What one thing made right would make you happier in life?


Well-known member
I would like to be more tolerant of people. I'm so quick to judge, so quick to be put off and to feel like I want to escape everyone, while at the same time being completely and utterly unable to handle any kind of criticism myself. I avoid almost all sorts of interpersonal communication whenever possible and have no desire to mingle or be around people. I try not to get involved in things, hate sticking my neck out or being the center of attention. I know it's pretty bad because even with my family, I'd rather wait til the hallway is clear before I use the bathroom, stupid stuff like that. I use anxiety as an umbrella term for what's going on with me, but it is in fact AVPD, and I think if I could get over it for once and for all, I'd be pretty much okay. I just think it can't be healthy to always want to be alone.


Well-known member
AVPD? Avoidant personality disorder? What differentiates that from social anxiety, exactly?

See, this is odd. Everyone is depressed over their love life and I'm not. I'm a grad student, so it's not like I'm still in high school or anything. Perhaps I'm a late bloomer. My bro told me it's either that or I'm gay. Humdeedum....


Well-known member
Ddarko said:
AVPD? Avoidant personality disorder? What differentiates that from social anxiety, exactly?

See, this is odd. Everyone is depressed over their love life and I'm not. I'm a grad student, so it's not like I'm still in high school or anything. Perhaps I'm a late bloomer. My bro told me it's either that or I'm gay. Humdeedum....

That was the official diagnosis, but I don't think there's much difference between all the various forms of anxieties. I know what you mean about the last part though, I'm not big on relationships and feel a certain relief when I'm single, although I do have them quite regularly oddly enough. When I was younger I also in fact wondered if I was gay because of my not feeling into it, but no, not the case.


Well-known member
Kinetik said:
I would like to be more tolerant of people. I'm so quick to judge, so quick to be put off and to feel like I want to escape everyone, while at the same time being completely and utterly unable to handle any kind of criticism myself. I avoid almost all sorts of interpersonal communication whenever possible and have no desire to mingle or be around people.

Yeah I need to be more tolerant of people too, but I don't think it'll ever happen. Ever since I can remember I've been very critical of people, if not outwardly then certainly in my mind. I'm critical of myself too, though I think most people with SA are critical of themselves.

I've accepted the fact that I'm never going to change, and am actually pretty happy being alone most of the time. It's just the constant battle trying to fit-in in a society where this type of lifestyle isn't accepted because it's not 'normal' (we are meant to be social creatures). Thing is, being gay, blind, or deaf isn't 'normal'* either but these attributes are more accepted than being a quiet, stay-at-home loner.

* Hope I don't cause any offence with that statement. I'm using the term 'normal' in the statistical sense here.


Well-known member
Things that have happened to me in my life, have left me with trust issues and this constant feeling that everyone is better than me. This doesn't happen so much in relation to all aspects of my life anymore, as the more I gain confidence in myself and abilities, the less I feel it, but it does in relationships. My partner and I are determined that it won't get the better of us, but if the problem was to end tomorrow, my life would be more beautiful than it is now and definitley less stressful.



Well-known member
Hey Kinetik,

I hope you don't take this too seriously: but I think I can see why you'd get girls pretty easily. I think you're kind of hot!! :lol:

-but, don't take it too personally, because I'm just making a passing comment.

But really, you seem quite well balanced to me with your posts: down to earth, kind and sensible. -These are all very attractive qualities for a person to have. They are things that are rare and important. -And you're pretty good looking as well!

I hope that someday you will find your way, because I think you could end up being a really great individual.

And as far as judging others: this can also be the symptom of feeling out of kilter with things, so that the worst in you shows up more. They are things to think about, yes, but they may also diminish upon taking care of other things and finding your way to balancing out how you feel and so forth.
-Again: don't think I am meaning anything so serious with this post, since I am just forwarding a compliment where I believe one is due! :) You seem like a nice person.


Well-known member
maggie said:
Thelema said:
The dentist is a good place for us. They tell you to open your mouth so there is no possible way they can expect you to talk :wink: Its fun until they try to numb you and it doesn't work so they have to give you another few shots :?
lol..that's why i don't mind the dentist thelema...accept there's this one dental hygenist lady who works there..and if she's cleaning my teeth..she asks me all these stupid personal questions..just small talk really, and she expects me to answer her with my mouth wide open??!! 8O

:lol: that happened to me too. I'm self concious of how my voice sounds already not to mention how I sound with my mouth wide open and a lady scraping my teeth with a sharp instrument.


Well-known member
Ddarko said:
I'm sitting here with the door of my dorm open, and I'm fantasizing about what would happen if I actually took all my clothes off and streaked down to the end of the hall and back.
But maybe I can start with something smaller than streaking down the hallway. Something more people-oriented anyway...... small steps I tell myself... small steps.

:lol: :) You go, Darko!


The one thing that would make me happy? I think finding a purpose in my life. Discover what I actually want to do career wise. I feel quite hopeless because I don't have that.


Well-known member
I would just like to have one close friend (hell, maybe even a boyfriend!) who I shared common interests with and could do things with. I feel that I would be a very active person if only I had someone to do things with. Examples being that I would like to have someone to go to movies with or someone to go skiing with, or just anything really. That would make me so much happier, if I just had ONE person who enjoyed the same things as I do.


Well-known member
PhantomPod said:
I would just like to have one close friend (hell, maybe even a boyfriend!) who I shared common interests with and could do things with. I feel that I would be a very active person if only I had someone to do things with. Examples being that I would like to have someone to go to movies with or someone to go skiing with, or just anything really. That would make me so much happier, if I just had ONE person who enjoyed the same things as I do.

Actually, ditto for me. I've resigned myself to the fact that I will never find this one person, but yeah, it would be nice to have someone to share and do stuff with.