What do you think of kissing two people that are friends?


New member
One night in August over the summer, I kissed a guy I knew. It was nothing serious. It was kind of a half drunk thing. We were cool afterwards but we didn't really keep in contact. But just recently, like two weeks ago. I had met one of his friends. They aren't best friends, but they're still reasonably close. I ended up kissing this guy as well, and I'm starting to like him now that I'm getting to know him. Do you think their group of guy friends would see me as a slut for kissing two friends? Would that ruin my chances of having something more with the guy I'm talking to now?


Well-known member
I don't see anything wrong with it, especially since the first kiss didn't turn into anything serious... I believe kissing is very innocent.


Well-known member
You're not in a relationship so I don't see anything wrong with this. In high school I've heard of a group of guys and girls who are friends who date each other.