What are your phobias?


reading aloud( i used to have no problem with it. it developed a couple years ago for idk what reason)

they are really getting in the way of my life since I'm still in school. otherwise my social anxiety is very manageable


Social events
Eating in front of other people

The problem I have with phones and making or receiving calls stems from a job I had when I was in my early 20s. It was a customer support type of job and I was getting into arguments on a daily basis with people who wouldn't accept the answers I was giving them. If there's nothing I can do for you and I tell you who can, don't yell at me.

I just left another job recently because they stuck me on the phone and tried to make a salesman out of me. I just can't do it. I was nauseous for three days because of that.


Active member
Most of my social phobias stem from OCD and how people will react to my OCD.

So basically the fear of not being in control of a situation causes my OCD to freak out and just the idea makes me avoid hanging out with people.

But I'm working on it,

and I think I'm getting better? Ya..maybe..? Idk

"Cuz I hate the ocean, theme parks, and airplanes,
talking to strangers, waiting in line.
I'm through with these pills that make sit still
are you feeling fine? Yes I feel just fine..." -Motion City
Aside from the obvious ones...
Escalators- all of the 'down' ones I have nightmares
Escalators- big 'up' ones
Pooping in any toilet that isnt toilet at home


Well-known member
Spiders. A couple months back a huntsmen spider (don't look up if agoraphobic) layed eggs inside my room .Took me like a week to go back in there.

Thunderstorms. A lot of people find them exciting but I find them extremely oppressive and unpredictable. I think I am quite sensitive to sound, so I hate how one of those incredibly loud strikes can occur at anytime. I don't like the summer months because of this.

I suppose meeting people. When I'm in new situations, I'm quite removed and avoidant. I hate the feeling of rejection but my behaviour just encourages it. There is also the lingering dread that I'm just unlikable period, regardless if I open up or stay quiet.


Well-known member
Mine are bullies, walking at night, a crowd of strangers, shellfish, garbage after dinner, bugs, being hated, being alone, being abused, the word work makes me stress out" lots of other things too


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Any critters that is in my house. I love all of them outside. I don't love when the invade me like an army.

I remember one summer, I had hundreds of lady bugs filled my room. " It's just lady bugs" Go sleep in there they will give you good luck. Youuuuuuu go sleep in there, if the room is so lucky!

It scares me to death.

I have a problem with anxiety so a lot of things with people kind of freak me out.

I have a fear of driving. I am scared of messing up and car wrecks or any kind of serious event. I was told my grandmother didn't get a license until she was 40 years old because she was that afraid of driving. Maybe I got it from her. I don't want to wait until I am 40...not even 30...not even 25 to get over this fear. I will have to conquer it living in a big city, I don't live in small place where people like to walk all the time.

My mind makes me afraid of irrational things sometimes but I have to talk to myself. I am very scary and I can jump at the slightest things. I am scared of getting caught off guard in public because I am very jumpy.

I have a security bar to my door but I am so afraid to walk down stairs at night or keep my door open. I used to lock my room door when it had a lock . I keep the iron bar in my room also.

I am afraid of many things and I am also an adventurous person that likes a challenge. :D


Well-known member
Sports balls is a very interesting phobia... Somehow quite intruiging. were you injured in the past? Or maybe forced into a sport? Baseballs scare me after I got hit in the stomach from a pitch, and the mouth from a throw.

Gaining weight is a huge phobia right now. I just had a big huge food binge (first in a long while, like a month) and it scares me so much that I have to obsess how I'll eat and exercise tomorrow to combat weight gain from it.
Natural disasters, the very thought makes me think i'd rather die right now than even imagine such a thing...
Death, death of family
Dense forests and jungles
Small spaces
Groups of strangers
Can't think of more and some of those probably arent phobias


Active member

I know what you mean, It's like I'm not cool with commitment : does that make me phobic of commitment? lol


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When people say my name :/ for some reason I start panicing and my heart beat speed up and I get really sweaty ::(: , people, crowds, strangers, walking on my own, eating in front of people, REJECTION!! I think that is my biggest phobia :/ I hate it and try to not try anything new so I don't have to go through it ::eek:: and et cetera :D


Well-known member
besides the normal SA stuff, like grocery stores, parties, people, ect...
i get panicky in the shower most of the time... (idk what it is :/)
the dark
being alone in my house(especially at night)
driving- most of the time(idk why, i still do it, but i get panicky)


Well-known member
When people say my name :/ for some reason I start panicing and my heart beat speed up and I get really sweaty

I know what you mean, every time someone says my name they have something for me to do or they are mad at me for some reason, but me i mind my own business and pretend i don't live with anyone. but still manage to piss people off by not doing anything. i guess whats why i panic if my name is called.


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i used to be afraid of zeppelins..yea i know zeppelins weird huh?even picturing one in my head made me freak out,once i was talking on the phone with a friend and watching t.v. the same time,and they showed a zeppelin in flames and i started crying like a baby.the ocean..i swim,but i can't go in too deep,i'm not afraid of drowning,there's just this unworldly feeling i get that gives me the goosebumps.another weird thing i've got is for double yolk eggs,if i crack an egg and discover it has two yolks,i free it from my hand and start running away from the kitchen.(sorry,i'm a weirdo)


As a kid I was afraid of heights, water (swimming), dogs... Now it's just people. And events, requiring social participation. And learning new stuff.

Roman Legion

Well-known member
Fear of bandaids
fear of phones
social fear
fear of being in an area with a lot of people
fear of attention... et cetera (I don't know the official names to the phobias I mentioned above)



That's my anti-phobia!!
I miss it! Thousands of people in a building, or forest, beach, fields.. sun, or rain, with awesome sounds. Feeling physical shakes beyond another world. More than you can hear at home or in the car.

Everyones's on the same level. All girls are sexxy. All blokes are tough. Everyone's happy, and that includes me.
That used to be my life, for more than about a decade.
While working in an office kept me going.

I don't meet these people any more

Life's over.


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apart from the obv obv ones. I'm scared of failing, scared of everything new were i can't predict whats gonna happen