What if you`re just ugly


Well-known member
I`ve got a face full of acne and glasses. Now I know I`m not the worst looking guy on the planet but I also know I`m not pretty to look at.

How are people that are worst looking than 80% of other people supposed to feel? I took a look at the pictures thread and most of people on here look normal. When I was on the acne forum I had a hard time understanding why some people with prefectly okay skin have so much to complain about. I don`t think I look so bad but when people post pictures of themselves and complain even though they look perfectly okay, then I get put down and I feel like I`m a freak.

I`m not sure if some people have such a low self esteeme or if I just look so bad. :confused:


Well-known member

the person who complain about their looks have a distorted point of view of themselves, they can be good looking and still find themselves as ugly. the drastic case when it arrives to a psychologically disorder called: body dysmorhic disorder.
so i think its unfair to blame them, when they just suffer as much as you do.


Well-known member
So if I'm wearing glasses(well not non-stop but I still wear them at school),I am ugly??Ohh I feel insulted,not really, but I think you get my point there are a lot of people wearing glasses.
So you got acne,so what?You can at least work on that is not like you are missing a limb or something.
I think that you only have a low esteem of yourself and you should work on that.


Well-known member
So if I'm missing a limb, I am ugly?? Ohhh I see how it is.

I mean it's not something that you can't work around,there are treatments for acne but I don't think there is any treatments for missing limbs.


Well-known member
I mean it's not something that you can't work around,there are treatments for acne but I don't think there is any treatments for missing limbs.

Kibernetics. ::p:

Seriously, beauty is relative in the eye of the beholder.


Well-known member
There're various treatments for acnes and I don't think glasses are bad as well, you just need to find those that compliment your face. I think people often feel bad about they're looks when they compare themselves to others. Sure, I'm uglier than most people around me but that's just who I am. I can try to look my best but it only goes so far. Thinking about it'll only lower my self esteem(which is pretty low in the first place) so what's the use?
Speaking of missing limbs... I remember reading a post online somewhere about some guy seeing this beautiful blonde girl, he went over to flirt with her and when she turned around he noticed she was missing an arm. He said he ran off because it freaked him out and that he "needed two arms" on a girl he was going to date, and he was really disappointed.

I know that's probably unfortunately a normal reaction, if someone is missing a body part they can't expect to have the widest dating pool. But it still saddens me, I mean she is still a person ::(: *sigh*

Sorry, got off topic, just reminded me of that story...
maybe he needs his dates to carry large objects or fly a high-performance aircraft or something

Haha. Okay I guess I'm being ridiculous and too sensitive, I get it :rolleyes: I just feel bad for people in those situations. I wonder how they manage.
i wonder if they're really worth feeling bad for, if they're really worse off. What are they really missing out on? What sort of person overlooks a soul because they are missing an arm, wear glasses, or have acne? I can't imagine a relationship with such a person being meaningful at all.

True. I agree.

I feel bad because there are those shallow *******s out there who go out of their way to remind them they are different. But if they are strong people it probably won't affect them too much. But it can still be hard when you are missing a part of yourself, it can really screw with your sense of self.


Well-known member
There is a kids presenter on a BBC channel here with a missing lower arm. She just has a clean break of a stub where her elbow is. It never gets easier in terms of getting used to it. She has the most angelic face though, and has very warm and gentle mannerisms. Missing a limb doesn't seem to be a big deal to her because when some pathetic parents wrote the BBC to complaint that she is scaring the children, she was seen on the news saying she can't believe that in this day and age there are that kind of sad losers out there (and of course these weren't her exact words). The point is, this girl has got perspective. She has a child, a great career, she has things in her life that make her feel good and important. She might've even gone through a horrible journey growing up, but she has got a great mindset and doesn't care what other people think about her arm.

Anyway, I've had bad acne in the past, and I wore glasses on and off since I was a teen. I've always gotten compliments on my looks though. Occasionally someone comments on the skin problems, which I've come to accept are hormonal problems and not due to hygiene or diet (which are excellent). Nobody's ever said I'm ugly just because I wear glasses. Some people wouldn't look great with acne and glasses, but it doesn't really take away from the underlying beauty if you are attractive in the first place. This is strictly speaking just for appearances sake. My personal view of someone also takes into account their attitude, personality, how they carry themselves, including any non-conventional traits.

There will always be people who post pictures of themselves seemingly attractive only to comment that they think they look ugly. Maybe the do it to get attention, in which case they have a fragile self esteem to begin with. Maybe they just don't see the beauty of themselves and in any case also need reassurances. Maybe they are just modest. Would you rather someone post a picture saying 'look at me everyone, I'm so beautiful'.

Acne can be an age thing depending on how old you are. If you are a guy it tends to go away in your 20s. If you are a woman you could be more unlucky to have it throughout your child bearing years, but which something such as the pill could sort out. I like funky glasses, it seems some people even wear them when they don't need glasses. I hope this is not a phase hehe. If you are that bothered, get a prescription pair of sunglasses and wear them whenever you go outside.


Well-known member
I'm truly the ugliest thing on this planet. Most people try to be nice and compliment other qualities about me, or I just look normal to them. My mother is delusional. She thinks I'm gorgeous. Then again, having one hideous child out of four probably bothers her.

Sometimes I just feel like I'm ugly and I should accept it. What if you're just ugly? That's something I always ask. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder is true though. Everyone thinks the same of my looks. :p


I used to need glases because I was very shortsighted, but I hated wearing them because I looked like an idiot (even more than I do normally). So I had the laser surgery done and since that I see well (even though not so very sharp, but it´s enough for normal life).


All looks matter, whether you be attractive or not - and anyone who says they don't are glossing over the harsh reality of human nature. Some people are physically unattractive and will react adversely (or indifferently) because of it.

No one wants to be ugly - but the fact is - some people are.

You will be at a disadvantage and It means you have to work harder to win people over.
To answer the question, I think 'ugly' is an ugly word and honestly speaking I'll never use it towards anybody. Sure there are people I find attractive, and people I don't find attractive, but I don't believe anybody is 'ugly' and more to the point I don't consider myself in a position to label anybody so.


I hate using the word "ugly". It just feels so cruel to me. Sure, maybe some others out there aren't blessed with perfectly proportional faces or bodies, but I don't think that makes them ugly!

Also, people seem to use this as a measure of worth. If you are "ugly" then often you are seen as worthless or less than others. That doesn't make any sense to me. No one chooses the way they look, why should they be judged based on it? People will continue to do that because that is human nature but it really bothers me. I do it too, and I wish I could be free of it. I'm working on it.