What to do when so lonely?


Kathryn said:
faithnomore said:
watch every season of "The fresh prince of bel air" its awesome!
lawl sounds good.
I usually look for a bunch of movies on youtube...that makes me feel less misreble, but in the end the pain is still there

Yeah, unfortunately these things only make me escape the world, rather than disappear lol.


Well-known member
I used to be able to reply to people here and there online, personally on msn not just to forums but now I just can't bring myself to do that and sit here feeling lonely and sorry for myself. I post hinting bulletins on myspace hoping people reply but they never do. It's like I'm immobilised.


Well-known member
I never sit and mope, in fact that's one of the worst things you can do! I do everything I can to get my attention away from the loneliness by doing loads of stuff...for one I play the piano and I love that :) Go for a walk, read a book, chat on SA world, anything! As long as you stop focusing in loneliness. And most important...have hope and faith in your life no matter how bad your situation..


Well-known member
I rarely get lonely but sometimes I feel the need for people and if no-ones around t gets me deppressed. if i lie around dwelling on it it gets worse so i turn the negative thoughts into anger at the world and this fuels me to go out and exercise. Running is great, or do some sport or actvity where you need to be so focussed on the job that you dont have time to think about anything else. I recommend taking up guitar and surfing for ultimate escapism though the second might be difficult if you live miles from the sea.



There are times that I just feel sad as I think if what I'm doing is worthwhile and I also feel sad sometimes when I think about my single status. But then, what I do is that I count my blessings. I often remember that I have a caring family, close friends, a job and the freedom that comes with being single. I also remember, especially during sad times, all my past achievements and when I do this, I get the strength and the courage to go on with life.

These usually works for me and I hope these will work out for you too.



Active member
Do something that you enjoy. Anything, be it playing games, posting on forums, or reading.. I like watching movies and TV shows. We're on the internet, it shouldn't be hard to find. ;) If you're looking for TV series to watch, I recommend LOST and The Wire.

Pick up a new hobby to preoccupy your time. This way you have something productive to do. learn how to draw, pick up a musical instrument and learn some songs.

Exercise! - I exercise regularly, going to the gym.. relieves stress, lowers down your depression and keeps you fit! I want to pick up some form of cardiology though, like running/slow jogging.

There's alot of things to do with your life, even if you're lonely.