what do you do for a living? education?


Well-known member
I'm in taking GCSEs in the compulsory stuff plus History, French, Latin, Business Studies, RE and IT. Hoping to be a GP one day. How about you martincc?


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I have a bachelor's degree and work as an editor/copy editor. A pretty solitary career... but far from lucrative. :)


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I'm studying sciences, and philopsophy at A level. After that I don't really know where I'm going....


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Hi guys and others. Does anyone know of any specific work that can be undertaken from home? As i have Anxiety, but also Chronic Farigue Syndrome, and can't be well enough for lenghty enough periods to attend work the normal way.
Thanks Ashleigh


Well-known member
Will be finished with my Architectural Computing degree by late Feb. Who knows what I'll do after that.


Im majoring in electrical technology. Right now im on break and I work for a small garden retail business that i've been with for a few years, as well as for an electrician that I worked with over the summer.


Well-known member
Just finished a media production with animation course at uni. Currently working from home, knitting jumpers for my auntie’s shop! Also, working on a career in music.

To Ashleigh, I’m not sure but maybe something in fashion where you could design and make clothes and send them to buyers? Or maybe something web based. You could set up your own business on the internet, think of a product to sell and see what happens?! I dunno though…hope this helps. Good luck.

p.s. question to anybody: do you think there’s anything wrong with taking a job you’re much happier, more comfortable at, but maybe pays less, and is way below your potential?


Well-known member
Thanks for the tips worrywort, much appreciated.
Maybe i need to go back to school, and do a businees course, and do payroll work from home?


Well-known member
I'm doing my GCSEs. Except it's pretty hard, 'cause I get panic attacks whenever I see my tutors, so that makes it impossible to concentrate. Also, I have an active chronic illness, which keeps me exhausted and painful in bed pretty much all day everyday.
I don't have much hope of ever getting better, and therefore I don't have much hope of working, and therefore I find it hard to muster the motivation to bother with GCSEs.


Well-known member
I am an art history student, I hope to be a scholar one day in art history (either ancient classical art or art of the Rennaissance) right now I am working, oddly enough, in retail (very hard job for someone with SP). I would like to do a Ph.D. or Master's program next year after I graduate.


Well-known member
Hi I work for a small electronics company as a cam (computer aided manufacture) engineer.I trained in house,after leaving school early.I now hope to do some sort of formal computer training,so as I have some backup if something happens,but I keep putting it on the long finger.work is one of the things that keeps me going.I spend a while only working 3 days a week and I hated having the extra time to do nothing!


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i have been learning 3d design and animation at home for a few years on and off, done some work agency jobs lately and have done 2 sales jobs before for a bout 6 months each.

i think i'll go with 3d animation when i recover or sales/management, i would like a leading position mabey but i'll have to see where my anxiety goes.
or mabey go back to school, not realy sure yet at the moment, i'll see when i'm over it :).


Well-known member
erm, doing my GCSEs: compulsary stuff, R.S, I.T, history *thumbs up*, art *woo*, latin *argh* and chosen language german.
im going to do vpsychology for A-level and i really want to become a psychiatrist or a psychologisty (something along those lines)

soon as i can get rid of this SP the better.


Well-known member
Cheers for the comments worrydoll!

I’ve been thinking about it and I think, for me, the best way of deciding which jobs to go for is by first figuring out my priorities in life. Which are:

1. God
2. family and friends
3. my passion in life. My gift/ talent.

And then using that to determine when I should bear the pain of SAD or when I should avoid it. So if there’s a job that will get me closer to achieving my dreams then I may have to face my fears and go after it, but if I just need some extra cash, then I should probably find whatever job will benefit my passion the most. So that may mean taking a really easy job, way below my potential, but that is flexible and I’m happy at, so that I can concentrate on my passion. Or if I’m feeling really ambitious I could maybe take a job somewhere like McDonalds (i.e. my worst nightmare) and earn some extra cash whilst pushing myself to my limits and learning something about myself at the same time. But I don’t think that’s absolutely necessary.

But whatever the situation, using your priorities and passions to determine what you do is probably the best way to go, (for me at least).

I Dunno if this really helps anybody, just kinda thinking aloud!