What is it with alcohol?


Active member
What is it so special about alcohol? Why are you considered weird if you don't drink?
I really dislike alcohol. Mostly it has to do with the fact my mother was an alcoholic while i was a kid (THANK GOD, she is completely cured now :p ) and that days after days of seeing her drunk :evil: have totaly killed it for me. But even without that, i don't think I would feel much different.
Now, I'm not completely against it. I'm OK with having a drink to loosen up a little (though I rarely do even that - I don't like the taste or smell of most of it, but that's personal preference i guess...). What i hate is that somehow you're obliged to get completely drunk every time you have a chance. I know, it makes you feel good...well, i got somewhat drunk once, and it felt everything but good :x . Luckily, i didn't have to puke after that - which is another thing I hate. I mean, it's just awful, you're 'having a good time' and then people start getting sick, and puking, or even worse, making themselves puke, to 'get it out of the system'. And later they brag how awfully they puked, like it's a championship or something! 8O And then someone starts crying, and somebody just sits and moans...well, it's not always like that, but I don't see what's fun in the whole thing. And the pressure is horrible. Drink this, drink this, you have to, everybody is doing it. And it transforms people. I had a friend who was like me, he made me go to parties with him so he wouldn't be the only sober guy. But then we split, he has new friends at college, and now he's getting drunk all the time. And actually, that time i got drunk it was because he mixed me something other than what i asked him. If i did something like that before to him he would have killed me...
Yeah, i guess i'm a bit exaggerating, but anyway, rant over. 8)


Active member
Oh, beer is not the problem...but it's not enough if you have beer, soon you have to try everything, all the way to absint. yeah, almost killed that same friend i was talking about...


Well-known member
i hate being drunk with SA...it actually makes me more paranoid about not being in control of myself. (especially the next day)


Well-known member
Not only does alcohol lower your inhibitions, it's a good excuse for stupid behavior. For example, you can pretend you get "huggy" when you're drunk, as an excuse to touch women. Not that I ever did such despicable and exploitative things, of course, but I knew some guys in college who used this approach. What pathetic losers! But if you're drunk when you do these things, you can excuse it the next day by saying you were drunk.
i feel a lot better around people when i am drunk. I am way more open and expressive. However the next feels like shit not because of the hangover but because i remember every single action by everyone and i have to over analyze it and shit... i hate it


Well-known member
None of the complaints you have regard alcohol itself, only the people you're around. You clearly are not interested in participating with them or trying to understand the appeal, and seem to regard them with contempt. If this is true, then why would you continue to be around them?


Well-known member
My hangovers are extreme, i'm talking laying on the bed moaning unable to move migraines, scotch is the only drink that doesnt affect me that way so its all i drink, friends tell me weed is better as its natural and you don't get hangovers as bad, i just dont know how to get a hold of the stuff and maybe that's a good thing ...

so because of those reasons i literally cant drink all the time because its not worth the post-fun agony


Well-known member
Alcohol can really be bad if you go overboard. And with me, I tend to have an all-or-nothing personality. So, I either don't touch the stuff for some period time, or I will go all out - to the point where I do some really stupid things. I have had some chill times with not too, too much to drink but it's hard for me to get and stay at this point. I recently drank a bunch, acted stupidly, and vowed not to drink for 3 months.
I don't know I kinda like to drink, I like to have one or two beers each night to help me loosen up and not be so anxious so I can enjoy life a bit more...But to be honest I think that's the only reason anybody really drinks, because they're insecure and think that alcohol makes them more interesting.


freestylemonster said:
But to be honest I think that's the only reason anybody really drinks, because they're insecure and think that alcohol makes them more interesting.

Lol! I 100% agree with that from our point a view but I don't think it applies to everyone. My sister and dad are both alcoholics and they don't seem insecure at all. In fact, they're almost completely opposite. They act almost the same as when they're drunk as when they're sober, just a little more stupid and obnoxious.

Although I, and many others on this site I'm guessing, can't fully relax in social situations without alcohol. It's helped me to make friends, have fun, get boyfriends, and generally enjoy life more. It may not be healthy (mentally or physically), but it's helpful.


Well-known member
Kids, don't drink. Or anyone else. I was stupid to drink last nite, now i'm VERY depressed and feeling VERY much more lonelier because of it. I don't need it, you don't either. Definitely NOT a way to handle any problem, you will just end up feeling worse than before. :cry:


Well-known member
That's the shitty thing about Americans. Moderation just isn't in the vocabulary. Europeans have drinks with meals and don't binge drink. I don't get why here it's different. Eh. Anyways, alcohol is too much trouble.


Well-known member
So smoking pot is the answer huh? :roll:

If you really wanna beat your SA and not be stuck in some dead end job or even worse prison, STAY AWAY FROM THE DRUGS, there much worse than alcohol believe me i've been there. I grew up in a big family, a lot of my aunts and uncles to this day still smoke pot, they are the biggest brain dead losers you will ever meet.

Of course alcohol is no better, you will feel good at first but wait til the next day when you have to go out, your anxiety is DOUBLED so eventually you stop going out and start drinking more, it's a vicous circle.

I have been sober 8 months now (although i fell off the wagon last week, but back on track again). But in that time i did things i didn't think i could ever do again, i got a job (nothing great) but it's a job, i'm finally out of debt, I joined a gym (yeah that ones a shock i know). The point is i would NEVER done these things if i was still drinking and doing drugs.


Well-known member
Slightly off topic but i wonder how much research has gone into the benefits of alcohol. I mean many of us know the pressure alcohol can take off you shoulders. I'm not really saying take it in measured amounts or anything but maybe singling out the certain ingredients that do have decent qualities to them and finding a way to harness them?

heh, im tired so my heads starting to go off in different directions. 8O


I think like someone else said it's not so much the alcohol but the people you're with. There are fun drunks, and there are the annoying drunks and the boring sit down and cry/pass out drunks. Drinking can be fun with friends. But then again, most social activities are more fun with friends. It's a bonding experience, I guess.

As for the benefits, they say that a glass of wine a day helps prevent heart disease. But maybe you were talking about psychological benefits?


Well-known member
I've admittedly had fun with alcohol, but it was the exception. At first, it was the rush that you're so damned fear-free from the booze that made me want to bounce around all over the place.

But yeah, afterward, it gets sickening, and you wonder why you couldn't have just had fun without it. I haven't drank anything in about a year. And for the most part, I don't plan to drink in the near future. Besides, turns out I'm an angry drunk so it'll just get me in trouble. Maybe if I'm with a girl I might drink a couple (two) winecoolers, just to loosen up, but I haven't done that yet.


Well-known member
-_- Marijuana isn't the problem. It's those using it. It's not a plant's fault that someone cannot handle it in an appropriate manner. Same with any other substance. Unless its being forced down their throat/veins, it's the users own responsibility.
jamie99 said:
So smoking pot is the answer huh? :roll:

If you really wanna beat your SA and not be stuck in some dead end job or even worse prison, STAY AWAY FROM THE DRUGS, there much worse than alcohol believe me i've been there. I grew up in a big family, a lot of my aunts and uncles to this day still smoke pot, they are the biggest brain dead losers you will ever meet.

Of course alcohol is no better, you will feel good at first but wait til the next day when you have to go out, your anxiety is DOUBLED so eventually you stop going out and start drinking more, it's a vicous circle.

I have been sober 8 months now (although i fell off the wagon last week, but back on track again). But in that time i did things i didn't think i could ever do again, i got a job (nothing great) but it's a job, i'm finally out of debt, I joined a gym (yeah that ones a shock i know). The point is i would NEVER done these things if i was still drinking and doing drugs.

Alcohol is way worse than pot. Just saying


I really don't know. I get this pressure from my family even though my father and grandparents are all alcoholics!! I really worry about my brothers that they are going to end up the same way.

Maybe people think that you are somehow judgeing them for drinking if you don't drink?

I don't drink because of the alcoholism and because I am afraid I will do or say something really embarrassing. If I'm too drunk to be embarassed at the time, I will be later.