What do you love the feel of?

sawn timber
sheep fleece
gusty wind in my face
long healthy hair
heavy chain
skin - touching, being touched
sleeping cats
uncooked rice
scruffy dogs
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Well-known member
Love the feeling of water on my skin... Like a shower, Washing my hands. But I'm not a fan of rain haha.


Well-known member
I wont lie the best feeling was after getting picked apart by jabs,slipping a punch and landing a left hook full power to the temple,I was like oh I got you now mofo.
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Well-known member
1. Feeling the sun on my skin while tanning on the beach with friends.

2. Putting on lotion after taking a long hot shower, right after a work out.


Well-known member
Warm water.. sometimes cold water
A smoothe warm stone, or smoothe skin
When my hair forms ringlettes, it's fun to pull and spring them heh.. Too bad it's gone more wavy
Warm air on a cold day, cold air on a warm day
The sun
-Warm Water
-Soft Stuffed Animals
-Some books (not old books)
-Hugging my pet
-Warm Gloves
-A Warm Sweater
-Biotex , a hand bath or feet bath lol
-The touch of Grass
-My Couch, it's really cosy and comfortable.
-Soft Pillows
-Warm air on a cold day, cold air on a warm day (this is a good one +1)


Well-known member
My dog's fur (She's a border collie and has the softest fur ^-^)
The fur on baby animals
Smooth skin (Especially on babies :) It's so nice)
My fuzzy pajamas lol
Soft hair
The cool side of a pillow
Hot showers
Warmth of tea/hot cocoa/coffee
The body itself, when it's utterly at piece. It's quite an outer body experience no other.. well.. very few, other feelings can match.


Well-known member
I'm not a huge fan of touch. I freak out when people touch me.

But, I'd have to say putting on something warm straight from the dryer. Or a pillow on my face, blocking everything out.


Well-known member
^ Same here. I do like an occasional hug once in a while, but usually when people touch me it makes me really uncomfortable.

Yeah, I don't know why that is...

I can't really describe why it bothers me. My automatic reaction is to jump and step away from that person like I'm allergic to them. My friends think it's funny, lol.


I'm not a huge fan of touch. I freak out when people touch me.

Same here, never shown how to....and alot of people do not understand. Only ones that I have no probs with is my kids.

But I love the touch of my kittens paw on my face.
My kids hugs
flesh on flesh
A nice glass of jimmyB & coke after a hard days work
A Summers night


Well-known member
I love the taste of any kind of food that is fast food or restaurant food. It's like in Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle except i don't need to be high to enjoy the food. And then downing it with a sugary soda w/ caffeine, yummy.