What do you do most days?


Active member
- At work?
- At school?
- At home?
- Seeing friends?
- Partying?
- Other?

Nothing at all happens in my life, I wake up spend most of my time on the computer all day (Which isn't good for my health) and mostly just watch tv then it's bed again....nothing good really happens in my life... :/
Nope. I don't go to school or have a job. I wish I had.
I dropped out of school 'cuz it was too hard for me going because of panic attacks during the road going to school. avoidance :/

But my conselour will help me going back to school again soon,
but still, i'm frightened of going. but I just want to get my diploma.
I don't like sitting at home waiting for nothing. I need action in my life.

I don't go to parties :/ i wish i could. but maybe in the future when i feel better.
and i see friends sometime, not like every week.

i understand your pain, you want to be in a state that you can be yourself and just face the things you want so bad. but hey, work on it, and try to find the way to get there, and keep making steps to suprise yourself what you CAN:)


Well-known member
Ok so I got carried away ::p:



Well-known member
Same here! For three years ever since I dropped out of 10th grade I've stayed on the computer all day or watched tv... or played video games. It's made me feel even worse because I never get any sun or exercise which just makes me even more depressed. But I'm sick of it and trying to change it.


Well-known member
For most of the week, I'm at school. As soon as I come home, I normally don't go anywhere else. On the weekends, I'll occasionally go to the store. Other than that I mostly spend my time at home either on the computer, reading, doing homework, or playing video games.


Well-known member
to be honest I freaking hate my life

I go to school: i have some friends but really I rather be alone
I go to to work, I really don't talk there yet everyone is super social, only make me feel more miserable

I play video games which the highlight in my life
I sleep I eat, sometime works out

now take all of this and it's nothing compare to the time I spend wasting my life in front of a computer


Well-known member
I'm seeing a trend here, i too spend insane amounts of time on video games. It's not healthy i know, but when you have no friends, no job, and social phobia, you kind of just default back to the Xbox/PS3 i find. I'm trying to break this habit. Today i went into town, sat in a pub full of people my age, had a coffee, stayed there for about an hour, then got some chips and another coffee at McDonalds, then sat on a bench for an hour like a loner. It's a start, and best of all, i enjoyed it. I'll try my best to keep it up too.


Well-known member
Haha such a talent is wasted on here. What do you do for work?

I'm just a computer techie haha so really Computer Related should really take up over 50% of the pie :eek: Worst part is I hate computers! (when they're not working) ::p:


Well-known member
The only times I actually go somewhere is when I donate blood plasma on mondays and thursdays. After i finish with that, I go to the grocery store to get food for the next 3 to 4 days. Besides that, the only time I leave the house will be for jogging, and winter has almost concluded so I imagine i will go back to running every day. Then I practice relaxing for 30 minutes per day, and make sure i stand up for at least an hour a day. I have no job, no school, no friends, no g/f, and don't talk to mom and dad much, so the rest of my time is spent in front of a computer playing trivia, watching sports, or looking up random stuff or in front of tv watching sports, movies, or playing video games. I lift weights for 10 minutes maybe. So computer and tv free time takes up an average 11-12 hours per day. As you can see, I basically have no life compared to most people.

Dr. Doom

Well-known member
I wake up at 6am

take the dog out and feed her

I feed myself

Take a shower and then get dressed

go on the computer or play video games, maybe even do my home work before I have to go at 7:50am to school

at 8am school starts, my first class is ethics, about 40 min of nothing, my anxiety goes up especially when we are in circle and have to share or play a game

at 8:40 I have Geometry which has homework everyday, I rarely do it, anxiety but not as bad as ethics, teacher is always nagging me though and it annoys me

9:50 Geomtry is over and I go to survey economics, very boring, the teacher is trying to do a crazy, scatterbrain schtik and it bugs me, she calls me out once a day at least "are you up?" "are you with us?" anxiety goes up, Im in a class with seniors but I've had them before is few other classes

11:00 I have computer class on astronomy, its an extra credit class, its interesting enough, I dont keep up with emailing my teacher and I dont really care about passing or not, only 6 people so not alot of anxiety

11:50 I have a college writing class, we are just writing, I sit in front of the class and its very quiet so I'm afraid of making a noise or sitting weird, anxiety goes back up, we have a field trip next wed to the U of M but I dont think I'll be going

12:30 lunch, I eat alone because I dont talk to anyone at school

1:05 american lit. okay enough, my favorite teacher I guess, she bugs me less than anybody else, I do more homework for her class than anyone else, Ianxiety isnt very high, the people in there sort of bug me

2:20 we have this study hall time, we do homework or current events, its in the same class

2:40 we get out

I get home and then I let the dog out

I either take a nape for two hours till 5:00pm or go on the computer/video games/movie/TV

we eat early, me and my dad, at maybe 5 or 5:30 most nights.

after dinner I go back on whatever I was doing till about 8:30, when I go to sleep, at least for the last three weeks, I usually go to sleep at 11pm

I go to sleep and its starts all over.


Well-known member
I haven't had a job in a few months so most of my time is spent on the computer. I try to stay active and take walks and occasionally muster the courage to apply for a job (not much I'm qualified for anyway), but other than that I basically just laze around on the computer, listen to music, etc. I live in an area where you need to drive to get anywhere, so that really slows down any ideas about getting out, since I hate taking the bus. I have no real hobbies and no motivation. At least when I had a job (even though I was always anxious and tired all the time) I didn't have as much time to think about my slowly-diminishing future. I don't think people were meant to be alone with their thoughts this much :|


Well-known member
An average day consists of:

- Get up
- Quick Shower
- Check emails & some websites
- Leave for university/work
- Come home, probably buying something unhealthy from the bakery on the way
- Turn on computer
- {Many hours pass}
- Have dinner
- {Many hours pass}
- Have late night snack then swear you won't have one ever again
- {Many hours pass}
- Turn off computer
- Lie in bed fo about an hour day dreaming
- Sleep


Active member
On a work day....Wake up at 5:00 AM have a bowl of cereal. Drive to work, park, then walk about a half a mile to the security gate (I work in an oil refinery). Go through security check, wait for bus, swipe my time card. Sit through a safty meeting. Go out to the work sight, meet up with the foreman who tells us what the days task is. Lunch at 11:30 to 12:00. Clock out at 3:30 on a regular day or 5:30 on overtime possibly 7:30 if were behind schedule. Drive home, have dinner with my wife and kids. Go to sleep around 9:00.

Days off.....I sleep till about 8:00 see my daughter leave for school and my wife to work. My son sleeps late because he goes into school at 11:30 (afternoon kindergarten session). I drink a pot of coffee every morning at least 8 cups. Then I go on the computor and visit the other forums I belong to. I have a list of people who have irked me at one time or another and I wait for the perfect opportunity to pounce on them. Of course it takes me half the day to think of something clever. So then I wander around the house with the coffee cup, look out the window dreaming up imaginary arguments. If i hear a knock at he door an overwheming sense of dread comes over me. Sometimes I'll anwser other times I won't.

I also spend a good part of my time going over and over what a mistake I made buying my house. I had done all the research but found out later that I moved into a high air traffic location. I live about 25 miles from two of the busiest airports in America. I have days where there is a whining jet rumble for hours on end. Even with the TV on loud you can hear them, or worse, actually feel the rumble as they pass.


Well-known member
Lately it's something like
10:00 Wake up
10:10 Run (not outside, YET, treadmill..) 30 min
10:40 Shower
11:00ish Dwell on the computer.
11:30ish Go eat breakfast.
12:00 Maybe sit outside on the deck if it's nice and just take in the sun
12:30 Read for 30 mins - 1 hour
1:30 "Should I go for a walk??... I think I want to go for a walk...." *Goes back on the computer anyways*
Alternate between the computer, the television, eating, and walking around the house in a bored and lonely stupor for the rest of the day.
Play some guitar somewhere in there
12:00 Go to bed.

Yup...... Going to try and get a garden going soon so I have something else to do.. Even though I have 0 gardening experience, it can't be THAT hard....


Active member
pretty much just sit on the computer the majority of the day, listen to music, watch tv, and lay in bed bored for hours before falling asleep around 3am. never see anyone apart from my family who i live with. but i will need to get a job real soon, not sure how i'm going to do that though.


Active member
most of the time i do nothing meaningful at home such as stuffing myself with food, watching tv, sleeping. I dont feel like doing anything. even when im hungry i dont want to cook. i dont want to go out to buy food. i just eat whatever is edible at home.

i started having the habit of jogging. i jog regularly because i eat way too much and i sleep way too much. >.< i worry about getting really fat.

i dont know how to change my life.

i contemplated over committing suicide a few times , cutted myself many times, but still im living , hoping that somehow i will meet a person who can connect with me and guide me to change my life . .