laugh nervously and then have nothing to say. Generally my mind goes blank and i feel bored/panicky like i have nothing interesting to say back. Then i beat myself up afterwards.

So then i thought f*ck it i am who i am, not gonna beat myself up anymore. I have SA, i muck up, i don't care! I love my SA!! lol. And now it's starting to go away :)

Self-acceptation is a great strategy, thanks for sharing this!


I just laugh, and it sort of lowers your stress a little bit. Its actually a good technique, someone can be like hey how are you and I'll just burst into laughter, its sort of conrtadictory because 1) It takes away my anxiety.2) I do look like an idiot. When normally you 1) feel anxious but 2) dont look like an idiot.


Well-known member
abc_123 said:
I just laugh, and it sort of lowers your stress a little bit. Its actually a good technique, someone can be like hey how are you and I'll just burst into laughter, its sort of conrtadictory because 1) It takes away my anxiety.2) I do look like an idiot. When normally you 1) feel anxious but 2) dont look like an idiot.

That's so funny. Except I don't think that would work for me, because the laughing would just make me feel more self-conscious. Good that it works for u though.


lol i stiffen up like a board and my throat gets tight and i some times say nothing when people try to talk to me i never make eye contact i just look away from the person :( the only people i fill comfortable talking to is my mom dad and brother it can get really reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyllylylyly lonely lol :lol:

i hope i find a friend soon i cant suck that badly 8O


nesh said:
What are you like when you need to talk. When someone else talks to you, someone you know or a stranger, do you panic and say the first thing that comes into your head or do you just stay quiet or what?

I always panic which means I am never myself and end up rejecting the other person by giving such a quick and short answer, I don't give anything for them to work with. If someone asks me how I am? I'll say fine, or OK, or not bad without even thinking. Which isn't true, I'm just panicking. Or worst case, mostly when I'm with people for a long period of time I get so panicky that I need to fill in all the silences, I end up looking really stupid and when I get home it feels like a really bad hang over, why did I say all that shit?

I do that even with my family. They will ask me how my day went and all I say is fine. I do the same at work. I just want to be left alone, but people always walk over to my desk. I walk out of the office alot and stand in the stairway or the bathroom.


flake__ said:
I talk really quickly saying the first thing that comes to mind and try to appear relaxed. I laugh nervously and then have nothing to say. Generally my mind goes blank and i feel bored/panicky like i have nothing interesting to say back. Then i beat myself up afterwards.

So then i thought f*ck it i am who i am, not gonna beat myself up anymore. I have SA, i muck up, i don't care! I love my SA!! lol. And now it's starting to go away :)

I wish I could have that attitude. I hate having SA. It is f*cking up my life. One crappy job after antoher. I have am educated and working with people below me because I cant speak up to get anything better.