What RELIGION are you?


Active member
Something like that might be possible if the multiverse hypothesis is true: Multiverse - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'm not going to disrespect you... I clicked on the link and I read a brief about the subject before the Table of Contents links that has eight sections on that particular subject.

I just mentally remarked that the stuff of modern science fiction, such as time travel involving Star Trek's TOS in "Mirror, Mirror" or TNG's "Yesterday's Enterprise" was, well just crazy frivolous lore to non-believers in science. Well, at least I can hear major groups of Christians say that, because, well, for the most part, THEY ARE NON-BELIEVERS IN SCIENCE!

I mean, I see their point, if it's not knowledge that is easily accessible, knowledge that is easily understood, knowledge that is easily recorded to share events and conclusions... But... o_O Wow... this could actually be real. Events in "Mirror, Mirror" could actually happen. "Yesterday's Enterprise" or "City on the Edge of Tomorrow" could happen. Somehow... o_O And that's a stunning revelation that a choice of a yes and a no can possibly happen, setting off a cascade of chain reactions in opposite directions. It has or it had since time began.

Interesting storytelling, but fact... o_O I had no idea that could be so... seriously entertained... in some way... BY SCIENCE. Ugh. :/

Why do I suddenly feel so confined in some sort of thick plastic cube? I can see, but it seems to be a prison. UGH. What a number this is, SickJoke. :/

And given all of this craze, what about objects that cannot chose? Does Nature itself make a 50-50 choice or a 75-25 likelyhood/unlikelyhood choice? Or are the events just in particles and protons and other inorganic stuff still going to make one singular "choice," always where a+b=c? One reaction for one event?

This is being discussed as science? I still cannot believe it. We've been wrought in forever-ly behavior that seems to deny science, deny balance, deny the impact of greed... we're so mortal and so cognitively defunct that some of us cannot fathom what Segan talks about in "Pale Blue Dot" or the universe in 2 Dimensions. Some of us laugh and others roll their eyes.

If we ever get to the 4th Dimension or another universe (or get a visit by such a traveler), I'd hope crime would be eradicated in that time in both spheres of reality. I feel so helpless now... if there could be a time in 20 years or 2,000 years that criminals could be universe-hopping, I'd feel like a Native American at that moment, having just met the White Man in the 1500s and catching smallpox and being introduced to alcohol. Gad-zooks!

But for that to happen we would need to be some incredibly evolved beings. It's impossible to say if the human race will even survive another 100 years :eek:

Through your YouTube link of Segan, SickJoke, I found a similar video of some African American scientist or physicist turning on a reported time machine and that was interesting watching, I just had no idea that stuff of fiction, well, it could be real. Watching more of the clips, and though I was dead tired, I was... "Ooookkaaayyyy... hmm, wild. Alright, so this is where human progress takes us, eh?"

What would we see when neural techno-implants are applied? What are the implications? Could we mature or would we be taken backwards still? Would the really big haters among us, those with great power to cause economic, environmental or social harm let us go down this path to enlightenment...?

Is this what 2012 supposed to be about? One or a group of people are able to make a choice to destroy or not to destroy??? :/

Gosh! Thanks alot SickJoke... I think I'm going to, uh, try to use music to take me off this sort of crazy material. After I check on my mail. :/

Maybe I should just look for clips of Gallagher smashing watermelons... Watermelons have no feelings, right? It's okay to share in the glee of humor of breaking apart watermelons, right...? Can the watermelon serve as a receiving entity for my malaise of confusion...? :/ :/ :/


-Jack in WA
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Well-known member
i'm not really associated with any religion. i was raised catholic - went to a catholic school, was baptized & everything, but i don't believe in that anymore. i was so brainwashed when i was a kid. i thought any little thing i did would make me go to hell, haha.

i don't believe in organized religion anymore. they've cause more harm than good. i do believe in 'god' as a sort of universal energy source though, not as the stereotypical old man in the sky. that's just ridiculous.

what makes no sense to me is what was there before there was anything...or if there always has been something. i guess some things we aren't supposed to figure out in this lifetime.


Well-known member
jackinwa said:
If we ever get to the 4th Dimension or another universe (or get a visit by such a traveler), I'd hope crime would be eradicated in that time in both spheres of reality. I feel so helpless now... if there could be a time in 20 years or 2,000 years that criminals could be universe-hopping, I'd feel like a Native American at that moment, having just met the White Man in the 1500s and catching smallpox and being introduced to alcohol. Gad-zooks!

Hahaha, you pose some interesting questions :D

As for crime in an advanced civilization, it would need to be completely eradicated, simply because we would have the capability to create inconceivably destructive weapons.

Carl Sagan says there are 3 stages of advanced civilization:

1, Planet: This is when a civilization unites in order to master its planet, harnessing geothermal energies.
2, Star: Spreading across the solar system and harnessing the energy of a star.
3, Galaxy: Spreading across multiple solar systems and harnessing the energy of multiple stars.

He says the most dangerous step is getting to stage 1 because of internal conflicts. After that it's steady, peaceful advancement. We're getting to the point where it's do or die. Either we reach stage 1 soon or we'll blow ourselves up :eek:

Religion is one of the biggest obstructions :eek:
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Well-known member
Hahaha, you pose some interesting questions :D

As for crime in an advanced civilization, it would need to be completely eradicated, simply because we would have the capability to create inconceivably destructive weapons.

Carl Sagan says there are 3 stages of advanced civilization:

1, Planet: This is when a civilization unites in order to master its planet, harnessing geothermal energies.
2, Star: Spreading across the solar system and harnessing the energy of a star.
3, Galaxy: Spreading across multiple solar systems and harnessing the energy of multiple stars.

He says the most dangerous step is getting to stage 1 because of internal conflicts. After that it's steady, peaceful advancement. We're getting to the point where it's do or die. Either we reach stage 1 soon or we'll blow ourselves up :eek:

Religion is one of the biggest obstructions :eek:

I won't be amazed until we can travel at above light speeds.

I imagine some day I'll be an old man taking a scenic cruise to Saturn.

It's amazing that escaping Earth and curing our diseases isn't our main concern as a species. We'd rather fund better and better ways to kill each other. Imagine if the funding for defense was redirected to education or to curing diseases. In less than a lifetime, we'd have number 1 of that list completed
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Active member
Religion is one of the biggest obstructions

Yes, apparently so. Republicans hassling Obama is so paled in comparison to this. Or maybe it is on the same level.

Republican success = no USA, apparently. That is their admitted goal.

Religion success = no earth, apparently. That is their admitted goal.

Aren't humans great?! Yeah! :cool: :cool: :cool:

Not. ::p:

I can't wait when it's 65 million years from now, when maybe Nature has perfected which species should be lucky enough to be at the top of the food chain. Maybe this next time, things will be made right.

Okay, no "thunder lizards." Okay, no "homo sapiens (maybe, don't quote me on this)." Makes me wonder what's next on the evolutionary scale.

But I got a quarter that says it'll be a carbon-based life form. Any takers? :/

-Jack in WA


Active member
i'm not really associated with any religion. i was raised catholic - went to a catholic school, was baptized & everything, but i don't believe in that anymore. i was so brainwashed when i was a kid. i thought any little thing i did would make me go to hell, haha.

i don't believe in organized religion anymore. they've cause more harm than good. i do believe in 'god' as a sort of universal energy source though, not as the stereotypical old man in the sky. that's just ridiculous.

what makes no sense to me is what was there before there was anything...or if there always has been something. i guess some things we aren't supposed to figure out in this lifetime.

Congratulations for coming to your own senses, Miss Strange... but if this thread is any indication, Mankind still has quite a bit of work to do... :/

And we might fail yet. Possibly. But don't quote me on that... I don't need to be the black sheep of the world, I've kinda been a black sheep in other things, not too willing to go down that road... again.

-Jack in WA


Well-known member
I was born a Muslim, still am, though I'm not that religious. (We're not all the radical let's-throw-a-grenade-and-blow-up-that-building types, of course) Though I contradict myself because I believe Science too.
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Well-known member
I was born a Muslim, still am, though I'm not that religious. (We're not all the radical let's-throw-a-grenade-and-blow-up-that-building types, of course) Though I contradict myself because I believe Science too.

Well at least you're somewhat rational :) The difference is that science doesn't require blind faith.


Well-known member
Well at least you're somewhat rational :) The difference is that science doesn't require blind faith.

That's right. Einstein didn't come up with his theory and said "believe me, because I said so"...it took him 9 whole years to be able to prove it.


Well-known member
That's right. Einstein didn't come up with his theory and said "believe me, because I said so"...it took him 9 whole years to be able to prove it.

Haha, exactly.

And anyone who doesn't believe in science had better not use any technology whatsoever including medicine, electricity, transportation and so on. As a matter of fact they'd better go and live in the wilderness away from civilization.


Active member
I've been in to the law of attraction for about a year now. It's funny cause I think it's mostly a bunch of new age bullshit but yet it seems to be having a positive effect(is that the right one) on me.


Well-known member
I've been in to the law of attraction for about a year now. It's funny cause I think it's mostly a bunch of new age bullshit but yet it seems to be having a positive effect(is that the right one) on me.

It's feel good bullshit. It make you feel like you're doing something by buying their stuff stuff, without really doing anything to solve your problems.

Riddle me this: why would they need you to buy something of theirs; if they can just attract the money and give their products away for free. If you had this World changing power, wouldn't you?

Where is the money going? Are you attracting millions of dollars to yourself? They sure as Hell aren't curing cancer. They're buying cars, boats and houses.

If this was all true, **** the money, let's cure World hunger, cancer, all disease, figure out how to exceed the light speed barrier...well, I guess, to them, they just want the money. Kinda suspicious, don't ya think?
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Well-known member
Sorry to join the thread late. I haven't read back through what's already been said so apologies. But I have a few points to make, if I may. As discussions on religion are often volatile and can get personal easily, I'll try to convey my points as simply and as delicately as I can.

I'm not sure how I'd define myself. First and foremost I'm a human being that is searching for the truth. I don't see this search as a competition between theists and atheists. We're all humans searching for the truth. I have beliefs and you have beliefs. Some of mine are wrong and some of yours are wrong. Hopefully we can help each other to see where we may have gone wrong.

Right now I'd say I'm bordering on the line between theism and atheism. I think there's compelling evidence for both sides. Of recent months however my issues with theism, in particular christianity, have been abounding. There is so much that doesn't make sense. But there are a few threads that keep me hanging on and so I guess I'm writing to see if anyone is able to help me cut these threads.

For simplicity sake I'll just give one thread for now....which is this...if I'm honest, I've noticed in myself a bias....I WANT to believe that God exists. I WANT to believe that when I'm lonely, lost and confused, that there is a GOOD god watching over me and there is meaning and purpose to my suffering. But if there is no God, next time I'm lonely, lost and confused, I'm scared that the despair at this realisation that we're ultimately alone and ultimately have no purpose, will be overwhelming. So my question is this...as an atheist, how do you find comfort knowing that we're ultimately alone in the universe and how do you find meaning, when ultimately there's no purpose and we're all destined to die?


Well-known member
So my question is this...as an atheist, how do you find comfort knowing that we're ultimately alone in the universe and how do you find meaning, when ultimately there's no purpose and we're all destined to die?

We choose our own purposes and find our own meaning as individuals. As an atheist I find comfort in relationships, laughter, a warm bed, and so on - the same ways that everyone else finds comfort - EXCEPT I don't subscribe to belief in an imaginary, grumpy, invisible man in the sky or any other fairy tales.